Dear Cthulhu, Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, Odin and any and all deities that do or don’t exist,
It’s me, Melanie.
In the name of all that is holy, please protect us from the fuckery that some people like to call OSINT.
Thank you.
A pain-inducing thread ahead:
These are screenshots from local Telegram groups in Nova Kakhovka.
At approximately 2:30 a lot of people started writing about explosions they heard followed by the louder than usual noise of flowing water.
Here you have a Russian occupier Yehor Huzenko admitting the dam was blown up and threatening the same would happen to other Ukrainian dams.
Here you have a statement from President Zelenskyy who has informed the public and the European partners around 10 months ago that Kakhovka HPP was mined by the Russian military and that they were preparing a terror attack.
But no. We can disregard that.
Because world-famous osinters haven’t found any information in local groups and think it could be MOTHER NATURE that destroyed the dam.
He’s not an engineer, but MAYBE.
And here we have our favorite journalist, who is now also an osinter, Christopher “Nazi Hunter” Miller.
He believes it’s very important to state that the dam was already damaged.
As if that makes any difference.
It wasn’t enough that for years he has been tarnishing the reputation of Azov regiment, giving Russians more reasons to torture and murder them, while they were heroically defending Mariupol and, by extension, all of the free world.
No, now he’s a dam expert.
“They have a right to write these things” you’ll say.
“It’s their job” you’ll say.
“Freedom of speech” you’ll say.
“It’s just their opinion, they’re entitled to it” you’ll say.
These people have reputation and a huge audience. First and foremost, they have RESPONSIBILITY.
Whenever they assume something they can’t verify, they form public opinion, and public opinion is something that is ridiculously difficult to change.
Fucking MOTHER NATURE did not destroy the Kakhovka dam. It did not. Neither did neglect.
All of this is Russia’s doing.
Why the hell would you even THINK your “investigation” mattered?
What’s the point of trying to shift blame, you’ll ask?
These people are just scared to say what they really think.
And they think that RUSSIA DIDN’T DO IT.
They really want to believe that. They hope it wasn’t Russians, even though in their heart of hearts they know.
And outright saying “Russia didn’t do it” is frowned upon these days, because, well, it’s a lie; Russia did do it. All of it.
So they saw doubt.
Lightly, gently.
“I’m not an engineer, but maybe this was Mother Nature”
“It was damaged already”
“No news from local groups”
It’s a result of this disease, deeply rooted in the Western society. Love of Russia. They just can’t help themselves. Complete moral bankruptcy.
I like to think people like that are on payroll. That would’ve made it easy.
But sadly I think this is what they believe.
Russians murder, rape, kidnap, torture and try to intimidate Ukrainians for more than a year now.
OSINT used to stand for “open-source intelligence”. We should change it to “open-source stupidity”, so people could assume and make shit up legitimately
Could be unicorns and Santa!
• • •
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Ukraine didn't destroy the dam on the Feb 24, 2022, when the risks were huge, no, we did it NOW, when we're stronger than ever
We have been protecting our civilians by not leveling cities and requesting precision rockets so as not to kill anyone but RU military, but we fucking love drowning the elderly on the left bank
We DON'T KILL captive Russians; we feed them, clothe them, pay for all of that with our taxes, let them talk to their families because we want to exchange them for our guys, BUT FUCK ALL OF THAT
> Возьмьом Кієв за два часа;
> Західні експерти прогнозують падіння столиці і розгортання партизанської війни;
> Захід пропонує Зеленському евакуюватися;
> Російський десант висаджується в Київській області;
> Російський десант стає добривом;
> Військові експерти США вражені майстерністю українського війська;
> У Вашингтоні розгублено міркують скільки розвідувальних даних про військові бази у Росії давати українцям, оскільки ті вже здійснюють невеличкі вертольотні рейди для знищення нафтобаз на території РФ;
> США дадуть Україні системи HIMARS, але просять не стріляти по Росії;
> «Ну Херсон вони точно не зможуть відбити»;
> Херсон;
> Відбувається ще бозна-що;
> «Никакой паники нет!» (есть);
Герої вмирають.
І біль відчувають, і жах.
Герої вмирають
В окопах і у бліндажах,
У ліжках шпиталів,
швидких — недостатньо швидких —
Від холоду, сепсису
Та від поранень важких.
Вони помирають,
Бо зброю роз'їла іржа.
Від снайпера кулі,
Розтяжки, гранати, ножа,
Герої вмирають,
Бо баки соляри пусті,
Або від петлі,
Що застала їх
На самоті.
Ти можеш себе заспокоїти
тим, що вони
Святі, чи до брами Вальгалли
прямують з війни,
Що Бог їх запише на небі
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