Abud Bakri MD Profile picture
Aug 9, 2023 27 tweets 11 min read Read on X
I have been seeing a LOT of CANCER in younger and younger patients 🦀

Some even in their early 30s 😪

And I’m not the only one noticing it 👀

Here’s what I think is causing a dramatic rise in YOUNG cancer cases 👇🧵 Image
Disclaimer first: I’m a doctor but I’m not YOUR doctor. None of this is medical advice

I also am not a oncologist. This is just what I’ve been noticing in my young career and connections I’ve made

If I knew the absolute answer, I’d win a noble prize

There will be other… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
I’m not the only one noticing it 👀

The rates are going up in younger people

They are calling it the Birth Cohort Effect 👶

Each successive decade has a higher risk of developing cancer

People born 1970s have higher risk than 1960s have a higher risk than 1950s and so on… Image
Chadwick Boseman is the example most people remember

Young, fit, successful 🐆

Colon cancer at age 39

Dead by 43

What happening? ⬇️ Image
Immune Escape Phenomena

I view cancer primarily through the lens of immune escape

Everyday there are mistake and damage in cellular replication

These cells become prone to becoming cancerous

Our immune systems hunt them out and DESTROYS them Image
Something (or many things) is getting in the way of this

And as a result, more cancer evades the immune system and starts to grow

So what’s affecting the immune system? ⬇️ Image
1. Circadian Dysfunction 🔁

Every single cell in our body is tied to a 24 hour clock

This includes the immune cells

Thanks to artificial lights at night, poor sleep schedules, not enough bright light in the day etc

If we want our immune systems at peak shape, we need to… https://t.co/ZCjuaxHdIHtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
2. Poor Sleep 😴

Building on circadian biology, poor sleep is wrecking HAVOC on the immune system

Sleep is when the immune cells can ‘clean up’ damaged/cancer prone cells

Several studies have found link between sleep deprivation and increased cancer risk Image
Remember the ‘sleep hormone’ melatonin?

It is intimately involved with immune regulation

Scrolling TikTok with blue light at night?

This lowers your melatonin production

Another chance to negatively influence the immune system that's hunting cancer

(I don’t believe… https://t.co/LgBWG0hcfXtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
3. Vitamin D ☀️

Building on sleep and circadian rhythms, low vitamin D levels are associated with increased risk of cancer

Vitamin D has a key immune role

Supplementing vitamin D does not seem to improve this

We need sunlight for:

1. Normal circadian health
2. Good sleep
3.… https://t.co/WKLklT3Opytwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

4. Obesity 🍔

We all know obesity is linked to an increase risk of cancer

Fat cells, especially visceral fat release inflammatory cytokines

This may contribute to further immune dysregulation and allow cancer to escape

Obesity is chronic inflammatory state
5. Fatty Livers (NAFLD)

The liver is a key metabolic and immune regulator

Fatty liver disease is sky rocketing allowing with obesity

This is a risk for cancer in the liver AND outside of it

NAFLD is on track to become the primary reason for liver transplants
6. Poor Nutrition 🍎

All of our cells rely on the nutrients we provide to function properly

I’d argue this is more important for immune cells as they rapidly divide Image
7. Microbiome 🦠

This one is more nebulous, but we are starting to notice a connection between the bacteria that live inside of us and cancer

These bacteria have a crucial immune regulatory role

Keep an eye on this developing field as new research emerges Image
8. Chronic High Stress 😖

We all known mental health at a population level is in the gutter

People are more stressed out than ever, especially during the pandemic

I and many residents got sick with a cold more often while stressed out on long 28 hour shifts

Your immune… https://t.co/6F6Kz4elpttwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

All the above and more are wrecking havoc on our immune function

Alone none of them can cause cancer

Combined, we are having low grade immune suppression which is allowing cancer to escape

This may also be why we are seeing more autoimmune disease by the same mechanism

But… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Cellular Energetics 💥

Aside from immunity, there is a relationship between mitochondrial function and cancer

When I was 17 and taking AP biology in high school, I noticed that the cellular signal for apoptosis (cell death switch) is in the mitochondria Image
Mitochondria release cytochrome c into the cytoplasm and this tells the cell to die

This may be a key mechanism for cells that are becoming cancer prone to off themselves

Since that day 12 years ago I’ve been mesmerized by this
Poor mitochondrial function = increased cancer risk?

Our mitochondria are all affected by the above things, whether it be the circadian rhythm or obesity.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a link here to cancer Image
For over 100 years we’ve known that cancer metabolism is different than regular cells

Noble Prize Winner Otto Warburg noticed and coined the so called “Warburg effect”

For the last 50 years cancer research has been focused on molecular biology and genetics

We need to look… https://t.co/XJqI1H3EqYtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Environmental Toxins? 🚬

We know that environmental toxins can lead to cancer, such as smoking for lung cancer

There are a number of toxins people are worried about, including phthalates, nnEMF, radiation, industrial waste products etc

The jury is still out on these and more… https://t.co/VwnDzfmKJltwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Are there other environmental toxins we are missing? Probably

Are there microbiome effects? Probably

But I would argue if we had adequate immune function, our bodies could hunt out the cells damaged by whatever we are exposed to in the environment

Immunity is key here
Delayed Cancer Screening 🩻

During the pandemic, many people did not see their primary care doctors. That’s tons of missed colonoscopies, mammograms and basic screening labs

Catching cancer at stage 1 is a simple surgery or radiation treatment with success rate

Stage 4? Good… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Next thread? How I approach screening for cancer in myself, my family, and my patients.

Follow ➕along for that one

Should you get a full body MRI? Genetic testing? Liquid biopsy?

More to come Image
If you found this useful, please bookmark and SHARE the first tweet in this thread 👇

Helps a ton

And let me know what questions you have
And while you’re here check out my last thread 👇

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Feb 19
Progress isn’t always good

We replaced incandescent lights with LEDs for “energy efficient”

But we deprived ourselves, and especially our eyes, of the energy needed to recharge our mitochondria everyday: infrared lights

Sometimes we have to step back to move forward Image
Incandescents have a lot of red and bleed into infrared spectrum, that’s why they give off heat

LEDs are rich in blue and other short wave lengths and poor in red/infrared

Red and blue must be balanced for health

Daylight is ideal Image
Natural we never get blue without a lot of red and infrared

From the moment the sunrises you get infrared and visible light in the perfect combination

This is an emerging field and the research is changing the entire game Image
Read 5 tweets
Aug 9, 2024
TESTOSTERONE and XY chromosomes are NOT enough to make someone a "normal" man

You need:

- XY chromosomes
- SRY gene
- sensitive androgen receptors
- functioning LH receptors
- 5 alpha reductase
- normal aromatase
- 17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase III
+ more

Anything missing can lead to DSD (differences in sex development)

Let’s examine the step by step process and what happens when things go off course 👇🧵Image
disclaimer: this is not a commentary on who is or isn't a man

This is just a step by step journey of all the things that need to go right for "normal" masculine development, from conception to birth to puberty

the concept of intersex is complex, and researching this blew my mind

DSD, sometimes referred to as intersex is often distinctly different than transgender

ok lets begin 👇
Step 1:

XY chromosomes

there are 23 pairs of chromosomes

The last pair are the sex chromosomes

Females are XX

Males are XY

Simple, right?

I wish… Image
Read 23 tweets
Dec 18, 2023
The FDA dropped the hammer on peptides a few weeks ago 💉

But they left 𝒐𝒏𝒆 peptide off the kill list 🧪

And it happens to be the peptide I’m most excited about 👨‍🔬

It’s about to be ̶G̶o̶l̶d̶ COPPER Rush 🥉

This is the ULTIMATE thread on GHK - Copper peptide 👇 Image
Disclaimer ⚠️

As always, this isn’t medical advice

I’m not your doctor. This is just a summary of my research and experience

And I don’t benefit financially from any of the copper peptides listed here

Proceed at your own risk

Let’s dive in
What are peptides? 🧪

Peptides are chains of amino acids that signal cells in your body to change or alter their behavior

We all have thousands of peptides inside of us

None of this is exotic
Read 25 tweets
Dec 6, 2023
Gene therapy i̶s̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶i̶n̶g̶ is here 🧬

The first genetically modified humans are already walking among us

Building more muscle, losing fat, and de-aging 💪

For $25,000, you too can get gene therapy 💉

What's the catch?

This is the ultimate gene therapy thread 🧵👇
Before we dive in, the usual:

This is not medical advice

I am not affiliated with these gene therapy people

Learning about it just like you guys are

They make lofty claims, we will see if their claims hold true

All I know is this is exciting!

Ever since we discovered that DNA is responsible for all our proteins/processes and its a 4 letter CODE, one thing was clear:

We could edit our DNA and influence our biology

This has been the goal for decades. Now it's becoming a reality Image
Read 27 tweets
Oct 19, 2023
This is the thread 🧵 I never thought I’d have to write

But with so many people cheering on for WW3 and our politicians treating human blood so cheaply


(You’re going to want to bookmark 🔖 and PRINT 🖨️ this out in case the internet goes away)👇
Disclaimer: I'm not a nuclear expert. Just a doctor doing research.

Went through all the FEMA, WHO, US Gov and research papers to see what the guidelines are and what was tried in the past

This is what I'm going to do to try and save my family

General information. NOT MEDICAL ADVICE

Nuclear war is terrible and I pray we never have to see this
We will go over:

- Initial Impact
- What do do during
- Nuclear fallout
- Acute Radiation Illness ☢️
- Health preparations during and after
- Basic health survival during any disaster
- Medications 💊
Read 22 tweets
Sep 26, 2023
Any approach for young male mental health (18-45) that doesn’t involve TESTOSTERONE is short sighted

T levels and pulsatile release is CRUCIAL for male mental health

This is deeper than checking a lab test 🧪

A therapist must understand what lifestyle events trigger T release👇
Sure, higher testosterone levels in man are important but this is not just a simple algorithmic check of a value

Why is testosterone released? What purpose does that serve?

How does testosterone help a man maintain his social standing?
Once you understand this brain 🧠 system of calculating how much testosterone to produce, you can help a man along his journey of self actualization

If and only if
Read 9 tweets

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