Very often, we witness uninformed idolization of the party known as CPI (Marxist). This thread serves the purpose of collecting several sources on their distortions of marxism, chauvinism and gruesome atrocities against the masses.
Marichjhapi, when the revisionists actively ordered the furious massacre of hundreds of Dalit refugees whose bodies were thrown into rivers:
Annu Jalais, April 2005 – ‘Dwelling on Morichjhanpi’ , in Economic &
Political Weekly, Vol. 40 No. 17,
Annu Jalais, June 2005 – ‘Massacre’ in Morichjhanpi’, in Letters to the Editor in Economic & Political Weekly
Ashok Mitra, May 2005 – Letter to the Editor in EPW
Ross Mallick, February 1999 – ‘Refugee Resettlement in Forest Reserves: West Bengal Policy Reversal and the Marichjhapi Massacre’, in The Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 58 No. 1, pp 104-125
Jagadish Chandra Mondal, 2002 –
‘Morichjhanpi : Behind the Curtain of Silence’, [Bengali]. Kolkata:
People’s Book Society
Ranjit Kumar Sikar, July 1982 – ‘Marichjhapi Massacre’, in The Oppressed Indian
Documentary about the Boranagar Massacre of Kolkata when over the course of two days in 1971, goons of the CPM, Congress and the state forces jointly murdered more than 100 revolutionaries:
On Tapasi Malik, the 16 year old woman and activist from West Bengal who was r*ped and murdered brutally by CPM goons with evidence:
The award-winning documentary 'India Untouched: Stories of a People Apart' also shortly deals with the way CPI/CPM organizations..
are dominated by the oppressor castes, with their sole claim for hegemony on village-level resulting in attacks of goons on dalit opposition in the context of elections.
Sexual Harassment and Silencing of Victims (+ Casteism):
How Kerala's ambitious 'Silver Line Project' is expected to result in massive environmental damage and the displacement of tens of thousands of families, primarily indigenous:
CPM: An Imperialist Agent in Pro-People Garb, Globalization and ‘Left’ Front Government - Fact-Sheet:…
About Swapan Dasgupta, Journalist and People's March Editor who was jailed by WB Police in 2009, subjected to severe torture and killed in custody in 2010 (UAPA cases since have been registered in both, WB under former LDF Government and today's Kerala):
Conversion From Parliarmentarism to Social-Fascism: An Indian Experience, Com. Siraj:
Indepth historical and ideological analysis of the roots, development, implications and effective actions of Revisionism as carried forward mainly by CPI and CPM.
These are only some of the countless cases in which the CPM leadership demonstrated that it firmly stands on the side of the comprador bourgeoisie, feudal landlords and foreign imperialists, not the masses. At it's whole, it shows that this party - claiming to be marxist -..
has consistently played a reactionary role antagonistic to any genuine revolutionaries, tailed behind reaction and defended their interests with an iron fist if necessary. The historical experience internationally, as well as specifically in India, has clearly shown that..
the only sufficient path for revolutionary change is through armed struggle, striking back against centuries of oppression and exploitation inflicted by brahmanic-casteism, feudal patriarchy and imperialism and building a new world, freeing oneself from the burdens of the old.
I shall close with the following quote from the Dalit Panther Manifesto:
In our new project, the 𝘗𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦'𝘴 𝘞𝘢𝘳 𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘴, we will give brief monthly overviews & compilations of the armed propaganda, elimination and ambush actions as conducted [...]
continously by India's revolutionaries in their struggle for new political power, for a new world born in struggle.
These reports will be drawn from a multitude of sources and, clearly establishing the narrative of the revolutionary forces, [...]
serve to shed light to the often-unheard perspective of the revolutionary resistance within the battle for India's future.
In the following, we will thus give our first brief compilation of armed revolutionary actions by the PLGA, [...]
On the occassion of Dalit History Month, this thread will deal with the seldomly told, yet impressive life of Dalit Maoist leader Milind Teltumbde, also known as Comrade Deepak.
Milind Teltumbde was born in 1966, in the Rajoor village of Maharashtra. Being the 7th. child of a dalit family, he faced the oppression of the system since his very birth: his parents, Mapurao and Anusya, were both poor workers struggling to make ends meet.
But despite all hardships he faced, he showed a strong will to get what should be a basic right, never gave up and so managed to complete his high school education, further pursuing an education within ITI training.
This thread will deal with some of the heavy developments of the Indian Maoist Movement in January 2023!
The new year already started very furiously: despite the failure of their previous goal of wiping out Maoism till 2023, the Indian government and various officials of states in the red corridor have for long planned another major offensive. This time, it's name was to be..
"Vikas" - Development. The thought behind this? The very same "development" whose empty promise always meant enrichment for MNCs, the local Compradors and the Government while resulting in the displacement of millions of Adivasis is once again put forward. But not only this, no.
es war nämlich am 29.5.2008, dass die verfassungsgebende versammlung das erste mal zusammentrat und damit offiziell die monarchie abschaffte. das war aber nur im nachgang des friedensvertrags möglich, welcher am 21. 11. 2006 zwischen (1)
den maoist:innen und dem königreich nepals geschlossen wurde. der friedensschluss war de-facto ein verrat an der revolution, vor allem durch die führung der maoist:innen um prachanda, welcher danach führende rollen in der bürgerlichen politik nepals einnahm. (2)
zum zeitpunkt des friedensschlusses kontrollierten die maoist:innen bereits die mehrheit des landes, wo das volk regierte. vor allem die hohe beteiligung von frauen und demnach auch die effektive behandlung der frauenfrage war ein besonderes merkmal des nepalesischen (3)