"Starship is extremely fundamental. So, the holy grail of rocketry or space transport is full and rapid reusability. This has never been achieved...
The closest that anything has come is our Falcon 9 rocket where we are able to recover the first stage, the boost stage, which is probably about 60% of the cost... of the whole launch, maybe 70%. And we've now done that over 100 times.
So, with Starship, we will be recovering the entire thing or at least that's the goal. And moreover, recovering it in such a way that it can be immediately re-flown. Whereas with Falcon 9, we still need to do some amount of refurbishment to the booster and to the fairing.
But with Starship, the design goal is immediate re-flight. So, you just refill propellants and go again. This is gigantic, just as it would be in any other mode of transport.
And just to put the cost thing into perspective, the expected cost of Starship putting 100 tons into orbit is significantly less than what it would have cost or what it did cost to put our tiny Falcon 1 rocket into orbit.
Just as the cost of flying a 747 around the world is less than the cost of a small airplane, you know, a small airplane that was thrown away. So, it's really pretty mind-boggling that the giant thing costs way less than the small thing.
It doesn't use exotic propellants or things that are difficult to obtain on Mars. It uses Methane as fuel and it's primarily oxygen, roughly 77-78% oxygen by weight, and Mars has a CO2 atmosphere and has water ice, which is CO2 + H20, so...
...you can make CH4 methane, and O2 oxygen on Mars... The fuel is a simple fuel that is easy to create on Mars and in many other parts of the solar system... It's all propulsive landing, no parachutes, nothing thrown away.
It has a heat shield that's capable of entering on Earth or Mars. We could even potentially go to Venus but you don't wanna go there haha... Venus is hell, almost literally.
It's a generalized method of transport to anywhere in the solar system because the point at which you have a propellant depot on Mars, you can then travel to the Asteroid Belt and to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn and ultimately anywhere in the solar system."
| Elon Musk
-Height = 120m (394ft)
-Diameter = 9m (30ft)
-Payload to low Earth orbit = 100+ tons (220+ klb)
@elonmusk "It's very important for there to be an inclusive arena for free speech.
Twitter has become kind of the de facto town square so it's really important that people have both the reality and the perception that they are able to speak freely within the bounds of the law.
@elonmusk One of the things that I believe Twitter should do is open-source the algorithm and make any changes to people's tweets, you know, if they're emphasized or de-emphasized, that action should be made apparent...
@elonmusk "Here is the strongest argument for us being in a simulation... 40 years ago we had Pong, two rectangles and a dot {primitive video game]. That was what games were...
@elonmusk Now 40 years later we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simutaneously and it's getting better every year. And soon we'll have virtual reality, augmented reality, etc.
@elonmusk "I think what Douglas Adams was saying in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is that the Universe is the answer and what we really need to figure out are what questions to ask about the answer that is the Universe.
@elonmusk The question is really the hard part and if you can properly frame the question, the answer relatively speaking, is easy.
@elonmusk "Starship is extremely fundamental. So, the holy grail of rocketry or space transport is full and rapid reusability. This has never been achieved.
@elonmusk The closest that anything has come is our Falcon 9 rocket where we are able to recover the first stage, the boost stage, which is probably about 60% of the cost... of the whole launch, maybe 70%. And we've now done that over 100 times.
@elonmusk Interviewer: "What has driven you to take on this new challenge?"
Musk: "Well, there's a need for connectivity in places that don't have it right now or where connectivity is very limited... or very expensive. In many parts of the world, it's completely unavailable.
@elonmusk So, you can think of Starlink as filling in the gaps between 5G and fiber... and really getting to the parts of the world that are the hardest to reach, the most difficult to reach 3% and possibly 5%.
@elonmusk "The boring company actually started as kind of a joke and a lot of times people would ask me what do I think the opportunities are out there and for five years or more I kept saying 'Can someone please start a tunneling company?'
@elonmusk Because I think tunnels have a lot of opportunity for alleviating traffic in cities and just improving quality of life overall. I mean, there's a lot of streets you could turn into parks. You certainly wouldn't need parking, you could just park cars underground.