But it’s generally unwise to sneak your Furry 🦌 head and paws/hooves? on to the flight line (@usairforce flight lines are guarded by airmen with M4s) and start the photo shoot with your bud…
with your name tag & 628 Logistics Readiness Squadron Patch out in the open, then post
But this is just the latest case of MilFurTwitter showing that it’s incapable of separating their kink from their uniform
🚨Tim Walz at 2021 Minnesota 9/11 anniversary speech:
“I had the privilege of serving in this state's NG. I stood one night in dark of night on tarmac at Bagram Air Base in Iraq and watched a military ramp ceremony-a soldier's body being loaded onto a plane to be returned home”
Source: Minnesota Military and Veterans Museum: 📺
This is likely a Congressional Delegation (CODEL) visit to Afghanistan. Working on finding a release
However, @Tim_Walz is speaking to a group of vets, and mentions this visit immediately after referencing his NG service - classic wordplay to insinuate he went here in uniform
@EANGUS72 Enlisted Assoc. of National Guard, Tim Walz on 2012 cover
“retired as E-9… he was a command sergeant major when he retired in 2005, having risen in rank from E-2 to E-9… He’d just returned from Operation Enduring Freedom”
“he was a command sergeant major when he retired in 2005, having risen in rank from E-2 to E-9”
@EANGUS72 2012 Magazine had to correct @Tim_Walz:
“The unit [I helped train] had a stellar performance [when they were later deployed] in Iraq for 22 months," Walz says. "That was a high point for me…”
Read that ⬆️ sentence without editor… Walz tried to link himself to Iraq!!