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May 23, 2023 143 tweets 46 min read Read on X
med student Chay and cold and abrasive neighbor Kim who somehow has more injuries every time Chay sees him, that Chay is always insisting on patching up while Kim sits there scowling and either staring at him, or pointedly ignoring him
Chay doesn't have a crush on him. really, he doesn't. he just. looks for him, every time he comes and goes from his apartment, eyes scanning the hallway, lobby, elevator. whenever he doesn't see him for a few days, and then when he sees him again, his heart rate picks up
and he has to take deep breaths to pull himself together and not be Weird about it. he doesn't have a crush on Kim. they barely even talk, when they do see each other. Chay just quietly frets over him and drags him into his own apartment and sits him down on the
toilet lid while he pulls out his first aid kit and sets to work. this situation has happened about a dozen times so far, and the only words Kim has said are his name, "you're relentless" "im fine" "it's not as bad as it looks" and "it's late, you should be sleeping"
before shoving the takeout bag he had been carrying into chays hands and limping out of chays apartment and back into the night.
so. their interactions are limited, and they aren't even friends, and Chay is pretty sure Kim hates him a little for being so nosy and invasive
(brb drs appointment )
so maybe it's been a little while since they saw each other. Chay is busy with med school and isn't really home all that much, and Kim is basically a cryptid, showing up and then disappearing, impossible to predict
but Chay comes home one day and finds Kim sitting on the floor outside his door, leaning against the wall and on the verge of passing out, leaving smudges of blood and dirt on the off-white paint
and Chay is a little pissed because why the fuck is Kim sitting here waiting for /him/ instead of going to a hospital!? who knows how long he's been sitting here! what if Chay hadn't come back when he did? Chay is maybe being a little too harsh with his scoldings, but he's Upset!
and Kim just smiles at him. it's the first time Chay has seen him smile, and his teeth are a little stained with blood which should be gross, but. he has a really pretty smile even like this, and he mutters something that sounds a little like
"wanted it to be you" and chays not really sure what that's supposed to mean, but the anger bleeds out of him anyway
Chay unlocks his door, and he pretty much has to carry Kim inside bc he almost collapses the moment chay pulls him to his feet. but he gets him inside and onto chays bed, a towel laid out to protect his bedding from the blood
there's.. definitely more blood than usual. until now, Chay hasn't asked Kim. his own brother used to do underground fighting, so, Chay had suspected Kim was the same. but, one of kims injuries this time looks like a knife wound, and even illegal fights have rules
hes trying to figure out how to ask Kim what it is that he's been doing, who it is who's been hurting him, but by the time he finishes treating the wound and looks up at Kim's face, the other man has fallen asleep
Chay washes up for bed, and then lingers again in the bedroom for a little while, watching Kim. he knows he's being a little creepy, but theres a pretty man covered in blood and bruises sleeping in his bed, so can you really blame him for looking?
Kim's face looks a lot softer in sleep. the cold scowl is gone, and he looks.. young and gentle, and a little sad. and he's so pretty even with the bruise blooming on his cheek and the split lip.
eventually, Chay heads out to the living room and lays on the couch to sleep
Kim is gone when he wakes.

he doesn't see him again for a while.
Kim is screwed.

he was screwed from the first time his bright and sunny neighbor dragged him by the wrist into his apartment and spent the next 20 minutes fretting over kims injuries and patching them up.
this same thing happened repeatedly over the next few months, and. yeah. Kim is screwed.
Chay is like.. the first warm and sunny day after the rainy season, when the flowers start to bloom again
usually when Kim gets hurt, he limps home and does his best to treat the worst of the injuries and then pass out in bed, or on the floor if he doesn't quite make it there, in hopes that he'll just sleep it off.
but lately, when he gets hurt, he finds himself thinking of Chay, and of his gentle hands, and his soft voice while he scolds Kim for being careless or stupid, and tells him to take better care of himself, and asks him if it hurts and...
he finds himself thinking about chay a lot.
he could blame it on the fact that he's been getting hurt more often — he's getting close to finally taking down his father's crime syndicate, but that means it's getting more dangerous, too — he could blame it on the fact that, well, it's natural to think about
about the person he's hoping will be around to patch him up afterward.
but he knows it's more than that too.
he starts looking forward to seeing Chay, and he knows it's fucked up, but he stops trying so hard to avoid hits, because he wants Chay to take care of him
no one has ever taken care of him like Chay does, and he's greedy and desperate for every crumb of tenderness Chay offers him
and then he gets a little ambushed one day, and it's fine, he's got it handled, but he took a lot of hits, and a knife to his side, and it's not deep enough to be dangerous, but it's enough to hurt and bleed. and it's the first time that he seeks out chay
the first time he's the one to go up to chays door, instead of letting Chay intercept him in the hallway. but there's no answer when he knocks, and he kind of just. slumps to the floor.
hes not sure how long he sits there, but his vision is a little splotchy
and it's getting harder to stay awake. and he feels a little delirious when Chay finally shows up. he's so relieved to see him that he barely even hears what chay is saying, barely even registers the anger in his voice, and he just smiles.
he doesn't remember much after that. but he wakes up in chays bed eventually, and it's early enough that it's still dark but, it's morning, and he slept through the night in chays bedroom, and Chay is asleep on the couch when Kim drags himself out into the living room
and it's all suddenly too much, and terrifying. he doesn't know how he became so dependent on Chay, and how he allowed himself to trust a stranger so much that he'd fall asleep in their bed, and how he allowed himself to become so preoccupied
with the thought of this boy and his sunny smile and gentle hands and. he feels a little in over his head.
he doesn't trust people, and he doesn't care about people, and he doesn't.. fall for people. but somehow, Chay has broken down his walls
just by looking out for him, and taking care of him.

so Kim does the reasonable thing and flees.
he goes home, and spends the next few weeks carefully avoiding Chay every time he comes and goes from the building
he can only avoid him for so long. the day he takes down his father’s right hand man... he's lost some blood, and he might have a concussion, and he's too focused on getting home and hiding in the dark where no one can touch him for while
that he doesn't keep a lookout for Chay in order to hide from him. and he's kind of stumbling down the hallway, hunched over, one hand out against the wall, and the other clutching his bleeding thigh. the bullet is still buried in him, and it's Distracting
and suddenly Chay is right in front of him, blocking his way and filling his narrow field of vision
"I was starting to think you'd already died," he says. Kim blinks at him and says nothing, instead quietly shuffling forward and dropping his forehead against
#kimchay chays shoulder, taking some of the weight off his own legs. Chay is muttering out a stream of increasingly creative swears, wrapping an arm around his waist and hauling him the rest of the way to chays apartment door.
hes back on the toilet lid in chays bathroom now, stripped down to just his boxers, while Chay rummages through his first aid kit, eyes flicking over Kim every few seconds
"were you trying to sneak past me again?" he asks, not looking at kims face.
"do you have a death wish? a bullet wound that almost hit an artery and a concussion – you'd have been dead by morning if you didn't get treated. are you stupid? what about your family and friends??"
Kim snorts out a little laugh. well. his father would rejoice
he doesn't say this. he doesn't say anything. he grits his teeth as Chay turns his attention to his thigh. he's surprised that Chay has surgical forceps in a home first aid kit, and this he /does/ comment on, because it's. a little sus.
#kimchay "im a med student and my neighbor keeps showing up with increasingly concerning injuries. of course I have forceps. at this point I'm thinking I need a fully stocked clinic in my apartment" Chay says.
"it's almost over," Kim says, without meaning to.
the conversation ends there for a while. chay is too busy digging out the bullet, and Kim is too busy trying not to pass out, because, it's /not/ a fully stocked clinic, and the medicines Chay has are over the counter, and really not effective against
a bullet wound and needle and thread. by the time Chay has him stitched up and bandages, Kim is barely holding himself upright.
hes in chays bed again, a little while later, in a pair of sweatpants that are too big for him, while Chay looks over his other
less serious injuries. his eyes have drifted closed by the time Chay speaks.
"what did you mean, it's almost over?"
"you said, it's almost over" Chay says. "what is?"
"oh." it's not like Kim can tell a near stranger his life story, no matter how pretty and gentle and warm the stranger is... not like he can tell him that soon he'll be facing his father directly
and that, if he's lucky, he'll kill his father and dismantle his whole crime empire and, hopefully, save a lot of people, and if he's not quite so lucky, well. it'll be over either way.
it's not like he can tell Chay these things. but he /wants/ to.
he also wants... he wants Chay to know, that he might not make it back home, next time, and that it'll be pointless no matter how much time Chay spends looking through the peephole of his door waiting for Kim to show up in the hallway
and he kind of wants Chay to know that.. Kim also spends a lot of time looking through the peephole of his own door for a glimpse of Chay, and that he thinks about him a lot, and that he's never had someone take care of him like Chay does
he wants to know if Chay will still look for him if he's gone, and if his absence will mean something. his absence has never meant anything to anyone.
"p'kim, I need you to say something," Chay says. he sounds upset, suddenly. "i need some kind of explanation. I'm going crazy, and if you disappear without a word again I swear I'll never talk to you again"
Kim is silent for a moment, and Chay speaks again, stumbling over his words.
"I know I'm no one to you and i–"
"I won't," Kim interrupts.
"I won't leave without a word" /you aren't no one to me/ he doesn't say. it feels like too much.
"I'll tell you, just..."
"just not right now?" Chay finishes for him, sighing. Kim opens his eyes and looks at him.
"in the morning," Kim says. he hasn't quite decided if he means it yet. but he's tired and in pain and he can't think about it right now
he meets chays eyes, for a moment, and Chay seems to be studying him, looking for something in his expression, some kind of truth or promise or something, and maybe he finds it or maybe he just gives up, because he gives Kim a nod and a quiet "okay"
Kim lets his eyes fall closed again.
"get some rest," Chay says.
Kim drifts, and he dreams of a quiet voice singing a soft lullaby, and he wakes at dawn to find Chay asleep beside him, hair mussed and lips parted slightly.
there's a brief moment where Kim considers running away again before Chay wakes, but, with the state of his leg, he knows he probably won't make it to the front door without disturbing Chay out of his sleep, and also. he doesn't/want/ to
so he doesn't. he drags himself into a sitting position and looks down at Chay sleeping beside him, watching the way his eyes move behind his eyelids, lashes fluttering, and watching, a little later, as he stretches and blinks his eyes open
chays gaze lands on Kim almost immediately, and Kim can't even bring himself to care about being caught staring, when Chay flushes and quickly sits up, rubbing a hand over his face to hide his shyness.
he gets up without saying anything, disappearing from the
room and then showing up again a few moments later.
"there's a new toothbrush on the bathroom counter for you" he says. "you shouldn't drink coffee with a concussion, but do you want tea?"
Kim blinks. he knows there's nothing between them
but there's a strange domesticity to this whole situation that makes his chest ache with want.
"sure," he says, voice rough. "thank you."
Chay hurries off again, and Kim hobbles awkwardly to the bathroom to brush his teeth
cringing when he looks at himself in the mirror. he looks a little rough in the morning light, split lip scabbed over and bruised cheek an angry purple. definitely not winning anyones heart looking like this..
by the time he makes it out into the small
living room / kitchen, Chay is busy at the stove, and there's a mug of tea, a cup of water, and a bottle of pain pills on the side of the table nearest to Kim.
he sits down and sips the tea as he watches Chay, and blames it on the pounding ache on his head
when his eyes burn and water when Chay sets a plate of food in front of him. the only people who have ever cooked for him are people who were paid to do so.

it's not a big deal.

it doesn't mean anything.
Chay is looking at him expectantly, when he finishes eating.
"the explanation?" he prompts.
Kim takes a deep breath.
"there are some very bad people," Kim says awkwardly. "and I'm trying to stop them. and I'm close to taking down the leader."
Chay stares at him for a few minutes, and kim.. he's not shy. he's never been shy, but, he kind of wants to curl in on himself and disappear right now, under chays heavy gaze.
"like a mafia?" Chay asks eventually?
"why do you have to be the one to take them down? why not the police, or..."
Kim doesn't know what possesses him to respond with the truth, but it suddenly feels important that Chay knows. that /someone/ knows, that... he's not sure
"because he's my father," he says. and part of it is that hes the best person to do it, because no one knows his father's weaknesses better than him. but the other part of it is that he's the best person to do it, because no one has been hurt more by his father than him
he doesn't look at Chay as he says this, staring down at his teacup as he runs a finger up and down over the slope of the handle. he's not sure how Chay will react to it, and he also... well, it's not something he likes to think about, much less talk about
"...your father..." Chay says on an exhale. still not looking up, Kim hums in confirmation. "he's the one who's been hurting you?"
Kim doesn't know how to respond. he feels a little out of breath, suddenly.
Kim forces a smile and looks up. Chay is watching him with a frown, eyebrows drawn together.
"it's almost over," Kim says again. "I'm close to taking him down."
chays expression doesn't smooth over like Kim had been hoping.
if anything, he just looks even more upset.
"are you doing this all alone?" he asks.
Kim shrugs, "yeah."
"you /do/ have a death wish."
Kim would argue that he doesn't, but, he knows very well that he might be marching to his death, and he is undeterred by it
Chay is looking at him with an expression Kim can't read, and the feeling in his own chest is one he can't name. it's uncomfortable, and it makes him want to run away and hide.
Chay doesn't say anything else, just collects their dirty dishes and places
them in the sink, and then leaves the room, returning again with the first aid kit.
"take off the sweatpants," he says. Kim feels his face flush. "let me check your leg"
neither of them speak as Chay checks his stitches and changes his bandages
"you should..."
Kim looks up at Chay. there's a slight blush dusting his cheekbones, and his eyes avoid Kim's.
"you should stay here for a few days," he says. "so I can..make sure you don't get an infection."
Kim wants to reject the suggestion. it's a bad idea. it's dangerous, and he has things he needs to do, and... he can't let himself get used to this.

he wants to get used to this.

Chay looks like he wasn't expecting Kim to agree, like he was expecting to have to fight for it, and Kim's answer seems to send him reeling for a moment. he stands up from the chair he had dragged over and pushes the sweatpants back into Kim's hands
"um, I guess, make yourself at home? I need to... run out quick. but I can help you pick up some things from your place when I'm back? you should, uh, try not to move much for the next few days," Chay waves a hand up and down, gesturing to Kim's body
Kim awkwardly shimmies back into the pants without getting up, and then lets Chay help maneuver him to the couch and put his leg up. he /can/ walk on his own, and he already has this morning, but he's also not gonna argue with Chay putting his hands on him
he thinks the pain and exhaustion are getting to him. hes usually a lot more put together and reasonable.

maybe it's the concussion.
if he was smart he would use chays absence as an opportunity to snoop around the apartment and learn a little more about the stranger who so insistently pushed his way in to Kim's life, but. it's really the concussions fault.
there's nothing else to it, when Kim spends the entire time chays gone unmoving on the couch, dozing under the soft blanket Chay has set beside him. it smells like the bed he had slept in last night. like chay. it's nice. he refuses to think about it
Hes startled awake abruptly when Chay returns. He's carrying a lot, and stumbles a bit in the entryway, something clattering to the floor. Kim's eyes fly open at the noise, and he's stumbling to his feet in an instant, wincing and falling back onto the couch
pain lancing through his leg and head pounding.
"sorry!" Chay squeaks, and then quieter, "sorry, are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you."
sorry I wanted to post more today but I'm too tired lol 💜
Kim shakes his head at the apology and looks Chay over. he's got a few bags of things, and there are crutches on the floor where he dropped them.
"stocking your clinic?" Kim jokes, trying to smother the emotions forming a lump in his throat
at the thought of Chay doing all this for him.
Chay grins, looking a little flustered. he sets the bags on the little coffee table, and then goes back to get the crutches.
"I uh, got crutches for you! but that doesn't mean you should be on your feet much yet"
"...thank you," Kim says as Chay props the crutches against the arm of the couch.
Chay smiles brightly at him.
maybe Kim has a bit of a fever? he feels a little warm, and injuries can cause fevers sometimes. he had a fever the last time he was shot..
he brushes his hair out of his face to inconspicuously check his own temperature, but he can't really tell.
"If you wanna pick up some things from your place i can help you," Chay says, and Kim agrees maybe a little too quickly.
he only second guesses himself when they're at his door, and chat holds his hand out for the key after Kim's failed attempt to balance himself on the crutches and unlock the door.
hes never let anyone into his space, and especially not /this/ space
it's the first place hes lived with zero ties to his family, and it felt like a safe haven. to finally have a place of his own, where no one could see him, where no one knew him, where he could come and go without eyes watching, and where he could
hide without fearing every dark corner or potted plant alarm clock and whatever cameras might be hidden there, where he could curl in a tight ball with his hands over his head and not fear judgement or punishment.
hes never let someone else into his space.
he hands Chay the key and watches him unlock and push open the door.
for some reason, Chay doesn't quite feel like someone else
he hobbles into the apartment ans flicks on the light in the main room, giving everything a cursory glance to make sure nothing is out of place. everything is as he left it, and he lets out a quiet breath of relief, and then glances back at Chay as he steps into the
room and looks around, eyes wide and expression curious.
it strikes Kim, suddenly, how... lived in chays apartment looks in comparison. decorated with photos and knickknacks, little pieces of chays life scattered about in the form of books and papers
and clothes that never made it to the laundry basket.
Kim's apartment, as much as it feels like a safe place, has never felt like a home, and it doesn't look like one, either.
Chay seems to be thinking the same thing, maybe, because his expression falls slightly
as he looks around, only putting on a small smile when he notices Kim watching.
he follows Kim as he makes his way back to the bedroom, which is better, slightly, than the rest of the place, with a bed piled with soft blankets and a closet full of clothes
still, there are no photos or artworks, no books lying about, or things out of place. it feels a little sterile, suddenly. Kim says nothing as he pulls things from his closet, back to Chay.
"what do you do?" chay asks suddenly.
"like, besides try to take down the mafia, I mean."
Kim huffs out a laugh.
"music," he says. "I'm a producer."
"really?" there's a spark of interest in chays voice. "I used to want to do music, too."
"what made you change your mind? to med school," Kim asks
"my brother was like you," Chay says, an edge of pain in his voice. "always getting hurt. someone had to be able to fix him up."
"oh." Kim isn't really sure what to say. he's not really good at talking to people in general, but he's especially not good at comforting
"does he live in the city?" he asks awkwardly.
"no," Chay says. "i don't know. he hasn't been around for a while."
Kim falls silent, thinking of his own brothers.
he tries to avoid thinking about them too much, most of the time.
tries to avoid thinking of kinn, so tightly held on his father's leash, unaware that a leash can so easily become a noose and still chasing every bit of praise or food tossed his way. tries to avoid thinking of khun, hidden away in his tower and living in a fantasy
where nothing hurts and no one can touch him.
tries to avoid thinking of what will become of them both when the tower of their fathers empire comes crashing down. tries to avoid thinking about how much they must hate him, or how much they /will/, soon
Kim looks up at Chay after he's finished shoving a few changes of clothes into a duffle bag and finds Chay watching him carefully.
he swallows and drops his gaze again, feeling a little stripped bare under chays scrutiny.
"do you have siblings?" Chay asks, as if reading Kim's mind.
"yes," Kim says quietly, turning away and limping toward the small ensuite bathroom.
"do they know...?" /do they know what you're doing?/
"that must be really lonely," Chay says
and a breath whooshes out of Kim's chest, leaving his lungs empty and wanting.

they don't speak again until they're back in Chay’s apartment, and Chay finds places for Kim's things and insists that Kim sit and rest.
between the bullet wound and the concussion, Kim really does very little for the first couple of days. he half-watches the dramas Chay has playing on low-volume on the tv, and checks his work emails on his laptop, and absent-mindedly plays on the guitar chay
brought out from the closet it had been hidden away in.
mostly, though, he watches Chay.
chay had apparently told his professors he had a family emergency and wouldn't he attending his lectures and labs for a few days, and he spends most of his time
hunched over textbooks, notebooks, pens and highlighters scattered around him.

Kim learns a lot about him, over the course of these days.
he learns that Chay is an orphan, and he was raised by an irresponsible uncle and his brother. really, it was mostly just his brother.
he learns that in his last year of high-school, his brother took a mysterious job out of the city and never returned, leaving behind
only a letter and enough money to get Chay through the next months.
he learns that Chay sold the house a few years later, moved to this little apartment, and used the money to fund his schooling.
he learns that Chay is just as alone as he is, if not more.
he also learns that Chay smiles more than anyone he's ever met, and that he laughs loudly, and when he's really happy, his laugh goes squeaky and breathless.
he learns that Chay falls asleep in the strangest positions, and it's a wonder his neck isn't
in constant pain.
he learns that Chay has very little food in his kitchen, and tries to give Kim the bigger portions, and that his eyes go wide when Kim offers to order food instead. he learns that Chay stares longingly at the pizza shop
on the food delivery app on Kim's phone, but claims vehemently that he hates pizza.
he learns that Chay cries during the sad scenes of the dramas on TV, and hums quietly to himself when he's focused on something
he learns that Chay is a morning person, and that he looks beautiful in the hazy glow of sunrise.
and that he cuddles in his sleep, and then pulls away when he wakes and tries to pretend that nothing happened, when he doesn't know that Kim is awake, too.
he also learns something about himself: he's in love with Chay.
tbc 🥰💜 sorry for the wait on this one!
top of thread
it doesn't matter if he's in love with Chay. nothing can come of it. this time they have together is fleeting, this domesticity is a temporary pipedream. when his leg recovers enough for Kim to leave, he'll have to bid Chay goodbye and go off to finish what he started.
it will do him no good to get caught up in a fantasy where he can love Chay freely and tell him and make something of it. he won't let himself be so greedy and selfish, no matter how much he wants to.
the most he can do is look
the most he can do is lay a blanket over him when he falls asleep studying again, and order the good curry and milk tea that Chay likes but says he saves for special occasions, and watch the smile light up his face when Kim plays along on the guitar to the
song chays been singing all week.

this is the most he can do.

this continues for two and a half weeks.
Chay isn't home all the time, of course. he returns to his classes after the first week, but even after Kim's stitches are out and the wound is healed enough to walk on without tearing open again, chay just continues to say "you should be well enough to go home soon"
it's always "soon" and never "now" and Kim wants this too badly to leave without being told to.

he needs to leave soon. he has a job to finish, and the longer he waits, the more time his father will have to prepare.
Kim has decided, though, to give himself this little sliver of life at the edge happiness. its the only chance he'll get at it.

Chay throws a wrench in his plans.
they're on the couch in the living room, one evening midway through the third week, and Kim has been messing around on chays guitar, experimenting with a new melody, and Chay had been typing up some report on his laptop.
but when Kim finally looks up, laying his fingers flat against the strings to still the vibrations, Chay's computer has been set off to the side, and Chay is watching him with an unreadable expression.
Kim blinks, holding his gaze, uncertain.
and then chay is lurching across the space between them, and pressing his lips against Kim's.

Kim is frozen in place.
it's almost almost before it even begins. Chay is pulling away again, cheeks red and eyes wide.
"im sorry, I misread, I–"
"no," Kim blurts. "you didn't. I just..." he can't. he can't start this only to tear it out of their grasps a moment later.
Chay is staring at him, eyebrows furrowed and lips parted.
"if I... after it's over, I'll give you anything you want. I just need to finish this first, I need to stop him first."
there's a small glimmer of hope in chays eyes at first, but it's gone in an instant
something half anger and half sadness washes over his face.

"you're not expecting to make it back," he says, voice quiet with the realization.
Kim isn't sure how to respond. he carefully lifts the guitar out of his lap and sets it against the coffee table, afraid to meet chays eyes.

"is that the only reason?" Chay asks. Kim looks up at him in confusion.
"Is that the only reason you won't? because you think you won't survive this?"
"if it weren't for this thing with your father, would you want to? would you want me?"
"whose feelings are you protecting? because if its your own, I'll accept it and let you go, but if it's mine, I don't want it."
Kim stares at Chay, feeling a little baffled and breathless.
"chay..." he says again, uncertain. "I don't want to hurt you."
"do you like me?" Chay asks, ignoring his words. Kim closes his eyes.
"do you want me?"
a slow breath, and a slower exhale.
"then can you let me decide? whether it's worth it. because it's going to hurt either way, but –"
Kim opens his eyes again, and sees Chay shifting closer again.
"–but if this is going to be my only chance," chay says, a determined heat in his voice, "then I want to take it. if you'll let me."
Kim feels a little dumbstruck, and it's a moment before he really processes what Chay is saying.
and he can't bring himself to refuse anymore. he wants this too badly to pretend he doesn't. he's breathless and wanting and his chest is empty and aching with desire
it still feels like too much to verbalize that, somehow. too vulnerable, or too much like /taking/, but he gives a small nod instead, and it's an answer enough for Chay, who smiles softly, and closes the gap between them once again.
chays lips are soft and warm and insistent against his own, more self-assured this time, less hesitant, more demanding. and Kim lets himself kiss back, sink into it, lets Chay maneuver him into a better position by a hand on his neck and deepen the kiss.
his lips part in a silent gasp when Chay's fingers weave into his hair and tug, and then Chay is licking into his mouth and pressing even closer, pushing Kim down against the couch cushion.
Kim is dizzy with it, grasping at chays shoulders and arms as he kisses back.
he's never had this, with anyone. the most he's ever done with anyone was kiss, and not like this. short and fleeting. his inexperience is embarrassing when he thinks about it, to be nearing his late twenties and having done so little.
but intimacy always looked dangerous, from where he was standing, and there was never anyone he dared to let close enough, no one he bothered knowing enough to want this with them, and he had other, more important things on his mind anyway, it wasn't a priority.
but it leaves him feeling a little unsteady and over his head, now, to have never...
he can tell Chay knows what he's doing, from the way he's kissing Kim, and the way he's touching him, and maybe that's a good thing, if Kim can just let him lead and not think about it.
hes apparently not doing a very good job at not thinking about it, because Chay seems to pick up on his uncertainty eventually, breaking the kiss and drawing back just slightly to look down at Kim.
"Kim? is this okay"
Kim gives a firm nod, trying to catch his breath.
Chay gives a litte smile, trailing a hand up Kim's neck to cup his face, the pad of his thumb trailing over his lips.
"we won't do anything you don't want," he says. Kim swallows and shifts under his gaze, letting his own eyes fall closed again.
"I want," he responds
okayy tbc maybe a little 🔞 tomorrow.. this has gotten a lot longer than intended, as is the case with everything I write..
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