If you or someone you know still asks why functional literacy has tanked, why Activist social issues & explicit sexuality ed has primacy over & above traditional academics, read this thread breaking down Blumenfeld’s essay:

Samuel Blumenfeld 1926-2015
1/ https://t.co/MRQjiMK63Kabeka.com/blog/who-kille…





















As a strategic Fabian & a tactical Pragmatist, Dewey rebranded Communist aims & goals to appeal to American/Western appetites & sensibilities.































55/If you’ve read down this far you’re hard core. I’ve posted a few of the references if anyone want’s to dig in. It helps a lot to have digested most of @NewDiscourses output to appreciate the depth/scope of what this essay presents, but so well worth for current understanding.

@WatcherinTexas ‘The Right’ is a foil to ‘The Left’ in Fabian strategy. A dialectical mechanism for manoeuvre/corralling. Hence the distraction of Party Politics. ‘The Right’ is as instrumental to pragmatic purposes as ‘The Left’.
@jaybird_b Yes, quite the lineage.
@jaybird_b Comitted to The Great Work
@Orchidoptera @NewDiscourses yw

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Mar 9
A people cannot rule themselves unless they first understand reality. Without formation in truth, every attempt at self-governance will collapse into the very system it seeks to replace:
‘Once, in a valley surrounded by great mountains, there stood a village called Hollowstead. The people of Hollowstead lived as they always had; planting, harvesting, trading, and speaking in words they had inherited without ever questioning their meaning. They did not wonder why their customs were as they were, nor did they ask who had first shaped their laws. Life simply was, and that was enough.’Image
2/‘One day, a traveler arrived, a man who had studied the ways of the ancients. He had spent years searching for a people who still knew the old ways of self-rule, those who had not forgotten how to govern themselves by truth rather than whim. Seeing the village’s disorder; their dependence on rulers who neither understood nor cared for them; he resolved to teach them self-governance. He stood in the village square and spoke:
“You are not ruled by necessity, nor by fate. Your laws should not be dictated by distant lords. You can rule yourselves, if only you remember how.”Image
3/‘The people listened politely, for they were a kind people, but when the traveler finished, they looked at each other in confusion.

“Who would make our laws if not the rulers?” one asked.
“How would we know right from wrong?” said another.
“But we have always done things this way,” muttered an elder.
“If the rulers did not govern, would not chaos follow?”

The traveler saw their faces clouded with uncertainty. They did not reject his words with malice; they simply could not comprehend them. Their entire way of thinking had been shaped within a world where self-rule was unimaginable. The idea of truth existing beyond their customs was foreign to them, and so, unable to recognize it, they let it pass through their minds like mist through trees.’

Read 16 tweets
Mar 4
🧵James Wilson🔥🫡🇺🇸🔥
Thank you Roberta Bayer - pleased to have found your work!Roberta sets out here what I have been repeatedly sharing on this platform for over a year - and she’s a proper faculty scholar, a real academic - so there!😜 Image
2/ The function of anti-realist philosophy in the academy was purposed for epistemic containment, serving Mercantile & Statist power consolidation which needed to ensure the eradication, thereafter, prevention of The People attaining or even desiring Self Governance. The fact that to this day (and with increasing zeal) we have academics and ‘thought leaders’ defending and lauding the philosophies predicated on skepticism (& its many derivations) which actively undermine and subvert popular sovereignty and self governance is not a mere intellectual curio or ideological difference of ‘opinion’. It is the destruction of the fabric of society in the American Constitutional Republic. It is tactical warfare of the deepest kind - as Founder and Framer; Supreme Court Justice James Wilson well understood. I have repeatedly presented this analysis and I can only hope that like a message in a bottle, the analysis I’ve posted on here through the past year and its implications and consequences I’ve dedicated my Fable Series to illustrating do, by some miracle, make it onto the desk of someone with the agency at National Level to assist with counter measures for Education at large and at scale.Image
3/ ‘The practical outcome of assuming that there are no first principles of natural law and reason leads to tyranny, where the “Leaders” of the State determine truth and falsehood for themselves’

This theft of metaphysical & philosophical realism in the educational formation of The West’s young men & women is bearing its full rotten fruit. It was not a mistake, it was an Operation, a multi generational campaign to weaken and subjugate domestic population. If you saw the recent posts of @ConceptualJames on the necessity of young men to act on sound principles and resist ideological collectivist identitarian radicalization - you’ll appreciate the resonance of this excerpt:Image
Read 36 tweets
Feb 28
🧵I won’t be winning friends with this thread but here goes:

Grassroots community-driven education movements, even when opting out of mainstream public schools, are already primed to reproduce the very ideological subversion they are trying to escape. Why? Because in the main (yes I’m generalizing) the parents, educators, and local leaders behind these efforts have already been intellectually formed by the same Neoplatonic and Nominalist paradigms that corrupted public education in the first place, irrespective of whether they are Faith affiliated or not.

They do not recognize the nature of epistemic war.

They cannot perceive how their own worldview remains captive to the enemy’s metaphysical assumptions.

They believe they are “choosing liberty” when in reality, they are re-enacting the same ideological capture in a different framework.

Even when they “opt out,” they remain prisoners of the very system they are resisting; because they are still using its methods, its content, and its assumptions about reality.

Parents & Local Leaders Have Already Been Formed
by the Enemy’s Intellectual System:

The majority of parents and grassroots education leaders do not recognize the epistemic war they are inside of. Even when rejecting “wokeness” and “progressivism,” they still fundamentally accept the deeper structures of Nominalism, Constructivism, and Neoplatonic mysticism that inform modern education. They assume that “Classical Education” or “Christian Homeschooling” is an escape, when they too, have in varying degrees, been built upon the same foundational errors that led to modern ideological corruption. Even “conservative” and “traditional” education movements will continue producing epistemically compromised citizens who may be able to uphold “tradition/heritage” yet are unable to sustain self-governance.

Currently there is much within the cant of both Tradition & Heritage which is being subtly and deceptively co-opted to Technocratic State Power consolidation by stealth. This is working fast to corral the demoralized population, desperate for anti woke and anti communist solutions in addition to fellowship with others desiring a renewal of hope & optimism in the face of so much hostility and destruction. Yes, I’ve been listening carefully to the ARC sessions posted online so far. It’s quite something listening to words that I so long to hear, then all of a sudden a quick “wait…..what…??!!” as the speaker/interviewee drops a call to action which utterly negates self governance and popular sovereignty under natural law.
3/ Laypeople Rely on Institutional Approval;
Even When Creating Alternatives

Many parents understandably do not have the philosophical or analytical framework to evaluate whether a given curriculum, methodology, or text is truly aligned with Realitas. They instinctively seek pre-approved curricular materials, choosing content that appears “classical” or “patriotic” but is still infused with the same epistemological distortions that led to the collapse of public education. This means elite ideological capture remains in place, but now under a different brand. Education remains contained within managed ideological boundaries, even as parents believe they have achieved educational sovereignty.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 28
Neoplatonic Corruption of Platonism & Nominalist Subversion of the Academy - their relationship🤓

Just as Neoplatonism corrupted classical Platonism by replacing objective reality with mystical abstraction, Nominalism subverted the Academy by severing knowledge from metaphysical realism, reducing truth to linguistic and conceptual constructs.

The two processes are 💡structurally identical; both operate by transforming🐍 knowledge from something discovered💡 into something created🪄, thereby placing it under the control of elite interpreters🐍 rather than objective reality🔥.Image

Classical Platonism; Realism & the Fixed Order of Forms:

Plato asserted that universals (Forms) exist objectively; justice, beauty, and truth are real and discoverable, not human inventions. The philosopher’s role was to align human understanding with these pre-existing realities, using dialectic and reason to reach deeper insights into the nature of being.

The Neoplatonic Corruption; Replacing Objective Forms with Mystical Abstraction🪄

Neoplatonism (Plotinus, Proclus, Iamblichus) altered Plato’s system, making knowledge a process of mystical ascent🪄 rather than rational discovery💡.

Instead of the Forms being objective realities accessible through reason, Neoplatonism taught that knowledge was a layered, esoteric process requiring secret initiation, mediation by enlightened masters, and a transcendent ascent to “higher realities.”

Neoplatonism replaced metaphysical realism with an interpretive system, placing knowledge under the control of elite mediators rather than objective reality.

This shifted philosophy from an epistemology of discovery🔥 to an epistemology of controlled access🐍, where only the initiated🐍 could interpret reality. Only they had the ‘enlightened consciousness’. As with current Critical Consciousness “Scholars”, New Thought™️Leaders, Game B Architects, Technocrats & Integralist Synthesizers of every Brand.

The Academy Under Realism; Knowledge as Discovery:

Before Nominalism’s dominance, the medieval universities operated on the foundation that truth existed independently of human thought and language (Scholastic Realism).

Knowledge was an attempt to discover💡reality, not to construct🪄 it.

The Nominalist Attack; Severing Knowledge from Reality:

William of Ockham (14th century) introduced Nominalism, arguing that universals are not real but merely names (nomina) we assign to things. This collapsed objective knowledge into linguistic categorization, making truth a matter of conceptual labels rather than metaphysical discovery.

Long-Term Subversion; From Nominalism to Constructivism:

Once the Academy accepted that categories were just linguistic constructs, the door was opened for:

Kant: The mind constructs reality; truth is structured by perception.

Hegel: Truth is evolving, shaped by historical dialectics.

Postmodernism: Reality itself is a social construct.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 26
🧵Stoney bringing the 🔥 here - have you spotted how/why?

Let’s break it down:

Language matters, and when the wrong language is used; even if it sounds “right” it becomes a Trojan Horse for subversion. If the wrong foundation is accepted, everything built on it will lead back to centralized control, rather than individual liberty and self-governance under Natural Law.
2/ The Problem with “Personal Liberties” vs.
“Individual Liberties Recognized in the Constitution”

At first glance, the shift in The Washington Post’s editorial stance may seem like a victory. After all, “personal liberties” and “free markets” sound like concepts aligned with traditional American values. But there’s a critical flaw in the phrasing; one that allows for ideological capture and subversion down the line.

🚩Why Is “Personal Liberties” a Red Flag?
3/ Personal Liberties = Subjective and Arbitrary

“Personal liberties” suggests that liberty is a personal preference rather than an objective, inalienable right.

This opens the door to relativism, where liberty is not recognized as something intrinsic to human nature but is instead something granted, defined, and withdrawn by the state or elite opinion-makers.

In this way, the ‘cant’ of ‘Liberty’ (“personal liberty”) is functionally primed to turn against substantive constitutional liberty, while rhetorically ‘appearing’ to champion and defend it.

My recent threads on the epistemology of Locke have attempted to demonstrate these susceptibilities (if naive/unanticipated) or tactical affordances (if strategically deployed - consider associations & motivations of parties/actors involved).
Read 10 tweets
Feb 25
Natural Law does not assess actions based on social trends, ideological narratives, or subjective preferences but on whether they align with objective reality, the intrinsic nature of human beings, and the moral order discernible through reason.

Natural Law is not arbitrary moralism; it is a system that derives moral principles from the intrinsic nature and purpose of things. In 2025, the question of homosexuality must be examined within this objective framework, not through emotional appeals, cultural pressures, or nominalist social constructs.
2/ Natural Law’s Framework for Human Sexuality:

This imo is much bigger than just homosexuality - I’d say the discussion is about sexuality full stop and one which someone like me - going to university in the “shaggathon early 1990s” where aversion to promiscuity was ‘wierd’ & ‘prudish’ & an option of *not* engaging in that was socially speaking, not even on the table - well….it’s a discussion my generation raised outside of limiting religious principles didn’t even know how to have, that it was even possible. You probably find that strange. That was the culture though and it’s only ever gone full steam ahead since then. So - away from subjective experience and back to Natural Law:

Natural Law evaluates human actions based on whether they fulfill the intrinsic telos (purpose) of human nature and whether they align with the rational order of reality.
3/ The Core Principles of Natural Law on Human Sexuality:

The Unity of Biological and Rational Purpose:

Natural Law holds that human sexuality is ordered toward two intrinsically connected ends:

Procreation; the biological generation of new life.
Union; the deep, complementary bond between a man and a woman, forming the foundation of the natural family unit.

These ends are not arbitrarily assigned but are built into the biological and rational structure of human beings.

I think the most articulate defence of this I’ve heard was from Dr Alan Keyes.

Currently we have Technocrats doing what they can to push the artificial Procreation Agenda & Queer Theory doing what it can to push the negation of Male/Female Union.
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