NEWS: Elon says Twitter 2.0 has entered its comeback arc, in a new interview at the WSJ CEO council summit.
He also hints his new AI company, X . AI, may have a similar relationship to Tesla and Twitter like OpenAI has to Microsoft.
More from the interview with Elon:
- Twitter may reach cash flow positive next month.
- Twitter will be hiring, already has started to hire some new staff
- Will Twitter be a public company again in 5 years? Elon says “I don’t know”.
(will update the thread with more soon)
Elon says he believes AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) will happen this decade, in the next 3-6 years.
He also adds that X . AI is intended to be a third major player between OpenAI and DeepMind - more details on this project are coming soon, he says.
Elon comments on his work schedule: He tends to prefer to spend a whole day working on each of his companies. Today for example is mainly a Tesla day, though he will be at Twitter later. Tomorrow will be a Twitter day. He has some Twitter meetings scheduled for later.
Twitter has got rid of “well over 90%” of scams and bots on the platform post-acquisition, Elon says. It is now much harder to operate an effective bot farm on Twitter.
The team has also been able to defeat almost all of the “troll armies” that used to brigade certain topics.
Elon confirms he has spoken with Linda on that he will continue to speak his mind using his Twitter platform, and she’s happy with that. He also says, on their approach to content moderation, she is aligned with him on the goal of sticking close to the law in each country.
Elon explains Twitter 1.0 was focused on a metric called mDAU (monetizable daily average users), but when this was examined more closely, many of these "users" would never actually visit Twitter ; they might see a notification on their phone but never click into the site.
Post-acquisition, Twitter 2.0 now instead tracks “true user seconds” of screentime, reported to Twitter by iOS, Android and the web browser - for mobile, this counts the amount of time the app is in the foreground. Elon says this is the “most rigorous way” to assess this.
Elon on overstaffing at pre-acquisition Twitter: “There were a lot of people [at Twitter 1.0] doing things that didn’t seem to add a lot of value.”
He also says that’s probably true of most Silicon Valley companies, though maybe not to the same degree as at prior Twitter.
Elon: In any company there are people that help move things forward, and people who try to slam the brakes.
He says Twitter 1.0. was in a situation where in a meeting with 10 people, 1 would bring an accelerator and 9 would bring a set of brakes.
In contrast, Elon says Twitter is now “gung-ho” about launching new features, even if there’s a bit of risk (not too serious) to site stability.
Elon: "We have introduced more functionality in the last 6 months than Twitter has in the last 6 years."
Interviewer: Do you regret buying Twitter or are you happy you bought it?
Elon: Well, all’s well that ends well.
Interviewer: Has it ended well yet?
Elon: I think we’re, hopefully, on the comeback arc.
We might add a bit more later, but here's the full interview. Worth a listen, pretty solid questions from the interviewer and some good answers.
He says advertising will always play a role in X's revenues, but at some point, eg 10 years from now, it may not play the largest role. It will be the largest source for atleast the next few years.
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NEWS: Stanford internet Observatory (SIO) is shutting down.
‘Twitter Files’ revealed that SIO actively collaborated with Twitter to suppress information they knew was factually true.
Stanford Internet Observatory’s Virality Project had countless people—mostly Stanford students—reporting millions of Twitter posts that didn't comply with theirstandards.
Even posts that were factually true faced censorship if they didn’t conform to the subjective whims of SIO officials.
NEWS: Here's what Elon told 𝕏 staff at the all-hands meeting:
- X is aiming to roll out full payment+financial services by end of 2024
- Creator payouts will increase "significantly"
- X could launch a dating feature
- X's video player will be integrated into TVs
- X is seeing >500 million posts and over 100 billion impressions per day
- Elon thinks X can build a viable LinkedIn competitor via @XHiring
- X is rapidly achieving feature parity with Youtube in its video player, and could exceed it.
Elon said that X's progress over the past year may be the fastest change out of any internet company.
NEWS: Here's the highlights of Elon's roundtable with Jewish leaders discussing X, free speech, Antisemitism and the recent ADL controversy.
Elon started by pointing out views on Antisemitic content are down >>30% since the Twitter acquisition.
Elon: Multiple third parties, using full data sets, have also concluded the same that impressions on Antisemitic content is down.
Elon challenges anyone who claims the opposite to provide evidence.
Elon points out that Walter Isaacson, who apparently is Jewish, spent 2 years following Elon and speaking to his contacts. Walter didn’t find any evidence Elon is Antisemitic.
Elon also says he first visited Israel when he was 13.
NEWS: FBI and White House coerced social media platforms into removing posts, appeals court rules.
It also said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention likely violated the First Amendment, though its actions were "not plainly coercive."
According to the appeals court, the agencies are forbidden from taking actions "formal or informal, directly or indirectly, to coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce, including through altering their algorithms, posted social-media content containing protected free speech”