Life of 7 budding engineers of #AssamEngineeringCollege ended in a tragic accident in Guwahati.
BIG questions: 1. What were these 10 students from Assam Engineering College Hostel No 7 doing outside post midnight? 2. How were they allowed to leave the campus? 1/n
3. Where is the accountability and responsibility of college administration? 4. What are the rules and regulations? or there are none?
As I am from the same fraternity, I can make following observations:
A. Blame lies squarely on college admin. 2/n
B. Each of the hostels have a superintendent but how many times in a day he visits hostel. Forget about times in a day, they seldom visit hostels.
Why shouldn't they be held responsible?
C. There is no SOP for hostel boarders or even if there is one it's just for namesake. 3/n
D. Why there is no security at gates of the campus? It is a premier institute in NE and to think that it's campus is free for all is unthinkable.
E. College administration are very casual as far as hostel management is concerned. 4/n
F. Lastly, blame also lies on these students. How cud they be so reckless and irresponsible? their recklessness led to their death.
Death of these 7 engineers is due to a complete failure of College Administration, irresponsibility of hostel super & yes recklessnes of students.
We can pin all the blame on the deceased students,but remember there is a BIG ❓over the entire college administration & hostel management. They have let down the students a big time. I request @CMOfficeAssam to institute a high level enquiry into this & punish those responsible.
Friends, let me take you on a journey through the dark alleys of #MatchFixing, where system was manipulated for a sinister purpose. It's a story of how the system was played to create a false narrative of Saffron Terror by the then UPA govt.
How a conspiracy was hatched by the then govt to brand Hindus as terrorists. And in this devious game, an innocent Army officer was implicated. His valour was question, he was tortured and remained in jail for over 9 years.
Worst the then govt ignore important intels which would have prevented 26/11.
All for what? For votes, for power! This eye-opening movie will leave you shocked & questioning the motives of those in power. Don't miss #MatchFixing, a tale of greed, corruption, and betrayal.
#SheikhHasina & the wrongs she did.
A. She liberalized the economy
B. She attracted foreign investment
C. She raised living standards
D. Boosted garment exports
E. Prioritized education & healthcare with free textbooks for kids.
F. Kept radicals on tight leash
And she is ousted.
The incredible transformation of Bangladesh under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina is a case study. She not only brought about all-around reform, but also kept radicals and terror elements in check while turning around the economy.
But some question her decision to give quota for 1971 war heroes. In my opinion, it's a small price to pay for those who sacrificed their lives for our country.
Those opposing are the elements closer to Pakistan, the heart of terror and radical Islam
PRESIDENT OF INDIA MUST SEEK AN EXPLANATION FROM CJI : What happened on Saturday when CJI and six judges were watching Suvarna's Bharatnatyam at Chinmay auditorium at 6 p.m. ? Who called CJI ? Not once, not twice but thrice.
And everytime, he rushed out to take the calls.
The call certainly was from।someone very important. Why else would CJI leave a show in between to take the calls. The calls and the caller can't be ignored.
What happened next was something extraordinary!!
CJI, breaking all protocols and procedures, constituted 2 benches, one after the other to hear upon the bail application of #TeestaSeetalvad . What was the rush? Was it some kind of life and death situation? Was the world coming to an end?
कांग्रेस की पूर्व लोकसभा अध्यक्ष मीरा कुमार ने नए संसद भवन को मंजूरी दी थी.
वर्ष : 2012
भवन : नई संसद निर्माण
PM : मनमोहन सिंह
पार्टी: कांग्रेस
क्षेत्रफल: 35,000 वर्ग मीटर
लागत :3000 करोड़
( महंगाई के अनुसार 2020 के लिए रकम होगी - 3900 करोड़ )
अब जानिए
वर्ष: 2020
भवन: नई संसद निर्माण
PM : नरेंद्र मोदी
पार्टी : भाजपा
क्षेत्रफल : 65,000 वर्ग मीटर
लागत : ₹ 970 करोड़
कांग्रेस का कोई भी काम उठा कर देख लो बगैर दलाली, बगैर भ्रष्टाचार के होता ही नहीं था ।
ध्यान देने का बहुत गंभीर तथ्य यही है कि मोदी जी के राज में इसी संसद भवन का क्षेत्रफल 'दोगुना' किया गया है.
लेकिन लागत एक चौथाई है....👍
क्यों कि कोई दलाली नहीं है, कमीशनखोरी नहीं है.
भारत की शान हो तुम
वीरता की पहचान हो तुम
मातृभूमि पर खुद को न्योछावर कर
प्रेरणा की श्रोत बन गए हो तुम
एक बार नहीं हर बार नमन
ऐ वीर तुम्हें हर बार नमन
देश की निःस्वार्थ सेवा की जो राह दिखाई
चलेंगे सदैव उस राह पे हम
याद रखें वीर सावरकर ने हमेशा यही कहा था हम हिंदू तब तक है, जब तक आप मुसलमान हो, अन्यथा हम तो विश्व-मानव हैं। हमको हमारे शास्त्रों ने सिखाया है-वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम, पर हां वो तब तक लागू है अगर आप भी वैसा सोचे।