THREAD: Harvard’s top censorship magazine, The Misinformation Review, bragged that “mis/disinfo studies” is “Too Big To Fail,” owing in part to big money flowing from government.
2. “Disinfo studies” merges social science (psycho, sociology, comms) w/ computer sciences (AI, machine learning), converging on a common target (law-abiding citizens) to censor on social media. Social science teams make “network maps” of targets for comp sci teams to take down.
3. Gov’t Money Sustains The Industry:
The Harvard Misinfo Review report begins its “Too Big To Fail” argument by citing “A broad range of funding bodies and governments [that] have devoted significant financial resources” to academic departments involved in censorship studies.
4. Academia as The Government’s Censorship Mercenary Army:
@FFO_Freedom showed how in just two years of the Biden Admin, 64 gov’t censorship grants were given to 42 different US universities. This incredible range covers every level of America’s higher ed institutions:
5. For wonks, here is a database @FFO_Freedom compiled of all the ways academia is being funded by the National Science Foundation for censorship work (ie, ‘mis/disinfo studies’):
Harvard has 4 different centers all involved in various aspects of social media censorship operations.
- Belfer Center
- Berkman Klein Center
- Shorenstein Center
- Kennedy Center
7. Academia As Government Censorship Outsourcing Sites:
Harvard Belfer Center was tapped by DHS’s censorship agency, CISA, to lead “disinformation” training sessions for 2020 election officials. Harvard instructed these officials to create “response teams” to censor posts online
The Belfer Center’s censorship squad is helmed by a former DOD Chief of Staff and Army intelligence officer whose unit was named the top intelligence unit in the country by the CIA:
9. The Harvard Belfer Center’s spook squad recruited none other than Robbie Mook, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, to lead its “counter-disinformation” ostensibly nonpartisan work with DHS on election censorship:
10. Harvard also recently scooped up Jacinda Ardern for a new censorship job at the Berkman Klein Center there.
Ardern, the former PM of New Zealand, famously decreed her own government the “single source of truth” about Covid and instructed citizens to “dismiss anything else”:
11. Ardern’s new Harvard censorship job will have her crafting censorship standards to push on tech platforms, pressuring politicians to punish platforms who don’t censor enough, & being the “social science” side of censorship advisory to comp sci teams.
12. The tens of millions of taxpayer dollars flowing to “mis/disinfo studies” at Harvard & 40+ colleges are a giant in-kind contribution to the DNC.
The Harvard report even concedes the entire academic field was born as a response to “Brexit and the election of Donald Trump”:
13. Naturally, Harvard’s Belfer Center partnered with EIP to drive CISA’s 2020 election censorship effort, perhaps the largest volume of political censorship in human history.
If it weren’t for USAID’s censorship funding and NED’s censorship operational network, there would still be a free Internet in Brazil. And Jair Bolsonaro would still be its rightfully elected President.
The “Benz breaks news that seems too crazy to be true” to “Bombshell Congressional report showing everything is true” 2 years later pipeline remains undefeated 👑
The link for the original FFO report on all this (25 pages long, 250 hyperlinks, 15 embedded videos with confessions from all key actors involved) migrated to this new link since we first posted the above thread:…
2 weeks after Tucker interviewed Pavel, the CIA-founded Radio Free Europe (run directly by the CIA for its first 20 years), ran a long piece insinuating Russia was secretly controlling Telegram & Ukraine must seize control of it instead as a military intelligence imperative.
Straight out of a Benzpill lecture, the piece begins by lauding how wonderful Telegram is for (CIA-backed) rent-a-riots in Belarus, Iran, & in Russia itself. It applauded Telegram’s 2014-2020 era bc Pavel never gave in to the foreign gov’ts the CIA was using Telegram to topple.
72% of Ukraine uses Telegram. It was only 20% 2 years ago. So now everyone, including Ukraine’s military & high-level politicians, are all there using it for war & business. If Russia has a Telegram backdoor, the CIA-founded media org argued, Ukraine is totally, totally screwed.
pop star mega-hottie Dua Lipa was given a formal award by the Atlantic Council (Pentagon-funded, State Dept-funded, CIA cut-out funded) for using her activist voice & reach to promote NATO’s political objectives in the Balkans
I do feel, for science, I need to drop this in the thread for fellas to appreciate how effective this… NATO soft power technique… can be
The Atlantic Council has 7 CIA directors on its board, is funded by the Pentagon, the State Dept & cut-outs like the National Endowment for Democracy, and had a formal partnership to kick deal flow to Burisma
This is outrageous. Sander van der Linden has been working directly with both DHS & the US State Department thru his Cambridge U censorship center, which also gets Google Jigsaw funds, & here he is advocating the UK gov’t ban US company X from the UK. See thread below for more 👇
The DMV is run by the Department of Transportation. That means the DMV’s registering of illegals to vote is being run by Pete Buttigieg, the former military intelligence officer beloved by our CIA Blob class.
“Media darling Pete Buttigieg was in unit that worked with CIA in Afghanistan” from @TheGrayzoneNews…
@TheGrayzoneNews And from the Department Of You Can’t Make This Shit Up, the centerpiece of Pete Buttigieg’s living room is a huge resource-and-mineral map of Afghanistan