Live tweeting session Detection and Mitigation: Developing Monitoring Tools to Ensure Quality in Interviewer-Administered Data Collection at #AAPOR
First is Joe Murphy (RTI) presenting A Dashboard for Field Survey Data Quality Management
Why an *interactive* dashboard?
Different users, different needs
Gives user control to what they need
Solution: Adaptive Total Design dashboard
* Web-based interactive design
* Both study- and IWER-level metrics
* same framework across projects
Many data sources:
Survey control system
QC system
Financial data system
Ad-hoc databases
Implemented in R Shiny
External clients connect using a web-authentification
Note to self: they have a bookmark option button on the dashboard.
Also an option for automated alerts
There is also a cross-project platform. In the future include additional metrics and apply falsification detection indicators Ina more standard way.
Next presenter is Kate Bachtell (NORC) presenting Finding Proof in Your Points: Beta Test Results for a Data Science-Driven Quality Assurance System
NORC Proofpoint: NORC quality assurance dashboard, built from SAS
Their dashboard include a real-time falsification score, which computes the probability of falsification at the interviewer-level and then aggregates up to the IWER.
Results: in SCF, 27 of 45 cases flagged as falsification were confirmed. Interviews were re-conducted.
Next speaker is Scott Glendye presenting Something’s Missing: Improvements in Interviewer Nonresponse Detection and Correction
Tools developed by Field Quality Monitoring team at the US Census Bureau to resolve interviewer issues in up to 48 hours!
Dashboard to improve item nonresponse
Looking for clusters of items that are correlated with each other
Identify missing rates in some items for interviewers to tailor recommendations and guidelines that they could use to improve that behavior
Hawthorne effects concerns -- some interviewers could be behaving in malicious ways given the monitoring of their activities
Live tweeting the panel of Elections and Nonresponse now here at #AAPOR
First is Cameron McPhee (SSRS) presenting Underestimation or Overcorrection? an Evaluation of Weighting and Likely-Voter Identification in 2022 Pre-Election Polls
2022 Election Polls did really well, with maybe some under-estimation of Democrats
Live tweeting the #AAPOR session The Panel on the Panel: Development and Testing of a Probability-Based, Nationally-Representative Survey Panel for Federal Use
First is Victoria Dounoucus (RTI) presenting Qualitative Work to Inform Contact Materials and Baseline Questions for the Ask U.S. Panel Pilot
Cognitive interview in Microsoft Teams for ~1 hour, with 30 interview (21 in English, 9 in Spanish)
Phillip Hastings (PRAMS) talks about maximum nonresponse bias in PRAMS. Seeing @rrandridge as one of the co-authors, I'm expecting to see some Pattern-Mixture Modelling and maybe even some SMUB or SMAB metrics.
Oh yeah, we have some Proxy Pattern-Mixture Models and some sensitivity analysisbright at the 3rd slide! My favorite approach to deal with Missing Not at Random!
For more about Proxy Pattern-Mixture Model, I recommend the excellent paper by Andrige and Little (2011):…