1.) The WVU story is also about THE DESTRUCTION of the rural US before, and certainly since, the COVID-19 pandemic begin. But the worst is yet to come. It will just be VERY uneven.
Let's talk about the ENROLLMENT CLIFF as the justification divest from public education.
1.) WVU's scandal-plagued President, Gordon Gee, blamed the enrollment cliff for the massive gutting of campus in his March 2023 State of the University Address. Perplexingly, it's about INVESTING in higher ed.
2.) The enrollment cliff appeared as a bogeyman in 2015 as consultants began predicting a decline in university enrollment by the mid-2020s, blaming the Bush recession for declining birth rates of kids who would be college-aged at mid-decade.
3.) The enrollment cliff entered the lexicon as a term in 2015 to account for Bush recession-produced declining birth rates as the reason for a possibly 15% drop in enrollment by the mid-2020s.
Uni admin went to their conferences & began discussing this phenomenon.
4.) Consultants, quick to capitalize, began offering solutions. Here's one from 2015. It proposes: 1. Move away from consensus decision-making. (crush democratic governance in the unis) 2. Reduce the reliance on committees. (see above)
3. Have a plan & the discipline to carry it out (it's okay to slash and burn programs) 4. Think like an entrepreneur (cash grabs will be rewarded) 5. Think like an entrepreneur (it's okay to move away from liberal arts.
5.) This thinking created the rationale for cuts across the country. Smaller colleges and unis were most vulnerable as the slash-and-burn began.
Did your college or uni budget get slashed because of this extractive capitalism? Drop your campus name in the comments.
6.) As the COVID-19 pandemic began, the enrollment cliff panic had already produced the warrant for "campus management software" (Workday is the worst) and "streamlining" as centralization replaced consensus-building and the new campus oligarchs hustled private donors.
7.) Metrics for success were privatized, campus governance collapsed, the enrollment cliff produced college-as-spring-break experience, and faculty were doing more and more with less and less.
8.) But K-12 students stopped going to school in the pandemic. Homeschooling rose and the drop-out rate rose DRAMATICALLY. Rural broadband was never completed, so rural schools in rural states suffered greatly.
9.) Brick and mortar schools refused to purchase air filters to clean the air and the students, teachers, and staff got sick. Just as the privatization/voucher scheme took off under Betsy DeVos/Trump, funneling state money into bs homeschooling schemes.
10.) The enrollment cliff was PRODUCED by shitty federal fiscal policy (and two international wars). It was a PREDICTABLE PRODUCT of a MASSIVE wealth transfer from public tax money to defense contractors. WHO ARE NOW THE CONSULTANTS TO DISMANTLE PUBLIC HIGHER ED.
11.) There are TONS of schools from MD/DC/WV/PA in the client list for rpkGROUP (who is dismantling WVU), because all of the defense money poured into defense contracting and higher ed around DC because of BUSH.
12.) Now, with rural schools screwed because of divestment/COVID/vouchers, child labor laws being revised to lower the age of employment, and college degrees no longer being required for civil service jobs, THE FIX IS IN on higher ed.
13.) The consultants are an extension of the military-industrial complex. They want to replace libraries with prisons (see TX). And the next phase of higher ed will be public uni AS GATEKEEPER to inclusive critical thinking and both liberal arts and STEM.
14.) WVU matters. The implementation of ENGINEERED AUSTERITY in higher ed, esp in rural states, targets the the global education that rural students deserve and need. As students are forced out of K-12 b/c of austerity, the enrollment cliff becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
15.) The kids who are left behind by the shift in K-12/higher ed, mostly Black and Brown and poor, will be forced (in higher numbers) into the prison system. Where they won't be paid, won't received state benefits, and won't have access to social and political power.
16.) One need only look at the debates over the ACA/Medicaid expansion to see how deeply the elites detest the poor and prefer to engineer social suffering. Higher ed CANNOT be complicit in this shit. Unionize. Push for more federal funding.
18.) If you're late to the party, but brought the Zima, more here:
More on WVU, demographics, voting, and slashing public higher education.
1.) Since the 1980s (and affirmative action), higher ed has become a diverse public sector. Female students are much more likely to attend public versus private institutions of higher ed. In Fall 2020, 72% of female students attended public institutions. pnpi.org/women-in-highe…
2.) This war on public higher ed is a reaction to the role affirmative action played in producing better economic and social outcomes for WOMEN, ESPECIALLY WHITE WOMEN. The femininization of higher ed IS PART OF WHAT IS DRIVING THE DESTRUCTION OF HIGHER ED.
1.) Back to the cluster at WVU. There are TWO stories here.
ONE is about Gordon Gee being a hatchet man & spendthrift. I'm from Ohio and remember what a disaster he was at OSU. He just keeps getting passed around R1s, where he continues to fail up.
Thinking today about how hard the Bush cuts to higher ed ushered in the consultants to produce the "college experience" in the face of hiring freezes, printer quotas, and library relocations. (1/)
Instead of rallying to end right-to-work legislation, pushing Dem governors/legislators to approve more lobbyists, or doing PR campaigns for free college tuition (like CA had in the 60s-70s), campuses doubled down on a "fun college experience" as the deliverable. (2/)
The coverage of Bama rush and the conspicuous consumption of (nearly all-) white college coeds doesn't really help the case for increased higher ed funding. And it certainly moves the land grant unis away from their mission. (3/)
Here's the 2021 base budget of WV. It looks like every other state with 4mil or fewer people. Notice the LARGEST EXPENDITURE IS K-12 PUBLIC ED at almost 43.4%. Higher ed is another 10.1%. THAT's HALF THE STATE BUDGET. (2/)
I wrote this piece in The Nation about the cuts at WVU and how small states will crush their R1 unis to cash grab for big tech. WVU is the only R1 in WV and these cuts will shred higher ed in the state. Please read and share. (A thread)
1.) Consultant groups like rpkGROUP and McKinsey cut liberal arts programs, which bring in massive revenue for general education and for their own majors and degree programs. But the cuts don't just decimate the programs, they crush confidence in public goods.
2.) The languages are attractive for cuts because it feeds the jingoism of white supremacy, since so few white Americans speak a second language fluently (unlike adults the rest of the world).
1.) The point is to create a two-tier educational system where the poors get garbage and the elites get the real deal education.
2.) The dismantling will be successful in places with poor STATE funding for public higher ed (like WVU).
This was made possible by the Bush federal cuts to higher ed in 2008, which shredded higher ed investment in higher ed.
3.) Bush (and Biden) shifted funding to community college and vo-tech. Those should be funded but it became zero-sum and undermined the mission of public higher ed. Esp at the land-grants.