Well, looks like it's time for me to do a big 🧵on why autism isn't brain damage, and why vaccines don't cause autism.
Here I've provided a selection of posts from @DrBenTapper1 and @stkirsch, two men I actually debated for nearly 5 hours on this very issue. They learned naught.
@Gish19382 @ghostwolfman @jason_willz1 @DrBenTapper1 @stkirsch citations, and with no author, there's no one to question on jt.
@babybluesnews @djchicus @wigwam_ac *100mg
@scientistabe (42) Further, aluminium salts across the entire vaccine schedule do not reach a level anywhere NEAR the level to cause harm or cross the blood-brain-barrier -
@scientistabe (46)
'But what about THIS BOOK by THIS AUTHOR?'
JB Handley's book on the 'autism epidemic' - I've read it. What Handley's book is, is almost 300 pages of anecdotes from parents he spoke to, alongside many interviews with the Geiers, two 'doctors' who castrate autistic people.
@scientistabe (47)
Are you quite sure you want to trust the word of a self-described doctor who castrates autistic children to 'cure' them?
How about a self-described doctor whose research amounts to finding random patterns in VAERS reports?
@scientistabe (48)
Many of Geier's papers have been retracted. It's a pretty big deal if a paper, published in a peer reviewed publication (or not, as many antivax authors will use pay to publish) is retracted, especially quickly after publication.
@scientistabe (49)
Shaw, another scientist who repeats the tired nonsense that aluminium causes autism, has also had many of his works retracted as well.
You can use this website - to check for the status of papers.
@scientistabe (50)
ASD is a spectrum disorder. In medicine, disorder doesn't mean damaged, broken or in need of fixing - it simply means different to the norm. Many disorders ARE pathological and do require treatment, but equally, there are many that don't. For example, intersex conditions are
@scientistabe (51)classed as disorders. Kleinfelters is called a disorder or syndrome. Individuals with XXY, XO, or other sex chromosomal differences are told they have a disorder of sexual development - but there's no 'cure' or 'fix', and many of the treatments used are now currently under
@scientistabe (52) a large amount of scrutiny, as many older treatments for intersex people involved placing them on one binary or the other.
Regressive genotypes are present in normal, healthy individuals. Blue eyes are caused by a recessive gene, for example.
Autism is not a terrible fate.
@scientistabe (53)
The reason there are such vast varieties of difference across the autism spectrum is because we, like neurotypical people, all have different brains, and the dysregulation of synapses can have a HUGE variety of different effects, depending on how dysregulated things are.
@scientistabe (54)
The discussion around 'vaccines cause autism', 'autism is brain damage' pushes autistic people into a lower class, lesser human status. It gives leniency to people like the Geiers, who abuse us and experiment on us to try and 'fix' us. It justifies the use of bleach on
@scientistabe (55) children, of untested supplements and strange chemical regimes, all because parents have been told repeatedly that we are damaged, sick, lesser, whatever.
Some are non-verbal. But speaking isn't the only way to communicate.
Some exhibit damaging behaviours. These people
@scientistabe (56) may not comprehend how their actions are dangerous. This doesn't need some cruel intervention of bleach or chelation. It needs understanding, empathy, patience, and working with someone, on the level they can understand, to put in place more support to help them learn.
@scientistabe (57)
It's a struggle to be a parent with a disabled, or differently abled child. We still deal with a huge amount of discrimination. We are more likely to be unemployed, to die younger, to be mistreated by police and by society.
Society isn't built wuth ASD in mind.
@scientistabe (58) Lastly, I would like to leave some resources for everyone.
https://t.co/PZtsx5PLQA This is a playlist by Khan Academy, with videos dedicated to different statistical tests and methods. I used this during my time at university. It's EXCELLENT!
Hello everyone. I'm making a LENGTHY @stkirsch thread. Please feel free to share this post to him, or screenshot it and repost to his followers. He wants a debate. And that's EXACTLY what I discussed with him, in DMs, last week.
In this 🧵I'm going to share the DMs. All of them.
Last week, (18th/19th May) I got a DM from Kirsch, after I had already been a pest on his posts & had asked for a discussion on why his stance regarding vaccines causing autism is so damaging. I was more than happy to put myself out there, as an autistic woman in STEM.
As you can see, I was very honest about my own limitations and knowledge, and happily did my best to answer Kirsch's questions to the best of my ability. I made it clear (from image 2 and 3) what my background is, that I am interested for genuine and honest reasons.