Over 100 k!lled.
50000 displaced.
No Race, Religion or Nationality is above Life. U may not accept it even if u know it well deep down inside.
It is a Civil War & those who are not affected are busy taking sides.
Plz Stop for a moment & think 2wice.
Many corpses from both Communities are not being claimed by their families due to various reasons. Reported by news platforms.
Usually, the Norm is a body unclaimed within 72 hrs disposed of by the State. Here the Admin was not taking the risk to invoke further. 🙏 2/12
At Imphal’s Regional Institute of Medical, the Scroll visited. They found coffins lying on the floor of the morgue, outnumbered dead bodies seemingly unrefrigerated.
It was May 28.
Dead bodies are better than Living Human cre@turx. They don't shed each other's bl00d. 🙏3/12
Pic-1: Toijam Chandramani(Meitei) on May 25th succumbed to a bullet injury.
Pic- 2: Lalboi Lhungdim, a Kuki Villager. His wife Just days before her husband’s death, on April 30 who also lost her brother in the violence, had become a mother.
Whose family suffers more? 🙏4/12
"BSF Ranjit Yadav displayed conspicuous bravery, high degree of dedication & devotion 2 duty during the exchange of fire when suspected Kuki miscreants resorted to an indiscriminate & heavy volume of firing towards BSF troops."
BSF said in a statement.
What was his Fault?💔5/12
BSF R. Yadav from North 24 Pargana dist in WB, joined the force in 2008 martyred on 6/6/23 leaving his parents wife & one son.
He was the soul bread earner of that family.
1946 Gandhiji during ri0ts said -
"What a sh@me for Hindus, what a disgr@ce for Islam!". 🌱6/12
Maa Meena Hangsing (Meitei)
8 yrs old Tonsing Hangsing.
Another relative, Lydia Lourembam 37yrs old was bu√nt aIive in an Ambulance on 4/6/23.
Tonsing was hit by a bullet that evening while his mother cooked in the verandah.
His Father was a Kuki. Who won here? #PEACE 🌱 7/12
This is the state Ruling Govt should be held responsible and questioned for its failure to stop this.
This girl was saved by 2 Meitei guys when her mother & Brother were lxnchd by Mob.
When she called for rescue no helpline worked. Those 2 guyz drove them 2 Rescue camp. 8/12
The Group Arambai Tenggol issued a press note on 26th May that it is dissolving itself.
Now look at this. The South Asia Txrrori$m Portal Updated on 30th May stated the Fight between Arambai Tenggol & 37Assam Rifles on 29th May.
The same news was shared by India Today. 9/12
The MTFD has filed a petition in SC abt 2 armed communal org “Arambai Tenggol” & “Meitei Leepun”.
The CM of Manipur kept talking about Kuki Militant & remained silent on these. Why he didn't take action?
Another Article by the India TodayNE on 31st May reported this. 👇10/12
10/6/23 Indian Express news 3 sh0t de@d in Kuki vill incl a 67yr old woman. Villagers alleged 40 people of Arambai Tenggol carrying Guns on Friday Morning entered Vill & fired.
The Health Min Manipur today in Press Conference said "No untoward incident in the State". 11/12
When Gandhiji reached Noakhali in 1946 He wrote:
“Technique of non-violence was on trial”.
When few Veer was busy in Divide he covered 47 vills & restored peace.
He stopped ri0t,k!lng of Hindus, without the help of any Army.
Where is he now?
Mahatma in Noakhali 👇🙏🌺 12/12
The articles & the Website South Asia Terrsm Portal link are given below.
The information & videos I shared in this thread all are from these. 👇
Let's discuss the Special Marriage Act.
But before that, if you consider the women folk a lesser brain, herd of sheep, her body a communal property -scroll down.
This is not for u.
Md Galib (30yrs) & Asha Verma (27yrs) from Jharkhand've been in a 💘 for over a decade. 1/14
Galib an Engineer was working outside India. Asha's family fixed her marriage with a person aged over 40 yrs. Hearing this Galib returned to India. As they are both adults they can opt for Court Marriage. Right?
Now Think about the whole scenario. They need to act asap. 2/14
They have no other option left but marrying without family permission.
So now if they take legal route of Marriage, they will have to apply for permission & this application with personal details is pasted on the magistrate’s notice board for the next 30 days. 3/14
Sardar Patel Exposed the real face of Nehru.
In Sardar Patel's words :
14th October, 1949. 🧵1/18
Jawaharlal & I've.. soldiers in the struggle for freedom, colleagues in the CWC devoted followers of Great Master who has unhappily left us to battle with grave problems without his guidance & co-sharers in the great & onerous burden of administration of this vast country. 2/18
Having known each other in such intimate & varied fields of activity we've naturally grown fond of each other; our mutual affection has increased as yrs have advanced & it is difficult for people to imagine how much we miss each other when we are apart & unable to... 3/18
15/12/2019 evening Md Minhajuddin then a 2nd yr LLM student #JamiaMilliaIslamia was studying in the Library when Delhi Police broke in & beat him mercilessly.
He lost 1 eye & the another vulnerable to infection. He was not only who faced the Brutality. 🧵1/2
5yrs Multiple petitions for compensation pending in courts.
Read Sumit Singh & @Abubakr_syed1
March 2020 police told the HC that they entered the campus to “rescue innocent students trapped inside”.
The then VC Najma Akhtar said nearly 200 students have been injured.
However the Jamia filed a petition in Saket Court seeking FIR against Delhi police in Jan 2020 which a yr later dismissed by the Court. The Admin didn't appeal to the higher Court further. 3/4
Zakia Jafri is no more - But her story is incomplete without Ehsan.
Who was Ehsan? Not just a politician but a living example of shared existence.
A Freedom Fighter, a writer & the successor of Indulal Yagnik and his school of thought who always stood for the downtrodden. 🧵1/14
While still at RC High School in Ahmedabad, Ehsan published a magazine in URDU & joined the Freedom Movement. Influenced by communism was arrested in 1949 for his 'calls for revolution'.
Upon his release, he became the Gen Secy of the Progressive Editors Union. 2/14
Simultaneously he completed his Law Degree & started practicing as a Lawyer in Ahmedabad.
In 1969, when a communal riot ravaged the city, his house was burned down. He & his family took shelter in relief camp. But his belief in the Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb remained undeterred. 3/14
HISTORIAN Prof Irfan Habib (94 yrs) a pioneer in interpreting Indian History based on diff social dynamics challenging the Colonial Dynastic false communal narrative.
Prof remembering Pt Nehru.🌹
Plz read
"One day in 1942 my elder brother & I were playing here in Garden". 🧵1/7
Prof Irfan Habib's father Prof Md Habib taught the history of medieval India at AMU
"when suddenly a tonga came in & out jumped Nehru. He took no notice of us —that disheartened me.
He just came to this door, knocked on it, opened it & called out, ‘Habib, get me a sandwich". 2/7
Next time when Prof Habib met Nehru he was a college topper and teaching at the university.
“He scolded me at a tea party here where he was invited. I was having my tea, and my fellow colleagues had dropped all kinds of things on the grass.
Unfortunately Nehru caught me." 3/7
“As I left the room the RSS volunteers entered and laughter broke out again.” Gopal Mukund Huddar recounted this incident in yr 1979 article "Illustrated Weekly of India".
Huddar was serving emissary of Netaji Subhash was sent to Hedgewar to fix a meeting between the two. 🧵1/12
Netaji after resigning as the Cong Pres in April 1939 wanted a fresh movement against the British.
So He called Huddar in his Bombay office & told him to arrange a meeting between him & Hedgewar.
Huddar a former RSS & the 1st sarkaryavah - Gen Secy & later became a leftist. 2/12
With Netaji's msg on 7 July 1939 Huddar met Hedgewar who was then staying in a mansion of one his rich follower, Deolali Nasik.
Huddar wrote Doctorsaheb (Hedgewar) was joking & laughing with some youngsters of the RSS, after Huddar's request those volunteers left the room. 3/12