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Jun 12 β€’ 133 tweets β€’ 24 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
🚨This #xicheng thread has a topic that might be sensitive to some people:a sinful priest breaking his vows and having rendezvous in non conventional places.

Despite being a catholic this doesn't mean it won't have religious inaccuracies but I'm writing this for fun πŸ™ˆ.
"Forgive me Father for my sins," LXC recites this on his mind when he feels soft lips lingering more than necessary on the tip of his fingers as he gives the sacramental bread to WY,
who looks up at him with innocent eyes but an almost imperceptible mischievous smirk on his lips.

Both men know what his presence in today's mass means.

Even if LXC wants to believe this time he will be able to resist temptation,he knows it is a lie because during the mass
his attention was torn between today's preaching and the man seated on the front pews.

The perfect image of a pious man who listens with rapture every word leaving the priest lips and doesn't miss a line of the prayers and hymns.

An impressive deed but all LXC can think about
as he follows the shape of his lips is on the sweet taste of them and how they feel around him.

β€œIf we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” XC recites John 1:9 verse from memory.
"Don't be too hard on yourselves," he adds his own words. "Remember that we can always retreat our steps and find the correct way."

He doesn't know if he had unconsciouly done this sermon for himself
and not the congregants.

The churchgoers leave through the gates after assisting to Sunday's Mass, leaving behind their sorrows and sins.

He wishes things were so easy for him too but to be saved you need to desire it.

He doesn't want to, not when a lonely figure
still waits for him at the edge of the altar and just the image of him ignites his body in a way he never thought he was able to.

When he says goodbye to the last devotee and walks toward the altar he isn't surprised to see WY there.
Not at all surprised too that his attention is focused on the crucified sculpture in front of him as if he hadn't seen it before something impossible because he is a frequent parishioner.

On the many times he has asked what was so interesting about it he had never received a
real answer "I just want to understand" or "We are having a conversation" Wanyin will say but won't explain further.

"Father," WY tears his gaze away from the crucifixion depiction as he hears the soft steps of Xichen approaching
him. "May I have a word with you?" Those were secret code for 'I want to be with you, I want to kiss you'

WY turns around and closes the gap between them,his forefinger tracing the intricate embroidery of the chasuble.

Xichen stops him,afraid that they could be seen so close.
"Not now," he looks around,the church is clear from believers but people who volunteers to help during mass could be mingling behind.

Once he is sure they are alone he leans in and says "Wait for me in the confessional booth."
"Come with me father, I could get lost." WY says meekly.

The mellifluous voice always has a stimulant effect on him body, it makes him remember all the times he used the same dulcet tone to confess obscenities to him concealed behind the secrecy of the confessionary before they
were together or those stolen moments when with a broken voice he writhes under him pleading for more as XC takes him apart with every snap of his hips that wanted to bring pleasure and pain at the same time.

It was XC's way to punish WY for making him break his vows but it
wasn't a punishment,not when both prefer hard,rough sex.

XC raises an eyebrow but walks with him the short distance that separates them from the wooden structure.

If someone catches them he could say he is going to do a late confession and not one will question him if they see
him with WY,his family is one of the main benefactors of this church so they get away with some privileges.

XC isn't naive to think WY only wanted a companion,when he grabs him from his clerical stole and pushes him inside the booth with him,he doesn't show any resistance.
Although the booth is bigger than a normal one it can barely fit two grown up men but this doesn't deter them from making it work .

WY pushes him on the small stool and straddles his hips, instinctively XC's hands find their place on his plump ass, anchoring him to his lap
where even through the many layers of his robes WY can feel his hard-on.

XC felt like the worst heathen giving eucharist in a state of arousal but he has one weakness and it has a name, Wanyin, that is kissing him as a starved man who has found an oasis in XC's mouth.
He lets him while he grops his ass and grinds him on his cock , the friction not enough to abate his painfully swollen length but it's all they can do.
They are being reckless having this tryst when someone could see them but it has been weeks since their last time together that once WY kissed him all he could think is him.
He uses his mouth to conceal the tiny whimpers breaking through WY's lips when his fingertip teases the crease of his ass through his clothes. "Not enough," the blue on WY's eyes is almost consumed by his blown out pupils.
"Use your bare hand to touch me where I need it the most, Lan Huan."

The dichotomy is life is becomes clearer whenever WY calls him by his given name while he still wears his clerical robes.

It reminds him of all the things he is doing wrong, a reminder that these two parts
of him shouldn't coexist yet he always caves to the sin of the flesh.

"Later," he nips on the pouty mouth.
"I'll fill you like only I can do it,I'll..." his words are interrupted by a softer voice.

"Father, are you here?" One of the church staff asks.
" Yes, I'll catch with you in a few minutes."

He prays that this person stays where she is. "Okay father." He sags against the wooden wall relieved as he hears the steps fading away.

A close call.

Instead of saying to WY he should go he leans in to kiss him one last time
"I will come for you once all the people have gone."

Before he opens the booth's door WY takes his hand and kneels in front of him, kissing the fourth finger on his right hand where his bishop ring lays, an innocuous object that makes XC feels as if he were a modern Atlas,
carrying the weight of all his sins and wrongdoings.

But as he passes in front of Jesus statue with WY's taste still on him and the warmth of his touch lingering on his hand he can't find repentance in himself.

Guilty always comes but not as strong as it used to be.
He loves good. He loves WY.

He is being greedy wanting to keep both: his position in the church, a bishop already at the age of 37 and WY.

But he isn't ready to make a decision now. He will have to do it just not yet.

Part 2

"You shouldn't have bothered getting all your attire," WY says the moment XC opens the confessional booth after what seemed like hours of waiting. "Soon they won't be needed."

The heavy robes used for ordination were gone to give room to his bishop cassock.
"You know I can't be seen wearing civil clothes, besides...," His lips whispered against the sensitive skin of WY's ear shell, smirking at the short intake of breath the small contact causes on him. "I know how much you love to tarnish my robes."
"But you love more to be tainted by me," XC allows WY to remove his cincture and unfasten the buttons of his cassock one by one as if they have all the time in the world and not only a pair of hours borrowed before he has to go through a back door like a thief concealed under
the night's mantle.

He feels like one.

Sullying one of God's best men, attempting to steal him completely from him.

Everything is forgotten as he kneels before XC and takes him into his mouth, the salty taste of precum hitting his tongue makes him giddy.
He hasn't even started and XC is already leaking for him. "Open your mouth wide," XC growls at him, voice husky with need. "Or do I have to teach you how to do it?" He looks down with a taunting smile.

'He looks perfect,like this' WY thinks, retreating to admire better the man
in front of him.

If he had the talent ,he would paint a Renaissance painting of XC like this: half-lidded eyes clouded with lust, aroused on his messed-up clerical robes. The proof of his need jutting out in front of them.
The faint light coming from the few lamps casts a golden halo behind him, like a saint, one tempted with mundane desires.

"Teaching me?Weren't you a virgin when we had our first time?"

"It has been a long time from that, pupil surpassed the master. Go on, show me the skills
of this pretty mouth."

WY leans,the heady mix of XC's natural scent with the remaining tinges of his shower gel is enough to get him hard. He pressed his nose against the trimmer pubes , inhaling greedily before continuing his intended path,
skittering kisses here and there worshipping as much as he can XC's body because he doesn't know when it will be the next time.

WY takes one ball on his mouth, massaging the other with his hand and but patience isn't a virtue XC has
when his lover is involved.

"Lick it,"he presses the tip against his lips, smudging his mouth with precum. "I have been aching for you since I saw you entering the church,torturing myself imagining the despicable things I would do if we were alone."
"I'm all yours, Father. Use me as you please," XC nostrils flare hearing WY say those words in a submissive tone,part of his play but it has the desired effect on XC.

He grabs a fistful of silky ,dark hair to push his lover's mouth on his throbbing cock.
Almost sobbing in relief at the soothing sensation of being engulfed.

WY licks and sucks on the prominent veins before taking him complete again.

Slacken his mouth to let XC's cock slide all the way until it hits the back of his throat.
"Your mouth is a godsend made only for me" it sounds blasphemous but it feels like that.

All WY's body is a sanctuary to be consecrated only for him and defiled at the same time with his most primal desires.

"Ahh,"he sobs when WY decides to swirl his tongue on the tip,"
he sobs when WY decides to swirl his tongue on the tip,teasing the slit to collect directly the beads of transparent liquid welling from there.

"Fuck my mouth,"WY says,lips swollen,coated with spit and precum.

"Hard or slow?"He asks,caressing his face in an almost devoted way.

XC starts with low, shallow strokes but the defiant look on WY's eyes as if asking him if that's all he could do makes lose his control.

He keeps his head in a tight grip as he begins to piston his cock inside the pliant mouth.

WY closes his eyes,moaning blissfully
with the way XC is fucking is mouth, choking him with his girth.

He isn't being gentle,only using his mouth like a hole of pleasure.

Tears begin to well in his eyes but he XC doesn't stop,the noises spilling from him sounding like savage grunts.

WY has opened the fly of his
his trousers,moving his hand on his length at the same time XC keeps his assault on his mouth.

He whines when XC pulls out his cock.

"I'm going to come on your face, open your mouth."

He springs his face with his release, WY catches some drops with his tongue.
"It tickles," WY giggles at the touch of XC's tongue on his face, licking his skin to collect the evidence of his orgasm.

"I'm like an overgrown puppy showing my gratitude," XC says, using his robes to remove the rest, then he kisses WY
slowly, unrushed. Exploring his mouth like it was the first time. " I thought we would go out but like a pair of horny teenagers we couldn't wait."

"I told you it wouldn't be necessary to dress nicely with your robes.But it was good, it fueled my priest kink." WY winks at him.
"I'm being a victim of sexual objectification."

"Only your holy status is stopping some of the parishioners from jumping in your pants."

"That's something I didn't need to know," he tries to heave them up from their position on the floor but JC doesn't move.
They decided to remain in the Church,too troublesome to sneak out, change XC outside of his habit as soon as they have the chance.

The only witnesses of the passion consuming their bodies as they hold into each other impossibly tight, sealing their raving intercourse with a
clumsy keeds.

The cold floor is uncomfortable but neither of them give a sign of wanting to move,the cassock and WY's clothes taking the impromptu role of bed sheets.

"How was the date?" XC asks casually, making the question he always is afraid to do whenever WY tells him he
is going to another of the dates set up for his mother.

One day WY will find a girl pleasant enough to continue dating her until they marry, making beautiful kids with black raven hair,blue eyes framed with impossible long eye lashes because it doesn't matter who the mother
will be, XC always imagines them like a carbon-copy of WY.

"It was nice," he hears WY saying finally those words. With his previous dates he will always have something negative to say but not this one. "She has a pleasant soft voice, well- mannered and intelligent."
"Careful, with the way you are talking about her, soon you will be sending wedding invitations." XC says calmly as if he were talking about the weather and not making a joke about WY's possible future.

This detachment that prompts WY to agree with him, searching for a
reaction from XC.

"Don't worry, you'll be the first to know. Perhaps you could find a space on your tight schedule to give us the holy sacrament of marriage."

"For you, anything." It's XC sardonic reply. " The baptism of your future kids too if you want."
XC knows that even if he continues to climb up the church hierarchy if WY asks him ,he will do it. "Is that what you want WY? Saying your vows next to your pretty wife but fighting a hard-on because while I give the sacrament of marriage all you can think of are on the times you
have been bent over a pew taking my cock?"

"You are being an asshole." He didn't have any right to make this tantrum, since the beginning of this affair he knew what his place would be on XC's life. God is his priority.
But it hurts, it fucking hurts hearing his lover acting as if he doesn't care. He gets dressed on record time.

"Are you leaving now? What was this WY? A farewell fucking before starting your new life?"

"That wasn't my intention when I came here,
spending time together was the only thing I wanted," his defeated tells XC that he wouldn't like WY's next words.

"Perhaps we need to have this fight to accept we don't have a future together. I think it's time to let go of this thing we have, I'm tired Lan Huan."
He moves towards the door. XC doesn't stop him. He can't give WY what he wants.

TBC πŸ’™πŸ’œ
~~ πŸ’™πŸ’œ~~

Time goes faster the more hollow it is. Four months have passed since that night. WY hasn't contacted him. XC respects his wishes.

They had fights before but the last one left a sense of finality like no other before.
WY attends mass, sometimes with a pretty woman dangling from his arm. XC is good at pretending,so he greets them with a polite smile once the mass is done as if his heart and soul weren't weeping at the mere sight of the two together.
The days are kind with him, his mind occupied on Church matters and its intricate politics but are the nights where he lays awake, restless thinking about him. Today is one of those nights. He opens his diary and starts writing on it as if he were making a confession to WY. ImageImageImage
Probably these words will never reach WY but writing them has a cathartic effect on him.

They became friends, WY wanted to scandalize XC sharing with him stories of his hook-ups but the father only smiled at him. "Shouldn't I be chastised for having sex before marriage?"
" Wanyin, you must remember the scriptures were written a long time ago. Things that were looked upon frown on that time are more accepted now. The church has to adapt to this. As long as your partners give their consent it's okay. The church has to adapt to this.
As long as your partners give their consent it's okay. Imagine what would happen if I deny the sacrament of marriage to every couple confessing they have sex before reciting their vows,I wouldn't have officiated a wedding ceremony in years."
" If all clerics were like you the church would be a better place."

" It's a long journey but we are still working."

Conversations like this frequently happened between them.
For almost a year it was like that until something shifted or perhaps always was there but XC was too obtuse to read the signs.

Objectively speaking XC could tell WY was a handsome man.

But he is unaware of the moment he started to see him with man's eyes.
Maybe the seed was planted that time where WY confessed his attraction to him in the confessional booth.

"When I'm with those women I imagine myself in their place, taking a cock inside me. But not any cock, father. I imagine yours. You are the star of my fantasies.
I jerk off thinking of you, imagining how good it would feel being split open by your thick cock. You are big, aren't you Xichen?"

"I told you before homosexuality isn't a sin, God loves us equally.But having fantasies while you are with another person is disrespectful."
XC recalls leaving the confessional booth without finishing the confession,he didn't want to hear more.

That night was the first he touched thinking of WY.

When he was given the opportunity of studying a PhD in Rome he take it. To avoid WY and his lewd confessions.
Miles away from his current place was what he needed to abate the sinful thoughts plaguing his mind.

One day before his departure WY came to see him " How do you got in? It's late."

" I have my resources. Shouldn't you be packing ?"

"I have done that already ."
"Of course, you never left anything until the end."

"What are you doing here,WY?"

"Isn't it obvious? To say goodbye and, apologize for my behavior. You must hate me."

" I don't."

"Probably you'll." WY crashed his lips with him, the first taste of him was electric,
his body igniting like never before with a single touch he tried to deny. " Wanyin, this is..."

But WY was a man on a mission,he didn't Let him think straight. He ravished his mouth at the same time he pushed him against a pew.

XC's mind was black, unable to grasp what was
happening but didn't put resistance anymore.

"Don't think." WY said him breathless.

" Follow your instincts,this is what you want."

XC lost himself in the sinful body of WY .

"You were ready to be fucked tonight," XC realized this when he lodged deep inside of WY without
resistance. As if WY prepared in advance knowing XC would surrender to him.

"The dildo I rode before coming here doesn't compare with you."

"Like the deviant you are, you came thinking of me," XC said spitefully. Wanting to hurt WY. He hated him at this moment.
"I hope this fuck is enough for you to keep your lustful body away me."

Like a savage, he rocked his hips with a punishment force within WY turning him into a babbling mess.
The row of pews scrapped on the floor as XC slammed hard , seeing with wicked satisfaction how the skin where they were connected was stretched to the limit. He was opening him wide and deep.

WY was so full of him. Crying out incoherent pleas as he rocked back against XC.
Fucking himself into XC's cock with a need and desesperation XC was feeling himself.

They were almost fully clothed which made everything lewder, fucking like beasts on heat.

It was maddening the rush of ecstasy crashing his body as his cock pumped his seed inside WY.
Tears gathered in his eyes as he looked up at the image of his God.

Feeling like the vilest man on earth for enjoying this so much.

XC wasn't proud of his behavior that night,the fact of his broken vows was the least of his regrets.

He left WY there on the church floor, used.
Bruises and bites marring his skin.

"Goodbye." WY whispered softly but he didn't get an answer.


What's meant to be will always find its way.

XC remembered this quote when he ran into WY two years after their calamitous goodbye.
He was in Berlin attending a seminar and WY was living there , an international school program or something like that, XC didn't pay too much attention, all his senses focused on the way his body and heart tingled around WY.
Both felt the same judging by the way their night ended : in a bathroom stall jerking off each other.

He returned to his room with the evidence of his sin on his black cassock. But this time regret didn't come, only the satisfaction of feeling complete.
This was the beginning of their forbidden liaison.

Two years where they could meet on the few free time they had and sneak out to small villages where they could pretend to be only two people in love.
Even while using civilian clothes XC always had the fear of being caught but these brief moments of happiness were enough to compensate for the bad feeling.

They continued like that, living the present and avoiding to talk about the future.

Ignoring the elephant in the room.
Thinking back, XC thinks it isn't surprising that their last fight had ended like that.

They couldn't continue like this, luck has been on their side but sooner or later they would have made a mistake.
The mistake was done but he wasn't aware of this yet.

At that exact moment while he was idling about WY , the high spheres of his diocese was receiving an intel of his forbidden relationship.

If you are interested in reading this, it begins here.

It will be finished in the next update. It got longer than I expected πŸ˜…
Something is off. XC can perceive this.

If the sudden call to meet the archbishop wasn't enough telltale, the sour expression on his face was.

" Take a sit," the cleric commands with a firm tone of voice that you wouldn't expect in a man close to his eighties.
"We have a vexatious problem to discuss." Without further ado he throws at him a package of prints that XC can't discern at first.

Dark, blurry images of something he can't see well but as his mind registered what was he seeing the color drains from his face.
"How did you dare to perform such a blasphemous act in the house of God?" The archbishop screams, his face taking the same purplish color as the buttons on his cassock. "I couldn't believe the immoral act I was seeing when I was presented this."
Though the captures aren't very clear XC recognizes himself and WY on them. His legs wrapped around XC's waist . It was from their last night together.

He remembered months ago the dioceses had proposed to install a CCTV system but they never did it.
Or at least he had thought that.

"What were you thinking? This material in the wrong hands could cause great damage to the Church, a scandal we can't have now after the false accusations we have faced lately. A bishop having sex inside the Church, our image would be shattered."
His silence seems to fuel the cleric's anger. Veins popping out on his forehead. "Say something."

"There is nothing I can't tell to amend my error. It wasn't the first time." He confesses.

"You should be defrocked," the words are spit with venom.
"Instead you'll be moved to another church and remain there until I feel your contrition is genuine."

Even if he tries to hide his surprise something gives him off because the archbishop adds.

"You are not the first and you won't be the last priest to whom the church has
has protected for doing immoral acts. The church is above all else and our duty is to protect it at all cost I can't let a scandal like yours taint the image we have fought so hard to maintain. Don't make the mistake of thinking you are being absolved ,
sooner or later you must pay for your impious behavior."

There is a heavy silence between ,when nothing more is said XC takes this as a signal to leave .

Before he completely steps out of the room,he asks . "How did you find the recording?"
"The talk about the CCTV was brought to light again because of that we remembered that the recording of the trial cameras was never supervised."

The chances of being caught in a situation that happened months ago are slim but it happened and,
XC can't stop thinking that perhaps it's a cue life is throwing at him to take the decision where he really wants to directs his life.

He leaves on a sunny day, his dark cassock prickling his skin not only for the weather, lately he doesn't feel
completely comfortable wearing his robes.

Lie upon lie was told to mask the real reason for his departure , making him look almost like a martyr who leaves the current comfort of its cathedral for a less favored one in a remote place.
XC is a silent observant as the archbishop tells this ,his eyes roaming all the pews searching for a familiar face but if WY knew about his departure he decided to not attend.

He has already moved on, focused on his new life. Forgetting about him.
They couldn't strip him off from his bishop status but his relocation in a remote place is a debasing act.

Everyone in the high spheres of power in the church will know he has done something wrong even if his diocese refuses to say what.
And it's this secrecy that leaves him with a bad taste in his mouth.

He is a sinner,yes but he refuses to be seen in the same light as people who have committed heinous acts like pederasty.

His sin is loving a man with the same intensity he loves God.
He does his duty on his new parish , trying to make it better even with the few resources he has.

Another proof of how the church like any other government only cares for the people who can give it a benefit.
In a lapse of weakness, he sends his diary to WY writing some final words to him .

"I'm selfish again making this confession now that you have another person in your life but you need to know that I love you. I love you so much that I choose you.
If I were given the chance of having you again in my life I would choose to be by your side without a doubt."

After sending the diary he writes another letter to Rome.

~~ πŸ’™πŸ’œ~~

WY's hands stumbled upon the forgotten envelope at the end of one of his desk drawers.
When it arrived months ago he didn't feel strong enough to open it.

In that moment he still felt too raw, too emotional to think with a clear head.

His need for XC was like a living creature of its own, gnawing his insides , leaving an invisible miasma of despair and
hurt that no one could see because he hid it behind fake smiles but WY felt it, aching painfully every day that passed without him.

He didn't search for him even if it was all he wanted to do.

He wasn't ready at that moment to read what XC had to say.
Now, he has reconciled with the idea of losing the bet he had with God. A one sided bet nevertheless.

All those times he spent watching intently at God sculpture he told him that one day XC would be his. God must be laughing at him now.
On the solitude of his house he finally opens the package, tears welling on his eyes as he starts reading the words.

He witnesses through them XC's suffering in the months they were apart, a twin pain of his own.
He feels his heart shattering in tiny pieces as he reads the words on the last page.

XC had chosen him.

His footh taps on the floor impatiently as the phone continues ringing, unanswered. "Wanyin?" XC's sleepy voice feels like a balm to WY's battered heart.
"Everything is okay?" He asks worried,only the sobs of WY could be heard through the call.

" I didn't read your diary until now," he can barely get the words passing his lips, hiccuping uncontrollably. "Do you mean it? The last words?"
He sounds insecure.

XC hates to make him feel like that.

"Every one of them. You are my soul, without you I'll be forever incomplete."

" Where are you now?"

" In our favorite place."

" Wait for me," WY says before ending the call.
The rumble of the engine is louder than the voices inside the car.

He is on his way to a small villa that gives the impression of being pulled out from a book.

White houses scattered around surrounded by the sea
Only two trips from the main town to the villa are make in a day. WY misses both but he is able to hitch-hike a ride.

" How do you know about this place?" The woman starts the conversation. Her accent thick but WY could grasp it.
"Years ago I came with a friend. He is waiting for me."

At least WY hopes so, he says to XC that he will come but not when.

Sure he doesn't expect him to be here just one day after their call but WY could't wait more.
As soon as the call ended, he reserved a flight to this place.

They have many favorites places but this small town has a special meaning for them.

It was on this place where they woke up next to each other for the first time.

" Where is he staying?"
" I haven't asked him yet, I'll do it as soon as we arrive."

"During your stay don't miss to visit my restaurant, we made the best Musaka in town."

The wrinkles around his eyes become more prominent when she winks at him.

" We will. I'm sure Lan Huan has already tasted it.
Years ago he fell in love with the food."

" Lan Huan? Is he your friend?"

" Do you know him?"

" It's a small town , when an outsider stays more than a few days we noticed immediately. He has been living here for almost three months.
A good man," the old lady says affectionately." But he needs to smile more."

The rest of the journey they chat about things to do in town and XC, it seems he has gained a bunch of admirers here.
"It seems you don't have to wait more," she points out to the prier.

XC is waking in a relaxed way, eating something from a small paper bag on his hand.

WY is breathless looking at him, so effortlessly handsome on linen clothes and flip-flops.
" What are you still doing here? Go!!" She almost kicks him out of the car. " Pick your things later,Lan Huan knows where I live."

They don't run to each other's arms like ii happened in rom-com movies but time seems to stop around them as they look at each other while
while people dodge them .

A smile blooms on XC's face as he finally reduces the distance between them, engulfing on his arms WY's body. "I missed you so fucking much."

"Father,you can't swear." WY jokes.

"I'm not a man of the church anymore,"
he steps back a bit to look at WY. " I'm just a man madly in love with you."

WY wants to ask many questions but those can't wait. Instead he asks the one he really wants to do . "Can I kiss you?"

Having XC's lips against his own gives him the solace he has been denied during
their time apart. It feels like coming back home after a long time.

They didn't sleep that much that night.

As soon as the door of XC's house closes they claw at each other.

Have you missed me father?" WY asks breathless when XC pushes him against the wall,
rubbing against his backside, making him feel how aroused he is.

" Yes, every bit of you," his intention of talking is gone; the need of claiming his WY again is stronger, lust clouding his rationality. "I could take you here, fucking you raw."
" Do it, I need it," WY has been deprived of sex for months.

He has tried but every touch of a stranger felt wrong on his skin."Fuck me , make love to me. Whatever you want."

Part of their clothes hit the floor with a loud tud , moans filling the silence as their skin touches.
"I won't last long," XC breaths on his ear, mouth moving to suck on the tender skin of his neck.

"Neither won't I."

XC smears their precome on WY's thighs and his own dick. WY close his thighs, making a perfect channel for XC to fuck.
" A-Huan, please more" he begs when XC starts to jack rabbit in his thighs. His whimperings and XC's grunts echo in the other way silent house.

XC cranes his head to kiss him messily at the same time both climaxed, cum sliding down WY's thighs.
WY wakes up when the first rays of the morning filters in the room, surprised to find out XC looking down at him in a way that makes him feel the best thing in the world.

"I thought I had lost you when you didn't contact me after I sent you my diary. He starts talking,
his fingers tracing WY's collarbone.
"Even when I didn't get a reply from you I didn't regret my decision to leave the church."

" Why did you do it?"

"A life with only God in my life feels incomplete because the most important part of my being won't be with me.
I can't be a complete man without you."

"Aren't you going to miss your previous life?"

"There are other ways to help people and honor God without being a cleric."

"I tried to forget you. But I couldn't." WY shares with him.
" Why not?"

" You are going to make me say it, right?" WY stifles him playfully with a pillow.

XC's laughs are muffled by the soft material but WY still can hear his laugh when he says " Yes."

"Because they aren't you. Are you happy?"
"Yes but my happiness could be improved if you give me a kiss." XC overpowers him, trapping him under him.

"You conceited bastard."WY scolds him but kisses him back when XC captures his mouth.

"I love you,"XC mumbles,breaking the contact of their lips to repeat these words.
It hadn't been easy but every sorrow was worth it if he can wake up every morning with this beautiful human being by his side.

The end πŸ’™πŸ’œ

β€’ β€’ β€’

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