You want to vote RFKJ in your State's primary, but not registered Democrat?
Here is your one stop,⚡️quick Twitter guide to hopping the party fence, to drop a vote for #Kennedy24
3 ways states do primaries:
🔐Partially Closed
🔒 = Not registered Democrat, can't vote for RFKJ
🔐 = If not registered/Independent, only you can vote for RFKJ, no party no problem
🗳️ = No need to join a party, you are good to go vote your #KennedyAmerican ❤️
🔒States need to look into changing to Democratic party:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Nebraska, Nevada, N. Jersey, N. Mexico, N. York, N. Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, S. Dakota, Utah, Washington
🔐States where if registered with another party cannot vote in Democratic primary:
Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, N. Hampshire, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Rhode Island
🗳️Unless otherwise noted, these states you are good to go no matter party affiliation:
Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, N. Carolina, Ohio, S. Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin
In first case as an environmental attorney, Kennedy represented the NAACP in a lawsuit against a proposal to build a garbage transfer station in a minority neighborhood in Ossining, New York.
successfully sued Westchester County, New York, to reopen the Croton Point Park, which was heavily used primarily by poor and minority communities from the Bronx.