OK, so there is definitely a problem with the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet in #Microsoft365. Confirmed this in multiple tenants - here's what I'm seeing: 🧵
First, go to security.microsoft.com -> Audit and perform a new search for all events in a given timeframe (a few hours, total). Have this available for reference.
Next, open PowerShell and connect to Exchange Online:
You ran a search in the Defender portal with a date range of a few hours. Within that same timeframe, pick an even smaller date/time range that has < 100 events. You'll need those timestamps next.
Run this command:
$strSessionID = ([guid]::NewGuid()).Guid
Next, run this command:
$output = @(Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate ([datetime]'04/08/2023 05:47:54') -EndDate ([datetime]'04/08/2023 06:06:13') -SessionId $strSessionID -ResultSize 100)
(modify the timestamps)
When you run:
you will get 0 results even though you've validated that there are events in this timeframe!
But wait, there's more...
Refer to the original date/time range that you queried in the Defender portal - but this time, pick a subset of the date/time range that has more than 100 events but less than 1000. Between 100 and 200 events is ideal. You'll use this date/time range in the next step.
Determine how many queries you need.
For example, if you have 650 events in this timeframe, and we are running 100 events per query, then you need 7 queries.
Re-run the Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet (repeat the exact same command), and it will continue to return 100 results up until and including the second-to-last query for the given number of events....
Now run the last query (remember the example I gave of 650 events? This would be query number 7).
In my example, when you run $output.Count, you should expect to see 50 results, right?
Well, the same bug is back. The last page of results always returns 0 events. What the heck?
If anyone in my network has contacts at Microsoft that work on security products, please help me out and @ them 🙏🏻
My team is helping a client with an active security incident, and this issue is impeding our timely extraction of historical events.
Quick note: I didn't explicitly convert timestamps to UTC in my example above, so make sure you do that -- in any case, the issue still stands.
# of results <= page size ➡️ no results returned
# of results > page size ➡️ results returned for each page except for last page