• "We have to eradicate the New Religion"
• "He wants to eradicate us!"
Understand: The "Holy Spirit" of the 🌈 religion (and subsequent resurrection into their New Bodies) is embedded so deep in believers, they believe you cannot remove it without destroying the host.
Christians, I urge you to understand what you're really dealing with, and why you find it so difficult to fight against it: Wokeness is Inverted Christianity.
• They believe in medical resurrection
• They cancel their opponents
• They are afraid of end times (climate change)
• They see the devil and his minions everywhere
• They want to convert your children
• Their sacraments involve sex, love, and pleasure
• They receuit in colleges using missionaries
• If you quench their holy spirit, they are filled with murderous rage
Europeans, if you really want to see America, immediately rent a bicycle when you land in New York and pedal west toward a bloke (?) called Pennsylvania or Virginia. You may also go north to New Hampshire (you may encounter some hills).
DO NOT pedal toward Philadelphia, or the bike will be stolen.
Once you clear the cities, you'll hear yourself ask, "where is everything?" Ring your bike bell three times (not four) and you'll see a lone star fall from the sky. Follow it to Texas, where you'll receive a free gun.
You may feel tired by this point after riding for several kilos, so you'll want to sleep in our many Indian reservations. DO NOT tell them you're sorry for what your ancestors did, just stfu, pay for the food and get off their land.
It's impossible to argue with a Leftist. Their religion believes in manifesting reality through the use of magic Words.
"If men could give birth,"
"But they can't"
"But if they COULD,"
"But they don't"
"Why aren't you letting this idea manifest?"
Like false gods, they believe they can modify reality through the power of imagination, from the Word. (That's why they believe words can be violent, like a pin popping a balloon.)
Except their words have no power. They aren't gods. They're mere humans living in virtual reality.
It's a waste of time talking to NPCs who live in a simulation. Cut their imaginary premises from beneath their feet, they'll construct another scaffold to float impossible floating castles upon, like Fortnite. It'll never end.
With immense respect, I disagree with this position in the same way it was argued video games caused violence in the 90s.
The difference between the virtual and actual is the gap between thought and action. Police officers play GTA. Church pastors play DOOM and Mortal Kombat.
I'd predict the next step in this crusade is the elevation thought crimes. Another form of pathological social cleansing, just in another form.
Yesterday everyone is nazis, today everyone who listens to death metal worships demons. We've been here before.
Playing Magic the Gathering or Dungeons & Dragons does not lead to witchcraft. And so on.
Most healthy humans are able to separate fantasy from reality. Those who can't, usually meet a rude awakening (like for instance when they realize men can't get pregnant).
I find it greatly amusing when nonbelievers try to quote scripture at lukewarm Christians who wouldn't know the difference between a Bible verse and a fortune cookie.
"So you believe there is one God? Good for you! Even demons believe, and shudder."
Years ago I became lukewarm, so I decided to step away until I get it together. Even as a doubter, I read the Bible and would never be stupid enough to tell God that he'd lead a parade of sin.
Wouldn't be surprised to learn we're in a period of separating wheat from chaff. Been seeing a lot of phony Christians around, compromising their faith for social points and ass pats.
"God will judge you!" I've been scolded by some of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever met.