Master this skill and conquer any market challenge. 💪
I've dedicated countless hours to perfecting it.
Join me on this epic trading journey and dive into my Master Thread. 🧵
Leave a Like and Retweet to show your appreciation! (1/18)
It is very important to create a daily trading plan so that you do not feel lost in the live market. I post mine here daily. Additionally, I conduct live streams on Telegram every weekend for in- depth weekly analysis. Follow my channel. (2/18)
I believe we are all aware that when the market gives a breakout following a consolidation, we have the potential for a strong trending market. However, despite this opportunity we often find ourselves missing out on maximizing our profits. Here's how I try not to miss it!🧵(1/23
When the market approaches an all-time high, we imagine different scenarios where it may struggle to break through and fall instead. We think about past situations with similar outcomes, like false breakouts, and consider various possibilities. (2/23)
It is beneficial to conduct analysis beforehand, but it is pointless to be biased, as the market is more knowledgeable than an individual and always one step ahead. It is important to always consider various "what if" scenarios- (3/23)
Here's a 🧵 that explains how to trade breakouts and the important factors to keep in mind.
To get best out of this thread, you must know the basics of price action. (1/19)
There are numerous pattern formations on charts and we can identify and trade them as soon as there is a breakout. However, do you actually believe that it is that simple? (2/19)
No, it's not easy because the text book patterns such as H&S, Cup and Handle, and Triangles are not commonly found on a day to day basis. Furthermore, if we wait for these patterns to form, we may miss out on substantial moves and a few patterns may not offer much accuracy.(3/19)
Understanding Support/Resistance Forms Your Base of Doing Market’s Technical Analysis.
A 🧵for those seeking Support and Resistance knowledge: (1/21)
It's common knowledge that the market never goes up in a straight line. It always continues its journey in a zigzag pattern or pauses for while before moving forward. When the price pauses temporarily at certain levels in its upward journey.. (2/21)
..and resists to stop going further, it's called Resistance.
When the price starts falling after a good upmove and pauses temporarily, preventing the price to stop falling any further, it's called Support. (3/21)
Breakouts are overrated. And mean reversion, reversal trades/pullbacks are underrated.
If you are an intraday trader, you must know how to trade reversals/pullbacks and not just rely on breakouts.
Let's find this out in a 🧵with a few examples: (1/21)
To get best out of this thread, you must know the basics of price action.
Reversal doesn't just mean buying at support and selling at resistance. Beauty of reversal is that they give excellent RR. In different market environments, trades should be approached differently. (2/21)
We know that there are three types of trends in the market -- Uptrend, Downtrend and Range bound/Sideways markets.
Like Trend following, we should know the overall trend of the market while trading for Reversals as well. (3/21)
How to execute positional trading/trend following through option selling?
When to initiate a trade?
What strike to choose?
When to roll over the strike?
And what should be the ideal position sizing to do?
Read On:🧵(1/22)
In order to understand all of this, you should know the basics of price action. Here's how I do it; you can implement it if it works for you.
When to initiate a trade:
For initiating trades, you should know the trend at higher timeframes, like Daily and Weekly. (2/22)
Always start with a higher timeframe and come down to a lower timeframe. Check whether it's bullish, bearish or sideways. It's important to initiate a trade at the right time. Let's understand with a few examples.(3/22)
If you are new to F&O, you can start with Vertical Spreads (Debit and Credit spreads) instead of buying options in Stocks and Indices.
Here are some ways how you can do it, when you can do it and the right position sizing for doing it... 🧵 (1/25)
Traders who are trading in cash and want to explore options generally start with options buying without much knowledge. They buy OTM strikes and trade with wrong position sizing. With no idea about the perfect entry, they end up feeling that F&O is risky. (2/25)
After losses in F&O buying, this is how I approached it and it rewarded me pretty well in initial phase. I find this strategy easy to start things off. And then, you can explore other strategies too and find what works for you. (3/25)