In 40 short tweets I’ll explain 40 concepts to expand your mind.
1. Bat-and-Ball Problem:
A bat and ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball.
How much does the ball cost?
If you guessed $0.10, wrong!
It’s $0.05.
You missed the “more than the ball.”
When we react instinctively, we react to a simplification of reality.
2. The Learning Pyramid:
How well you retain info depends on the way you learned it. People remember 5% of what they hear, 10% of what they read, 50% of what they discuss, 75% of what they do, and 90% of what they teach.
The more interactive your learning, the more you learn.
3. Moravec's Paradox:
What is easy for humans is hard for AI, and vice versa. Differential calculus requires far less compute than merely climbing steps. Thus, AI will replace most white collar experts before it replaces most blue collar laborers.
4. Price Anchoring:
Retailers often briefly raise the price of an item so they can then reduce it to RRP and advertize it as a big saving. So when you buy a “discounted” item on Black Friday, you often just bought it at normal price.
To avoid this, use price-tracking websites.
5. Health Halo Effect:
We assume food products are healthy based on claims like “low fat” and “sugar free”, but foods stripped of fat/salt/sugar often require the addition of even unhealthier substances (emulsifiers, preservatives, artificial sweeteners).
6. Revenge Bedtime Procrastination:
You don’t want the night to end and the dreaded morning to begin, so you procrastinate going to bed, as if by doing so you can prevent tomorrow ever coming. But tomorrow *will* come, and if you don’t sleep well, it’ll hit you all the harder.
7. Celine’s 3rd Law:
An honest politician is more dangerous than a corrupt one.
A corrupt politician is only interested in enriching himself. An honest, idealistic politician actually wants to change the world, so he stands a real chance of wrecking everything.
8. The Friendship Recession:
Americans without any friends have increased 400% since 1990. The National Institute on Aging says having no friends is worse for health than smoking 15 cigarettes a day. As society continues to atomize, this issue will get worse.
9. Rothbard’s Law:
If a talent comes naturally to someone, they assume it’s nothing special, and instead try to improve at what seems difficult to them. As a result, people often specialize in things they're bad at.
10. The Narcissist's Prayer:
“That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, it's not my fault.
And if it was, you deserved it.”
Beware of goalpost-moving rationalizers. You’ll persuade them of nothing, and they’ll persuade themselves of anything.
11. Solomon's Paradox:
We're better at solving other people's problems than our own, because detachment yields objectivity. But Kross et al (2014) found viewing oneself in the 3rd person yields the same detachment, so when trying to help yourself, imagine you're helping a friend.
12. Dunning-Kruger Effect:
We don’t know what we don’t know.
As such, stupid people are too stupid to realize how stupid they are.
This is why it’s easier to win an argument against a genius than an idiot.
13. Dartmouth Scar:
Kleck (1991) pretended to paint a scar on people's faces, then sent them into job interviews. They reported discrimination due to the scar—even though they had no scar.
Few things victimize us more than the belief that we’re a victim.
14. Intellectual Obesity:
We evolved to seek out sugar as it was a scarce source of energy. But when we learned to mass-produce it, our love for sweet things went from an asset to a liability. The same is now true of data. Our curiosity, which once focused us, now distracts us.
15. Problem Selling:
Problem-solvers take an issue and break it down into small solvable chunks. Problem-sellers (e.g. politicians, the press) do the opposite, blaming many small issues on one big problem that looks insurmountable and terrifying.
Since human brains think linearly, we vastly underestimate the exponential effect of cumulative small actions. In 2005, Canadian blogger Kyle MacDonald traded his way from a paperclip to a house in just 14 transactions.
17. The Never-Ending Now:
We're always chasing the latest info, but this tends to be junk whose main selling point is novelty, not quality. Instead of new info, seek that which has stood the test of time: classic literature, proven theorems, replicated studies.
We scrutinize the opinions of others more closely than our own. Trouche et al (2014) found that people often reject their own opinions if tricked into believing they’re someone else’s.
To properly evaluate your beliefs, imagine they’re someone else’s.
19. Majority Illusion:
Very online people often overestimate, based on their little internet bubble, the popularity of certain ideas. The Bud Light marketing team moved in online circles that thought Dylan Mulvaney was hip, so they assumed everyone else would too.
If one person has power over another, then the less powerful person can’t risk saying what they really think. Thus, in any hierarchy, honest communication only travels horizontally.
21. Selfie Dysmorphia:
The Instagram arms race of lip fillers & beauty filters creates unrealistic beauty standards for girls, causing them to hate how they look. Their desire to escape themselves may help explain the sudden surge in teenage girls reporting gender dysphoria.
22. Counterfeit Fitness:
Men’s main driver for pursuing greatness is to get laid. But porn & sexbots offer men the illusion of getting laid without the need to “earn” it, so men are quickly losing their main motivation for bettering themselves.
23. St. George in Retirement Syndrome:
Many who fight injustice come to define themselves by their fight against injustice, so that, as they defeat the injustice, they must invent new injustices to fight against simply to maintain their identity.
24. Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity:
Evil can be guarded against. Stupidity cannot. And the world's few evil people have little power without the help of the world's many stupid people. Therefore, stupidity is a far greater threat than evil.
25. Mating Mind Hypothesis:
Why did we evolve a sense of humor?
Comedy requires subverting expectations and connecting the seemingly unconnected. It's a reliable signal of creativity, so we evolved to look for it in mates, and to use it to attract mates.
26. Switch Cost Effect
We simultaneously inhabit 2 worlds—online & off—and both regularly interrupt us with demands/notifications, so we’re never able to settle in either. The constant switching of attention lowers working IQ by ~10, dumbifying us 2x more than being high on weed.
27. Fanbaiting:
Ideas that divide spread further than ideas everyone agrees with. Film studios portray a white character or historical figure as black, which stokes outrage and divides the internet, and as everyone complains or defends it they all unwittingly publicize the movie.
28. Crab-Bucket Effect (aka Tall Poppy Syndrome):
On social media, people will attack those they envy or desire to bring them down and assuage their own feelings of inferiority. If they have no pride in their accomplishments, they’ll instead take pride in your failures.
29. Gurwinder’s Theory of Bespoke Bullshit:
Many don’t have an opinion until they’re asked for it, at which point they cobble together a viewpoint from whim & half-remembered hearsay, before deciding that this 2-minute-old makeshift opinion will be their new hill to die on.
30. Explore-Exploit Tradeoff:
The young own little so have little to lose, and are free to experiment and overturn norms. The old own much so can’t risk experimenting, and need stability to safeguard the lives they’ve built. A key reason people become more conservative with age.
31. Celine's 1st Law:
National security is the chief cause of national insecurity.
Government attempts to stop a threat to security lead it to draft harsher laws and to spy on its citizens, which eventually becomes a greater threat than that which it’s protecting against.
32. Idea Laundering:
How do "kind" falsehoods like "sex is a spectrum" and "obesity is healthy" go mainstream? Activists with PhDs use academic journals & scientific jargon to disguise ideology as knowledge, which is then cited as fact by media & Wikipedia.
33. Shopping Cart Theory:
Returning a shopping cart is considerate, quick, and easy, so it’s an extremely low bar of unselfishness to clear. Therefore, someone who doesn't return shopping carts likely has the principles of an alley cat, and is only being kept in check by laws.
34. Galloway’s Razor
Research shows people enjoy possessions less than they expected, and they enjoy experiences more than they expected. In the end, people value what they did much more than what they owned. So choose adventures over luxury items.
35. Reframing:
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. If you feel life sucks, don’t say “life sucks” but “I think life sucks right now.” This shifts the problem from the world to your mind, and it's easier to change your mind than the world.
36. Hebb's Rule:
Neurons that fire together wire together.
When you repeatedly think or act a certain way, your brain begins to physically rewire itself to facilitate that thought or action. You literally become what you repeatedly do. So choose your habits wisely.
37. Hedonic Treadmill:
Once we've obtained what we desire, our happiness quickly returns to its baseline level, and we begin to desire something else. Whatever we get, we get used to. Therefore, contentment lies not in accumulating possessions, but in relinquishing desires.
38. Crabtree's Bludgeon:
It’s possible to create a coherent explanation for any set of observations—even ones that are mutually contradictory. In other words, there is at least one seemingly rational argument to justify even the most idiotic bullshit. So be careful.
39. The Arc of Happiness
Self-reported happiness graphed by age is smile-shaped. The optimism of youth becomes cynicism as responsibilities mount & dreams collide with reality. But after midlife, happiness rises again as people accept reality and learn to enjoy the little things.
40. Epistemic Luck:
You know that if you’d lived in a different place or time, read different books, had different friends, you’d have different beliefs. And yet, you’re convinced that your current beliefs are correct. So, are you wrong, or the luckiest person ever?
1. Negative Partisanship:
Many people’s political views revolve not around what they support, but what they oppose. They’re always fighting against something rather than for something, and the constant focus on what they hate makes them nasty and miserable.
2. Enshittification:
Online services start out serving users. When they have enough users, they switch to serving advertisers/shareholders, at the expense of users.
E.g. Google Search initially showed you what you searched for, but now largely shows you what it wants you to see.
1. One of the biggest sources of idiocy is the belief that you need to have an opinion on everything.
2. If you want to be right, don’t try to be right, try to be less wrong. If you want to be smart, don’t try to be smart, try to be curious and humble.
3. No one is paying as much attention to you as you are. People are too concerned with how they appear to others to care much about how you appear to them.
In my years on Twitter, I’ve summarized hundreds of useful concepts into tweet form.
Here are the best concepts to help you navigate 2024, as chosen by the editors at @UnHerd
1. The Opinion Pageant:
The rise of social media as the primary mode of interaction has caused us to overvalue opinions as a gauge of character. We are now defined more by what we say than what we actually do, and words, unlike deeds, are easy to counterfeit.
2. Idiocy Saturation:
Online, people who don’t think before they post are able to post more often than people who do. As a result, the average social media post is stupider than the average social media user.
1. Licensing Effect:
Believing you’re good can make you behave bad. Those who consider themselves virtuous worry less about their own behavior, making them more susceptible to ethical lapses.
A big cause of immorality is self-righteous morality.
2. Moravec's Paradox:
What's easy for humans is hard for AI, and vice versa. For instance, differential calculus requires far less compute than merely climbing steps. Thus, AI will likely replace most white collar experts before it replaces most blue collar laborers.
In 20 tweets I’ll summarize 20 key principles to understand the world.
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes.
Value: potentially a lifetime.
1. Herostratic Fame:
Many people would rather be hated than unknown. In Ancient Greece, Herostratus burned down the Temple of Artemis purely so he’d be remembered. Now we have “nuisance influencers” who stream themselves committing crimes and harassing people purely for clout.
2. Hotelling's Law:
Rival products (burgers, pop songs, political parties) tend to grow more alike over time, because creators copy more successful rivals to replicate their success and steal their customers/audiences.
Paradoxically, this increases the value of being different.