As a newbie in Data Analysis📊 that is starting out with Excel, it's is important to not just know Excel Functions but understand the building blocks of an Excel Function.
A Thread🧵
What is a Function?
A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in a particular order.
There are 3 parts of an Excel Function
1. "=" : Equals sign
Every Excel formula from basic to complex must start with the "Equals" system. It simply tells Excel that this is a formula, and it should evaluate it.
2.Function name:
This is simply the name of the Excel Function or formula that you want to use. For example SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX etc.
3. Function Arguments or Parameters:
This is the value provided to obtain the function's result. It is also a specific input to a function.Arguments can be numbers, text, logical values such as TRUE or FALSE, arrays, error values such as #N/A, or cell references.
•Key notes:
-In using the Excel Function Arguments, you must use the colon character "()" , which is also called PARENTHESES, to enclose both individual cells and cell ranges.
-Many Excel functions accept multiple optional arguments, which are denoted with an ellipses (...)
I hope you find this helpful as you keep on learning about Excel as an aspiring Data Analyst📊.
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As a Data Analyst it is very easy to forget some easy and simple EXCEL Shortcut keys📊
Yes! It's Monday and a reminder of these shortcut keys will make your work easy and less stressful😊
A Thread🧵
•Ctrl + W: Close a Spreadsheet
•Ctrl + O: Open a Spreadsheet
•Alt +H: Go to HOME tab
•Alt + N: Go to INSERT tab
•Alt + P: Go to PAGE LAYOUT tab
•Alt + A: Go to DATA tab
•Alt + W: Go to VIEW tab
•Alt + M: Go to Formula tab
•Alt + H, A, then C: Centre align cell content.
•Alt + H, H: Choose a fill color.
•Alt + H, D, then C: Delete column.
•Ctrl + Shift + End: Extend the selection of cells to the last cell on the worksheet (Lower- right corner).