#Xicheng A/B/O AU Age Gap, Older O!JC, Younger A!LXC

"So when are you even going to start mingling?" Jiang Cheng heard his bestfriend of many years, Nie Huiasang, casually say over his cocktail.

The mellow sound and quiet bustle of the bar not masking his fed-up tone.
The omega looked incredulously at his friend before taking a sip on his own cup.

"And what made you think I would?" He asked, grimacing at the thought.

Huiasang almost slumped at the table, his eyes wide. "Because!" He said as if it explained anything.

Wanyin rolled his eyes.
"Jin Ling's been in college for almost 2 years now. Your nest is finally empty after 20 years and baby you are hot in the market and you're not selling!" He threw his hands up, shaking his head at the wasted specimen that is his friend.

Alphas were throwing themselves at him!
"You're stupid. What are you even talking about? I'm middle aged, I'm old and frankly I'm too tired to be dating anyone at my age." This time it was Jiang Cheng's turn to shake his head at his friend's antics.

It isn't the first time he tried to open him to the idea of dating.
But after the devastating loss of his family leaving him and his only nephew alone in the cruel world, his omega has adopted the babe and geared him to be maternal and protective of the only family he has left.

There was no time to fall in love when you're trying to survive.
And Huiasang knew all that, and he supported him in every step of the way.

But he also understood that Jiang Cheng let many opportunity for himself just to protect and stay witg his little Jin Ling.

And despite what he says, he believes his friend deserves his own soulmate.
"You and Jin Ling literally looked like brothers. Hay, if you just allow yourself, I swear all the alphas and even betas drooling over you would jump at the chance!

You just looks so lonely now that Jin Ling's out in college. You're having empty nest syndrome!"
"No I'm not! And Jin Ling goes home during breaks." Jiang Cheng says defiantly but his heart does feel lonely, he feels alone. Still it doesn't mean that he needs to date.

"I don't know where you're getting that people are lining up for me. I'm past my peak. I'm 42!"
"Besides everyone is scared of me. I'm not the most pleasant person there is." Jiang Cheng remembers the staff's face whenever he glares at them if there's a mistake.

He's defiant, stubborn, difficult and harsh. And those aren't traits many people, specially an alpha, looks for.
Huiasang wanted to shake his friend for his self deprecation but he could only sigh.

"Ugh, just wait, you'll see what I'm talking about. One day an Alpha pf your calliber will finally be brave enough to pursue the electric omega." He predicts, "I bet on it." He smirks.
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and giggled. "Yeah, let's see if that time will ever come." He said in mocking as they finished their drinks.

"Well it was nice drinking with you. Thank you for indulging this lonely old omega." He jest, putting a hand on his chest in fake gratitude.

That was a few nights ago when Jiang Cheng, deep in his mind, body and soul, believe himself to be past his peak. That no alpha would find an omega like him favorable.

Or at least that was what he thought until that new alpha recruit came and flipped his world upside down.
I'll have to stop here for tonight. Sorry I started so late, I had lots of work to do. 😭

But I'm happy that I'm back to writing. Baby steps, and may this signal my full comeback to writing about my beloved Xicheng.

See you again tomorrow! I hope I'm not so rusty with this. 😅
Jiang Cheng felt like today would be a great day.

It could have been from the early call from Jin Ling, some small talk and greetings.

Despite what he says, he missed the boy. It's the first time they had separated but he was glad to hear him and his friends getting along.
He entered his office with a slight tilt on his lips. Even with his scent blocker, some of the delighted pheromone leaked out.

Many were following his scent yet he remained oblivious.

He read his emails, answered some calls and proceeded to do his work surrounded by numbers.
His eyes caught a particular email from HR, he simply skimmed it, remembering that they'll get some new hires.

And like a devil being summoned, he felt a presence beside him. His face scrunched as he looked up to see Wen Chao's smug face.

He grimaced when the Alpha came closer.
Being the CEO's son has given the quite underwhelming alpha some nepotism and now he's handling recruitment as the HR head.

He's not very pleasant, even more when you're an omega. However ever since his father and his very strict mother got him a bodyguard/babysitter he's tamer.
Still, even if he's a spoiled brat he's the youngest son of his boss and he can't be so unpleasant.

His face twitched as he tried to conjure a more welcoming disposition.

"And why are you here Wen Chao?" He asks as politely as he could, the alpha folded his arms and explained.
"Did you not read my memo? We have new recruits starting today. I'm here to escort your new personnel." He replied, making Jiang Cheng quirk an eyebrow.

Wen Chao is escorting someone? And a new personnel? He didn't request one.

His mouth turned down, "I didn't request one."
Wen Chao crossed his arms and puffed up his chest, looking as if he did something great.

"Ha you should be grateful for your department being chosen for my cousin to train with. He's a great Alpha with lots of potential. And he's the future heir of the Lan Corp!" He bragged.
Ah, so that's why Wen Chao is out of his office besides harrassing employees, is because he's buttering up his cousin.

His lips turned lower and his eyes squints to a glare. Are they making him babysit another nepo baby?

Granted he heard the Lans are stricter than the Wens.
Still it's not a great first impression.

Jiang Cheng grunted under his breath about stupid alphas and their stupid advantages. (Of course Jin Ling is different, his nephew is a great man and an even greater alpha.)

He placed his head on his hands as he schooled his expression.
He smiled, albeit strained, "Well, aren't you going to introduce them?" He asks, wondering what kind of person is this man's cousin.

He's also quite curious about the Lan heir. He heard they're quite the gentleman and courteous. But like any old families, preferred their Alphas.
Is he as arrogant as most alphas he met? Cocky and full of himself?

Whatever it was — His lips quirk up in a smirk — he's prepared to trample their pride if they ever looked down on him for being an Omega.

Wen Chao fetched the other alpha from the group of hires and he waited.
Jiang Cheng drummed his left hand above the table, his previous happy pheromones going sour from the irritation.

Still he reeled in his scent, breathing in and out to make it return to neutral.

He didn't have to wait long as he could hear Wen Chao's voice along the corridor.
He could feel everyome's excitement and curiosity for the new hire.

The door opened and walking besides Wen Chao was the new Alpha under his wing.

Jiang Cheng's eyes quickly scanned him up and down. Immediately noting the impressive aura of a dominant alpha.
Wen Chao was talking the other's ear off, his attention focused om his cousin allowing Jiang Cheng to further analyze him.

He was very handsome, despite being young, his face was already carved like a beautiful jade, exquisite. With those brown almost golden eyes are impressive.
He could feel his presence and how domineering it could be.

Yet his face was like the sun. His gemtle smile looked genuine and his pleasant mood was even calming him down when he was feeling skitish earlier.

The omega gulped. He seemed to have underestimated his opponent.
Finally Wen Chao must have started to introduce him, the young Alpha looked up and roamed his eyes around, assessing the new enviroment before those golden orbs landed on Jiang Cheng's own silver.

He felt the force of his presence even more. He could feel his spine tingling.
"A-Huan this is your new supervisor, Jiang Cheng, he'll be taking care of you. And likewise, Jiang Cheng this is my cousin Lan Xichen, I hope you'll give him a warm welcome." Wen Chao introduced them.

Jiang Cheng stood up before them, still feeling that heavy stare.
He stared back. A business smile on his face as he nodded his head.

"Nice to meet you. Let's work well together." He offered his hand which broke the younger man's trance.

"Thank you for having me, Mr. Jiang." Xichen clasped his hand tightly. A surge of electricity burning him.
He pulled his hand away from the sudden shock. The omega blinked his eyes, chuckling awkwardly and rubbing his hands.

"Sorry must be static. Uh, anyways, we are glad to have you here. Ms. Mian Mian will get you up to speed, if you have any questions feel free to inquire them."
Lam Xichen was still looking at his hand then at him. Something he can't decipher swirling on those golden eyes.

"Well I'll leave you to it. If ylu have any concern don't hesitate to tell me, okay cousin?" Wen Chao chuckled, before leaving them.
"Your seat will be beside Ms. Mian Mian. For now she'll teach you the documents we prepare and our processes." Jiang Cheng started, trying to distract himself from the electric feeling that's still crawling on his body.

He feel like heating up when Xichen looked at him again.
Xichen stared at him for a few seconds before his smile came back and he bowed his head.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang. I hope I'll learn a lot under you." He says and Jiang Cheng felt warm, his lips unconciously quirking up.

"I hope you can keep up. I work my staff to the ground."
He winked making some of his staff laugh. Xichen chuckled too and he smiled even bigger.

"Now go to work ." He shooed them and they proceeded to their spot.

/Maybe this alpha wouldn't be so bad./ Jiang Cheng thought, oblivious of the assessing eyes that stared back at him.
Still, his body starts to feel hotter. Jiang Cheng flipped his calendar and found that his heat is creeping close.

But he hasn't felt any of the effects of heat since taking suppressants. Maybe after twenty years he needs a higher dosage. His maternal instinct are also waning.
Jiang Cheng is unaware of his body slowly changing.
Jiang Cheng could feel the heat creeping up his whole body. He hadn't felt such strong pre-heat symptom in such a long time.

He felt his collars tight, sweat beading at his temple. His scent was starting to turn sweeter and he had to slap another patch on his neck to contain it.
He's done well to hide it though. His staff none the wiser that he's suddenly being thrown off his cycle.

He's managed not to alert any of them until the end of shift, with the suppressants finally taking an effect in the end after he took another.

He was ready to go home.
He just wanted to curl up in his nest, maybe chat with Jin Ling if he's available and let the simmering heat leave his body.

He was so ready to go that he let his guard down as the end of the day come.

Oblivious as usual, he missed the new set of eyes that's been observing him.
Mian Mian left Xichen a first task and report to complete for the day and now he's passing it to the omega for inspection.

The young alpha was quick on the uptake and wanting to give a good impression, he was sent to show his commendable work.

He approached Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng quirked an eyebrow, pleased with Xichen's work on his first day. He was impressed.

At least he's not just full of hot air.

He smiled at the alpha and handed the documents back. "Not bad for your first work, you'll fit here well I think." He said sincerely.
But when their hands touched briefly, there was that spark again, and the fire that he thought he already doused with medicine flared up, the poor scent patches was no match with the sudden blooming of an omega whose heat was repressed for years.

All he could see was gold.
Everything starts to get blurry and his head was filled with white noise as the pain from his first full blown heat hit him in his gut.

He felt like drowning, his mouth opening in a gasp yet all he could take in was the strong sandalwood scent as another blast of pheromone hits.
He was starting to lose conciousness. He thought he heard growling? There was panic in the background as the alphas react to the blast of fertile scent.

He was slicking up, and it was making them wild with want. Jiang Cheng felt fear from the oppressing Alphan presence.
Out of instinct, his hands flew to cover his neck and while he wore a collar it was only thin enough to manage his scent. One bite and it would tear.

It was chaos in Jiang Cheng's mind as the pain, want and fear all clashed in his head.

Until a shadow felt over his prone form.
He looked up and through tears blurring his vision, he could see that gold again.

The young alpha was covering him. His dominant scent purging the lesser ones as if staking his claim, allowing the betas to manage the other alphas.

The omega opened his mouth but closed it again.
He was helping but he also wasn't. His pheromones felt suffocating as it invades all of Jiang Cheng's pores, making his omega want to present at the verile alpha before it.

He's never had such a reaction to an alpha. His omega always hated them, he thought because of Jin Ling.
He could see the younger alpha slowly losing control as well, his mouth dripping with saliva as he growled loud and threatening. The sound was making him ever more wet.

His omega preening at the strength of the alpha.

But he doesn't want this, not like this. He's scared.
But he was starting to lose control as well. His mind slipping through as the heat progresses.

There was a battle between his head and his body and he felt like he was losing.

Black dots were starting to form in his vision, he could see Xichen leaning closer, fangs descended.
No one can touch a territorial alpha with an in-heat omega if they want to live.

His whole body trembled, in fear or in anticipation he doesn't know anymore but his grip tightened.

He couldn't hear anything anymore besides their labored breathing, his whines and his grunts.
Their foreheads touched and he felt that sizzling stroke again, fanning the desire in his body, yet also making him feel as if he's being protected.

The signals he's getting was very confusing, he can't keep up with it!

"Breath, I won't harm you. I protect what's mine."
Then his head was shoved into Xichen's neck where his gland was and he's pelted with the same sandalwood smell. It made him sensitive and calm at the same time.

He felt the younger alpha's arms bind him, completely encasing his body.

It was too much, his body finally shut down.
Before he lost consciousness he thought he heard someone purring.

"I've finally met you. Mine. My omega."

Then the world turned black.

• • •

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Feb 28, 2023
#Xicheng 🔞

It was all too sudden, his back hits one of the high walls, a strangled gasp leaving his lips as his breath was stolen from him.

But before he could even utter a small painful yelp, his mouth was covered by something. Aggresively plundering the inside.
He gave out a choked answer, his tongue swirling with another as his mouth fills with their shared saliva, some even escaping, rolling down his chin as the man above him move their lips together.

One hand on his chin tilting it up, the other gripping his waist tightly.
His arms lay limp on his side due to the sudden attack of it but as the other continued with his assault on his lips, his mind turns to mush and his legs becomes as soft as jelly, he could only raise his arms and wound it over thick shoulders to support himself.
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Jan 26, 2023
#HappyJiangFam A/B/O

It was not a surprise when their littlest one got his sub gender test and shows that he's an omega.

Starting at earliest of 6 years old, little A-Cheng has been making his little nest as if he knew that he'd need one.

Taking various items from his family.
JFM is still proud that his scent heavy work suit was the first to enter the nest and became it's foundation.

Little feet scurrying to bring the big fabric down from his Baba and Mama's room. His family was confused at first before realizing what's happening.
JFM hurriedly took his camera as they sneakily (not really) followed JC on his own room and watch him put it on a thin matress, little fingers smoithing it down before plopping on top and nuzzling his face on it.

He rolled a few times before he nodded and proceeded to find more.
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Jan 23, 2023
#xicheng royalty

Jiang Cheng wonders how he got himself into this situation.

An orphaned beggar like him has no reason to be face to face with the Son of the Heavens, tyrant King of the Gusu Empire.

He only wanted to find something he could sell in an abandoned palaquin he saw
Poor Jiang Cgeng thought he found a treasure chest when he found the red carriage abandoned on the side road, bordering on the forest where he and his toddler nephew resides in one of the hidden caves inside.

Inside he found a few chest of glittering jewelries and a red dress.
His eyes sparkles like the gold and precious stones littered. His rumbling tummy gurgling as if he could already taste the foods he could buy with these.

He fisted the gems and coins. His heart thundering, thinking how he could hide his treasures.

He put them neatly in the box.
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Dec 4, 2022
#Xicheng Modern AU Reincarnation

Jiang Cheng huffs as he threw away the garbage for the night, with the back of his hand he wiped the trickle of sweat from his brows.

He bent his back and sighed at the refreshing crack of his spine.

The day was starting to bleed into darkness.
Another busy day finished. He stretched some more, trying to get the kinks out of his body.

Helping out with his sister's restaurant was hard work but it gave him something to do during vacation and allow him to get more money.

He's been wanting to buy a gaming console since.
Sure his parents or even his sister could buy it for him but he felt too spoiled by them and this time he really wanted to try being independent.

Maybe too young for a high school student but something in him felt too constricted with the pampering he recieves.
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Oct 24, 2022
#Xicheng Angst is where O!JC and A!LXC had been in love since they were teenagers, mated and wedded by their 20s.

They were happy, JC truly love LXC and vice versa. But after years, he still can't bear a child. He was frustrated until that test finally showed positive.
He was eager to show his mate, finally their wishes were answered but when his Alpha came home, he immediately smelled another omega with him.

Opening the door, JC was face to face with his Alpha holding an Omega who was clearly pregnant.

"A-Cheng, I found my soulmate."
JC was too stunned to speak or react. He could only turn to the side as his Alpha brought the Omega inside their home.

He followed them to the living room where LXC fixed thier guest water and a few crackers.

LXC looked at him, pain clear in his eyes.
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Sep 19, 2022
#Xicheng #MingCheng A/B/O MPreg

It was supposed to be one time only.

Having lost their parents early, JYL and JC had a deep bond between them.

So when YL asked JC for that favor he couldn't say no.

A Beta and Alpha pairing made it hard for JYL and JZX to conceive.
He on the other hand found out - from annual physical exams done for omegas- that he has unsually high fertility as a male omega.

He had even gotten a lot of propositions before from Alphas but his disdain with them stopped any advances.

But now this "gift" of him could help.
He and his sister talked one day, a few years after her marriage with the Jin.

JC was happy to see YL. And happier to see her utterly loved and content even if it was due to that prick.

And he looked humble when together with YL, they asked if he could surrogate for them.
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