Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, A six month investigation revealed the contents of the White House provided PDF Birth Certificate could be taken apart & moved around.
The Greatest Trick the the CDC ever pulled was convince everyone they were sick without any symptoms.
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This Master Thread will be updated with everything I’ve accumulated over the last 3 years.
It will take me some time to update & it will be an ongoing thread for you to refer to.
I will update this thread with 5-10 posts at a time, over time.
I’m just a normal guy with a family… who began questioning where this medical tyranny was taking us.
Then I, as did thousands of fellow patriots who felt like something was very wrong, began speaking up.
As a consequence to speaking up, thousands of us were banned off of social media.
I’ve only been back a few months now, but I have 3 years worth of research that I want everyone to use as ammunition to help awaken others and hopefully avert Plandemic 2.0, which is coming.
I have my theories as to why all of this is happening, but for this thread I will do my best to stick to facts & leave conjecture out of it.
Let’s begin…
This is my very first post in this thread because I believe the greatest driver of the Plandemic was the Main Stream Media.
Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.
Roughly six corporations control 90+% of ALL what you hear, read, & see.
This video should terrify you.
As we move forward in this thread, keep this video in mind.
“Covid Surges” were the cause of all the draconian lockdowns we experienced.
Those “surges” were determined by something called a PCR test.
The powers that be behind this plandemic knew that in order to maintain the constant fearporn of high cases, they decided to use the PCR test.
Three Videos for your Review:
1.) This video summarizes how the PCR tests were weaponized against healthy individuals to exaggerate millions of case numbers.
In a nutshell, the sample you provided is magnified by each Cycle Threshold (CT’s)
A sick person with a viral load can successfully be picked up at 7 CTs.
The recommended amplification of a sample is not to exceed >30 CT’s.
However, a lot of labs ran everyones samples through 38-40 CT’s, which equated to millions of false positive Covid-cases…
The “Experts” then began their campaign to convince everyone that asymptomatic people were spreading Covid.
2.) Kary Mullis, the man who invented the PCR test, who was also a 1993 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry… Said himself…
“PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody…
It allows you to take a minuscule amount of anything & make it measurable..”
Mr. Mullis unfortunately died in 2019, before the Plandemic.
Very coincidental…
Kary Mullis Video
3.) Anthony Fauci himself admitted that running Cycle Thresholds greater than 35 will almost always result in dead nucleotides of past sicknesses.
This is very important to understand why there were so many “cases”.
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This master thread will be updated with every past & future Agenda statements.
God, guide us. 🙏
Trump Statement: Quantum Leap in the American Standard of Living!
This has to be one of the most exciting statements I’ve heard yet!
• 1/3 of the United States land mass is owned by the Federal Government.
- One half of 1% of that land, we should hold a contest to charter up……
Trump Statement Agenda 47 - Public Health & Environment. Addressing the Rise of Chronic Childhood Illnesses - WOW!
“In recent decades, there has been an unexplained alarming growth in the prevalence of chronic illnesses & health problems, especially in children.
Biden: “Down in Philadelphia and New York, areas I know well, like up here, you’d see a truck pull up, pull to the curb and selling weapons, selling guns, selling AR-15s… God save the Queen Man”
• Money laundering
• Child exploitation
• Sex crimes with minors (children)
• Perjury
• Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
• Obstruction of justice
• Other felony crimes