This is not how God interacts with us. His antidote for sin is not shaming or punishing us into performance.
Note also the parental narcissism: the problem is the parent has been defied & embarrassed. 2/4
There is no concept of the child’s well being. In fact, children, the ppl Jesus said we are to welcome in His name, are referred to as “tin pot tyrants” that “terrorize”.
This scornful joke mocks developmental needs of vulnerable dependents. It’s bullying. 3/4
Authoritarian parenting always includes situational narcissism & scorn b/c children are not seen as full persons but as reflections on parents.
I love exegesis. Diagramming sentences in Koine Greek brings me genuine delight.
However, most of Scripture comes to us as narrative, not diagrammable propositions.
As modern churches fight about women, I invite you to join me for story-time w/early church 🧵
Any woman who loves the Lord & respects Scripture knows the arguments about what the Bible says women can & cannot do. We've studied those verses from all sides.
We must also consider what women *were actually doing* in the early church as told in narrative portions.
Let's take a sweeping look at what women were doing (not comprehensive so feel free to reply w/others):
-Having been entrusted with the Gospel post-resurrection (make no mistake Jesus goes out of his way to do this🔗⬇️), women are preaching about Jesus.
Trying to think of single phrase/hashtag for content that analyzes theology/sociology behind popular Christian parenting books/teaching of past decades.
Don't want something shaming/aggressive. Plays on popular titles in 2nd poll & suggestions welcome.
Or maybe a play on popular titles? Like:
Dare to Deconstruct Christian Parenting
Un-biblical parenting
Parenting by Our Books
I'm kind of really liking The Shaping of a Christian Parent, but what's the consensus - are people that familiar with Elizabeth Elliot's Shaping of a Christian Family?
Research for #biblicalparentingexposed book is giving me plenty of fodder to create accompanying visual content.
What is twitter's take on the usefulness of this method of content communication? 1/4 plus poll for anyone willing to click through & offer feedback on this sample.
Discovery #2 in #biblicalparentingexposed: Most Xian parenting books heavily spotlight complementarian marriage roles as starting point/basis for everything that follows, leading to self-perpetuating cycle of hierarchy, authority, family enmeshment & children as 2nd class. 🧵
Consider: "The crown of creation was the holy union of the man and woman...the Bible exalts marriage to the highest level..." pg. 33 (see aforementioned presumptions-authoritatively-presented-without-proof).
And this: "If children were necessary to complete man & woman, God would have created them before making [the declaration that creation was very good]. Therefore, the marriage rel lacks nothing. Woman alone completes man & man alone completes woman."
Am reading Growing Kid's God's Way for my #biblicalparentingexposed book. Authors explain their ideology that influenced millions was based on 6 couples chatting in a living room over 6 mo “We talked about right & wrong, good & evil, & what it looks like in everyday parenting.”🫠
It's stunning, esp considering that the most rapidly filling subheading in my notes is "Presumptions/opinions authoritatively presented as givens w/out any proof"
Other categories in no particular order:
Bad Takes on Child Development
Categories (cont):
That Word Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means Behaviorism
Parental Omnipotence
Prooftexting & Misuse of Scripture
False Dichotomies
Theological Problems
No Pressure, Parents
Good Elements
the Ever-Present Husband/Wife Roles
H/t to @a_wassen for digging up this blog post that severely warned against both the current @The_ACNA constitutional crisis AND the vulnerability of not addressing sexual abuse response in the canons.