By deleting specific emails, an attacker can reduce the chance of the victim spotting unusual activity.
You can build high quality detections to spot this activity. A 🧵with real-world examples...
Account takeover (ATO) activity in M365 can involve various unauthorized actions performed by an attacker who has gained control over the account.
Of the ATO activity we identified in M365 in Q1 '23:
50% of all ATO in M365 we identified was for New-inbox rules created by the attacker to automatically delete or hide certain emails from the compromised account.
By deleting specific emails, an attacker can reduce the chance of the victim or email administrators spotting unusual activity.
Of the New-Inbox rules created by an attacker in M365 in Q1 '23, 54% were named “.”, 18% were named “..” and 16% were named with a single alpha character.
The most common Inbox-rules actions setup by attackers? To automatically delete specific emails or mark certain emails as “read” and then automatically move them to the “Archive” and “RSS Subscriptions” folders.
OK, here are some real-world examples:
Rule name: "."
Applied to: This rule will be applied to emails that have the words, `Payroll on hold`, in the subject or body.
Action: Emails matching this rule will be moved to the `Archive` folder. The emails will be marked as read.
Here's another one:
Rule name: "l"
Applied to: This rule will be applied to emails that have the words, `proposal;hack;phish;password;compromise`, in the subject or body.
Action: Emails matching this rule moved to the `RSS Subscriptions` folder. Emails will be marked as read.
Rule name: ".."
Applied to: This rule will be applied to emails that have the words, ;blocko;hacked;phishing;malicious;suspicious`, in the subject or body.
Action: The emails will be marked as read. Any emails meeting this rule will be deleted.
This @ExpelSecurity blog we wrote back in 2019 has more details, M365 log examples, and guidance on how to think about detecting this activity. It's worth a read if you're struggling to wrap your arms around BEC/account compromise/ATO.
Top 3 #M365 Account Takeover (ATO) actions spotted by our SOC in Q1:
1. New-inbox rule creation to hide attacker emails 2. Register new MFA device for persistence 3. Create mailbox forwarding rules to monitor victim comms and intercept sensitive info
More details in 🧵...
50% of ATO activity in M365 we identified was for New-inbox rules created by an attacker to automatically delete certain emails from a compromised account. By deleting specific emails, an attacker can reduce the chance of the victim or email admins spotting unusual activity.
25% percent of ATO activity we identified was for the registration of a new MFA device in Azure. Registering a new MFA device allows an attacker to maintain persistence.
We're seeing more and more M365 session cookie theft for initial access....
A #SOC analyst picks up an alert and decides not to work it.
In queuing theory, this is called “work rejection”–and it’s quite common in a SOC.
TL;DR - “Work rejection” is not always bad, but it can be measured and the data can help improve performance. More details in the 🧵..
A couple of work rejection plays out in the SOC. The most common:
An analyst picks up an alert that detects a *ton* of benign activity. Around the same time, an alert enters the queue that almost *always* finds evil. A decision is made...
The analyst rejects the alert that is likely benign for an alert that is more likely to find evil.
Let’s assume the analyst made the right call. They rejected an alert that was likely benign to work an alert that was evil. Work rejection resulted in effective #SOC performance.
What does a #SOC tour look like when the team is remote?
TL;DR - Not a trip to a room with blinky lights - but instead a discussion about mission, mindset, ops mgmt, results and a demo of the tech and process that make our SOC “Go”.
SOC tour in the 🧵...
Our SOC tour starts with a discussion about mission. I believe a key ingredient to high performing teams is a clear purpose and “Why”.
What’s our mission? It's to protect our customers and help them improve.
Our mission is deliberately centered around problem solving and being a strategic partner for our customers. Notice that there are zero mentions of looking at as many security blinky lights as possible. That’s intentional.
A good detection includes:
- Clear aim (e.g, remote process exec on DC)
- Unlocks end-to-end workflow (not just alert)
- Automation to improve decision quality
- Response (hint: not always contain host)
- Volume/work time calcs
- Able to answer, “where does efficacy need to be?”
On detection efficacy:
⁃ As your True Positive Rate (TPR) moves higher, your False Negative Rate moves with it
⁃ Our over arching detection efficacy goal will never be 100% TPR (facts)
⁃ However, TPR targets are diff based on classes of detections and alert severities
Math tells us there is a sweet spot between combating alert fatigue and controlling false negatives. Ours kind of looks like a ROC curve.
This measure becomes the over arching target for detection efficacy.
“Detection efficacy is an algebra problem not calculus.” - Matt B.
Before we hired our first #SOC analyst or triaged our first alert, we defined where we wanted to get to; what great looked like.
Here’s [some] of what we wrote:
We believe that a highly effective SOC:
1. leads with tech; doesn’t solve issues w/ sticky notes 2. automates repetitive tasks 3. responds and contains incidents before damage 4. has a firm handle on capacity v. loading 5. is able to answer, “are we getting better, or worse?”
How to think about presenting good security metrics:
- Anchor your audience (why are these metrics important?)
- Make multiple passes with increasing detail
- Focus on structures and functions
- Ensure your audience leaves w/ meaning
Don’t read a graph, tell a story
Ex ⬇️
*Anchor your audience 1/4*
Effective leaders have a firm handle on SOC analyst capacity vs. how much work shows up. To stay ahead, one measurement we analyze is a time series of alerts sent to our SOC.
*Anchor your audience 2/4*
This is a graph of the raw trend of unique alerts sent to our SOC for review between Nov 1, 2021 and Jan 2, 2022. This time period includes two major holidays so we’ll expect some seasonality to show up around these dates.