Shaykh Muhammad Sa‘īd Ramadān al-Būtī in his introduction to his book “Lā Ya’tīhi al-Bātil” lays out his theory to the reason behind the Kuffār targeting the Qur’ān.
He says:
“Do not think that Atheists are only interested in refuting al-Islām
—Their aim is to uproot all religion whether it be Christianity, Judaism or Islām.
And they have realized that the way to do this is by uprooting the greatest religion and the final one.
For if al-Islām is finished, the others will follow through.
And then they realized that the way to do this is by attacking the core of the religion: The Qur’ān.”
Why is asking someone alive to do Du‘ā not a Bid‘ah that leads to Shirk?
Is it only the dead that are worshipped? What about Fir‘awn and the Dajjāl?
Is there a difference between the abilities of the dead and the living? Can one create but not the other?
It's funny they accuse us of Shirk, meanwhile we say there is no speck of dust that moves except by the creation of Allāh ﷻ, and anyone that says otherwise has problems with his Tawhīd
As for them, they implicitly say the living have some “powers” by saying they're (able)
Istighātha of al-Imām Burhān al-Dīn al-Laqqānī (d. 1041 AH), author of the famous creedal poem: “Jawharat al-Tawhīd”
He says:
“There is nothing that has been tried when one is in a state of hardship that was more successful than Tawassul with the Prophet ﷺ—
—Some of what was tried is my poem called: Kashf al-Kurūb bi Malāhāt al-Habīb wa-l Tawassul bi-l Mahbūb, which I authored when I was in a state of hardship, and my prayers were answered, by the Will of the Creator ﷻ, who there is no Lord except Him.
This poem is:
O greatest of creation, my affairs have become difficult ... My body has become tired and I am finding no escape
I did not find someone beloved to help me ... Except the merciful one who Messengers ask for intercession
Shaykh Qurrā’ Dimashq al-Shaykh Krayyem Rājih says it is ((Wājib)) on every Turkish Muslim to put in their vote for Erdogan
This is an Islāmic Wājib, to support the Muslims in Turkey against the enemies of Islām.
Shaykh Muhammad Wā’il al-Hanbalī affirming the Fatwā of Shaykh Krayyem Rājih
Shaykh Dr. ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Hussain says it is (((Wājib))) on every Turkish Muslim who fears Allāh and the Last Day to vote for Erdogan in support of the Muslims against the Kuffār and their allies
I heard from al-Shaykh Ahmad al-Kallās on the 3rd of Ramadān 1444 in Masjid al-Shaykh al-Akbar, who was told by his father al-‘Allāmah al-Shaykh Adīb al-Kallās:
When Shaykh Abu al-Yusr ‘Abidīn was the Muftī of Damascus, he called al-Albānī to his presence.