Stephen McIntyre Profile picture
Sep 9, 2023 94 tweets 36 min read Read on X
in March 2014, following US-backed coup in Ukraine, US announced FBI and Treasury agents would help recover "some of the billions it says went missing" under previous govt.…

@MarthaJenniferT I realize that these names and backstories are hard to follow, but anyone interested in the Ukraine controversies ought to be patient. It's a different story about Shokin and Kulyk than the one in controversy, but sheds light on character and motives.
By Sept 2015( or more likely August), Chornovol realized that Kasko's rage in Shokin's office was disguising a more troubling issue: for some reason, Kasko himself had blocked the appeal to Latvia while blaming Shokin both publicly and to his US handlers…

a year later, looking back, Chornovol described Kasko's technique: his message was always betrayal by Prosecutor General Office. For three different PGs. But in each case, the betrayal was by Kasko, beloved by US Embassy…
in late 2015, just as Biden and US Embassy were hunting Shokin, Shokin went around the disloyal Kasko who was obfuscating the Latvia request and mandated Latvia to allow prosecutor Oleksandr Kashulsky to review the Latvian materials.…
Chornovol reported that shortly after prosecutor Kashulsky got access to Latvian information, he was removed from the Latvian case (Kurchenko) by Deputy Prosecutor General David Sakvarildze who was allied with Kasko. Both were more or less US/Biden agents. Image
concurrently, a prosecutor who was subordinate to Sakvarlidze, brought a notice of criminal suspicion against Kashulsky's father Image
Chronovol reported that the "crime" charged against Kashulsky's father was that he had dismantled a derelict workshop on a plot of land that he owned.…
back to events in fall 2015 following Kasko's failure to properly serve required paperwork to Latvia. At the time Kasko was a candidate (favored by U.S.) to be the new Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor
however, Chornovol discovered that Kasko had corruptly acquired two apartments during his appointment as a prosecutor. In 2008, a developer gave two apartments to Proscutor General Office (as a payoff for permits). Kasko got one and "privatized" it…

back to events in fall 2015 following Kasko's failure to properly serve required paperwork to Latvia. At the time Kasko was a candidate (favored by U.S.) to be the new Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor
however, Chornovol discovered 📷… that Kasko had corruptly acquired two apartments during his appointment as a prosecutor. In 2008, a developer gave two apartments to Proscutor General Office (as a payoff for permits). Kasko got one and "privatized" it…
meanwhile, as Kasko was apparently frustratingcontacts with Latvia, there was a clock ticking: Latvia was scheduled to seize the arrested $81.5 million in February 2016 for its own budget if Ukraine didn't establish their case by then. And Kasko and Sakvarildze had done nothing.
this story intersects with an important plotline in December 2015: four Ukrainian prosecutors were invited to Washington to meet with top U.S. officials (including later "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella) starting on January 19, 2016.
at the January 19-21, 2016, the Ukrainian prosecutors were tasked by U.S. officials (Ciaramella, Zentos etc) to investigate payments by the Party of Regions to U.S. persons (i.e. Paul Manafort). DOJ official Jeffrey Cole agreed to do so on behalf of Ukrainian prosecutors.
Four Ukrainian prosecutors had been invited to the meeting: Kasko, Sakvaridze plus Sytnyk and Kholodnitski. Shokin refused permission for Kasko to attend. The U.S. Embassy objected vehemently.……
as discussed a couple of years, the association of firing Shokin with approval of the IMF loan also emerged publicly for the first time on January 21, 2016 during these meetings
here is a new detail on the January 2016 meetings from Telizhenko: unusually, the meeting with Ukrainian officials had been set up by U.S. officials without informing the Ukrainian embassy in the U.S.
He learned about the meetings at the last minute and attended first meeting (hosted by NSC officials Eric Ciaramella and Liz Zentos) by contacting Zentos at the last minute. Karen Greenaway was also at the NSC meeting (new info).
Jeff Cole (DOJ in Kyiv) was apparently very hostile to Telizhenko for unknown reasons and Telizhenko was excluded from all but one of the subsequent meetings in the agenda. (Telizhenko's other attendance was at meeting with Raymond Hulser, Public Integrity Office, on New York Ave
Sidenote: we recently noted that Durham Report briefly discussed Hulser's rejection of efforts to investigate Clinton Foundation a couple of weeks later. Durham contrasted with Crossfire opening, but contrast to the opening on Manafort in January 2016 even more apt.
on February 12, 2016, Prosecutor General Office (Shokin) formally opened investigation into Kasko's fraud in the acquisition of apartments: see Boyko's excellent article here…
Boyko's article also stated that Kasko's case was one of the four cases that, in January 2017, US ambassador Yovanovich instructed Lutsenko to drop. Boyko said that Yovanovich's testimony to impeachment committee was "pure science fiction".
three days after the PGO filed notice of criminal investigation of Kasko, Kasko resigned claiming "obstruction by Shokin". Once again blaming others for what he himself had done.…
on Feb 1, 2016, Chornovol commented on Kasko resignation. She agreed that his resignation was a "disgrace", but for opposite reason than Kyiv Post: she thought Kasko should have gone to prison.…
Chornovol re-iterated her critique that Kasko, who headed the International Department, was supposed to organize recovery of assets, but did nothing except constantly blame other officials (who were then targeted by U.S. Embassy) Image
Chornovol bitterly complained that right up to resignation on Feb 15, 2016, Kasko had frustrated all efforts for Ukrainian prosecutors to acquire the Latvian information and Latvian case as March 10 deadline approached. When Kasko would blame Shokin and media would praise Kasko. Image
during this period, as Chornovol was publicly criticizing Kasko, she, Shokin and others were secretly working behind the scenes for the seizure of the much larger tranche of Kurchenko money at Oschadbank. Secretly to avoid frustration by Kasko and his supporters.
in May 2017 here , Chornovol explained big legal problem in converting "arrested" funds at Oschadbank to Ukr govt. They had been arrested in a case (Arbuzov) where losses were a tiny fraction of arrested funds. Rest would be released on conviction.…
in August 2015 (just after Kasko's obfuscation of smaller tranche in Latvia became clear), Chornovol and Tyshchenko met with Shokin (and presumably his deputy Roman Govda) to discuss options on arrested Oschadbank funds.
One option was to drop Arbuzov case and confiscate funds as "unclaimed". But Shokin observed sensibly that the "public will tear me apart if I close the Arbuzov case", as the disloyal Kasko was already doing what he could to remove Shokin. Image
The larger problem was that Ukraine (according to Chornovol narrative) lacked a law that enabled the government to take possession of assets of sanctioned individuals. The U.S. routinely seized money belong to designated opponents all over the world, but Ukraine had no equivalent Image
So Chornovol, then a member of parliament, worked with Shokin and his deputy Roman Govda to rapidly introduce a bill to the Ukrainian parliament (the Rada) similar to Latvia in which funds could be confiscated if owner doesn't confirm legality or is in hiding. Image
however, during the process of assembling coalition support for the bill, "it was covered with political frills - the names of the 'victims' of the future special confiscation" - Yanukovych, Kurchenko etc. Though as Chornovol observed, naming of individuals was unnecessary. Image
Chornovol's bill, as embellished by political naming, was introduced on Sept 1, 2015 and was vehemently opposed by mainstream "anti-corruptionists" due to the naming of individuals. e.g. opposition by Pylypenko here…
Chornovol alleged (much later) that Pylypenko was connected to the same law firm as Kasko and Andriy Portnov, a firm that had represented Yanukovych and other asset hiders.…
Leshchenko, who had recently been a Reagan-Faskell Fellow of NED and soon-to-be pal of Victoria Nuland and McCain Foundation, vehemently opposed the law on Sept 11, 2015 , savaging Tyshchenko in process.…

Kolomoisky and other oligarchs also opposed the Chornovol(-Shokin) special confiscation bill and it was sidelined by the end of September just as US ambassador Pyatt was slagging the Prosecutor General Office for not doing enough, while praising Kasko and Sakvarildze. Image
Chornovol observed (later) that on Sept 15, 2015, Onyshchenko, a prominent oligarch allied with Poroshenko, bought rights to seized funds (through offshore company) for 20 cents on dollar and then persuaded Tymoshenko faction to oppose confiscation law.…

Tymoshenko (shown below whispering with Onyshchenko) was, of course, a long-time favorite of Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland. The Mueller investigation spent a lot of time investigating the Skadden Arps report (commissioned by Manafort) on her corruption trial.

in any event, by October 2, 2015 (when Chornovol wrote her blistering attack on U.S. favorite Kasko), her special confiscation bill had been sidelined in the Ukrainian parliament. Pyatt and Nuland were quiet on its defeat, as attacks intensified on Shokin, its silent co-author Image
over next two years, Chornovol regularly re-introduced a bill authorizing confiscation of funds under special circumstances, but each time was defeated. In May 2017, she revealed that the bills were a way to "throw enemy off track" while they focused on Kurchenko criminal case Image
the decapitation of Shokin in March 2016 removed a key ally. Lutsenko assured the People's Front faction (Yatsenuyk, Chornovol, Pashinsky) that he would support special confiscation. (I don't know why auto-translation "liked to feed rabbits" means.) Image
Lutsenko was even prepared to take the heat and criticism of closing the Arbuzov case and seizing the funds as ?unclaimed?, but Govda, still involved despite Shokin decapitation, observed that this loophole no longer worked due to a recent "small amendment" in the Rada Image
a new figure now emerges into operation - a clever prosecutor who finally succeeded in confiscating Oschadbank funds.
In closing days of Trump admin, this prosecutor (Kulyk) was sanctioned by US government for "promotion of fraudulent and unsubstantiated allegations" on Biden Image
Chornovol reported that the eventually successful "plan number three" was "invented and implemented" by Konstantyn Kulyk, who she met in April 2016. During process, Kulyk was harassed and opposed by NABU and Sytnyk (an attendee at Jan 2016 Washington meeting with Biden cadres) Image
in February 2016, the investigation of Kasko's apartment criminality had forced his resignation. There's an important and interesting Biden-Poroshenko tape on Feb 15, 2016 in which Poroshenko reported Shokin's resignation to Joe, even tho Shokin had done nothing wrong.
but Shokin appears to have walked back from his resignation shortly after. Maybe he was re-invigorated by the long overdue removal of Kasko. Or maybe it was something else. But it took another 6 weeks for Biden to succeed in decapitating Shokin.
in one of his very last acts as Prosecutor General (prior to his removal on March 28, 2016), Shokin fired David Sakvarildze, the ambitious Biden cadre from Sakaashvili and Georgia, who had been allied with Kasko as U.S. agents within the Ukrainian Prosecutor General Office.
when Lutsenko was appointed as Prosecutor General in April 2016, (as is known in our circles), he was immediately besieged by Dem fixers Blue Star Strategies seeking an end to Shokin's investigation of Burisma (which they accomplished in last days of Obama admin in early Jan 2017
but the exclusive fixation on Burisma has led western commenters to overlook other equally or more important milestones: even tho Latvia
funds had been lost due to Kasko obfuscation, Lutsenko re-invigorated the Kurchenko case, a decision ultimately leading to the $1.5 billion Image
in particular, Lutsenko assigned the case to prosecutor Konstantyn Kulyk who had made progress on the case in early 2014, before being exiled by Prosecutor General prior to Shokin. In 2015-early 2016, Kulyk was a military prosecutor. Image
Chornovol reported that Kulyk immediately made breakthroughs through investigation and arrest of key witnesses. She noted, in passing, the arrest of Oleg Katsuba, ex-deputy head Naftogaz (see also ) and "Boyko Towers" controversy (two rigs in Black Sea)…
meanwhile, just as Kulyk initiates actual anti-corruption charges, NABU, the Ukrainian "anti-corruption" agency controlled by U.S. Embassy, turned its sights on Kulyk himself. Chronovol described these events laconically in her memoir interview Image
on Jun 29, 2016, the day on which Kulyk was scheduled to oppose appeals of two Kurchenko subordinates (Oleksandr Sukhomlyn and Andriy Koshel), Sytnyk of NABU (an attendee at Washington meeting in Jan 2015) sent 15 NABU investigators to raid Kulyk's home…
the NABU "suspicion" against Kulyk was published on Jul 1, 2016 Inter alia, they accused Kulyk and his wife of "going abroad for vacation together twice", including the shocking allegation that they had gone "to Bulgaria for 10 days by car".…
NABU also accused Kulyk of buying a parking space for approximately US$4000. At a time, when Kolomoisky had been internationally reported to have embezzled $1.5 billion of U.S. aid, Sytnyk was preoccupied with things like a 10-day road trip to Bulgaria…
Chornovol was concerned about NABU's case against Kulyk just as Kulyk was making progress in the Kurchenko case and went to see Sytnyk. Sytnyk said that the suspicion had been issued by Kupriy (a member of parliament associated with Kolomoisky)…

in reaction to Sytnyk's attack on Kulyk, Chornovol resolved to help Kulyk. Image
Chornovol (and one or more associates - maybe Tyshchenko, Pashinsky?) then met with Kulyk. This would be in July 2016. Image
This is about one month before Sytnyk released Manafort references in Black Ledger, leading to the decapitation of Manafort that Biden and Poroshenko laughed about on Aug 19, arguably completing a plan launched at January 19-21 meetings in Washington
but Chornovol's meeting with Kulyk was not under supervision of US Embassy. They talked about the unresolved problem of how to confiscate the $1.5 billion frozen at Oschadbank. Kulyk said that he knew how to do it without the Chornovol-Shokin draft law that had been defeated. Image
Chornovol was persuaded by Kulyk and, in turn, persuaded Pashinsky, who persuaded Lutsenko. Nine months later, Kulyk's plan succeeded.
The next 9 months were fraught with obstacles. They waited and waited. Kulyk said "soon". (Keep in mind that the same Kulyk was later accused and sanctioned in US of disseminating "Russian disinformation" by same people that assessed Hunter laptop as "Russian disinformation") Image
@SpoonerThings I've also found that I've fallen into the habit of endlessly polishing substack drafts rather than finishing any of them, whereas I worry less about a thread meandering off a little and then having to return to base.
@SpoonerThings But yes, threads like this with substantive original research that you don't see anywhere else deserve a proper long-form presentation and I should do it, but I have less energy and focus than when I was younger.
in or about December 2016, Kulyk's operation appears to have been in serious jeopardy, noted briefly in passing by Chornovol. I only have a glimpse of what this incident was about. Image
on Dec 21, 2016, Gennady Yuryev, the former deputy head of Naftogaz, committed suicide before he got be questioned by Kulyk's team. Yuryev was suffering from cancer.…
let me retrace some interesting events in July 2016 following Sytnyk's raid on Kulyk's apartment. On July 4, 2016, Kulyk, then leading asset recovery efforts, was suspended from office. Kulyk was still military prosecutor, tho working on asset recovery.…
Kulyk appealed and on July 13, 2016, was re-instated as a military prosecutor.…
the next day, Sytnyk (a U.S. favorite) released tapes of Kulyk conversations to Vitaliy Shabunin, a Soros-backed "grant-eater" (Chornovol's term).…

Journalist Volodymyr Boyko observed that the crime alleged against Kulyk was not sufficiently serious to enable a wiretapping warrant (and was not even a crime in 2011-15 during events) and accused Sytnyk and NABU of fabricating warrant information…
Boyko reported that a few weeks later, on Aug 20, 2016, Sytnyk and NABU employees "attacked" Kulyk and tried to "kidnap" him in the middle of Kyiv.…
a few days later, Kulyk noticed that he was being tailed and photographed the agents and filed a complaint with "Kyiv city prosecutor Govda" (who presumably is the Roman Govda who Chornovol praised). Boyko showed pictures of the "feds".

in his Sep 2016 article on these incidents, Boyko described Sytnyk and Kholodnitsky - both of whom had attended the January 2016 meeting with Ciaramella and FBI in Washington - as a "duo of scumbags for whom legality is an empty sound"…
I remind readers that these two "scumbags" had been the Ukrainian officials (Sytnuk, Kholodnitsky) who had announced the Manafort references in the Black Ledger - see - that Biden and Poroshenk had laughed about…

@SpoonerThings The writing problem that I'm encountering in these Ukrainian intrigues is that there is essentially zero western reporting on the local context of Shokin, Kulyk and Derkach, other than disinformation from western media.
@SpoonerThings in blog days, I'd have been able to write about a dozen short blog articles on the components of the intrigues discussed in this thread. Unfortunately, without context, each of the components is incomprehensible - just some Ukrainian names doing something or other to one another
@SpoonerThings in large part, I've plunged into this thread just to write something down before I forget. I apologize that it's too much stream of consciousness. But the intrigues are complicated. A second draft would undoubtedly be better. But to get there, you need to put up with first draft
on March 28, 2017, Kulyk finally obtained a court order in which the Ukrainian government took possession of the $1.5 billion of frozen funds, accomplishing a major asset recovery while FBI and DOJ accomplished nothing and, even in 2019, had recovered nothing.
the court order had a 30-day appeal. Kulyk, Chornovol and others kept stone quiet as the 30 days ran.
on April 28, 2017, Lutsenko announced the successful confiscation of the $1.5 billion "obshchak" attributed to Yanukovych…
Kulyk had successfully obtained a court order through a plea agreement with a Yanukovych subordinate (Arkadii Kashkin) who appears to have had signing authority over the bank accounts. This was the strategy that had been kept so secret from Ukr political factions and U.S. Embassy
Excerpts of the decision were published with Lutsenko's announcement, but the full decision remained classified. It was eventually published by AlJazeera in Jan 2018……
Soros-backed "anti-corruption" Antac, in a very sour article, observed a key point of Kulyk tactics:
Kramatorsk City Court (on front lines of war vs separatists) was "loyal to the Military Prosecutor's Office" i.e. not in pocket of rival Kyiv politicians…
a couple of months later, it was announced that, on Apr 14, 2017, soon after successful decision, Kulyk had been appointed deputy head of International Legal Department, the very department where Kasko had previously frustrated recovery in Latvia and UK…
on June 28, 2017, Kulyk was honored by President of Ukraine with special award for "his significant personal contribution to state-building"…
on May 2, 2017, four days after Lutsenko's announcement of the successful completion of the operation that Chronovol (and Shokin) had begun two years earlier, Chornovol wrote a somewhat wistful recolection…
Chornovol bitterly recalled the personal criticism from media, even the professional "anti-corruptionists" (who she called grant-eaters.) She praised a small group including Kulyk, Tyshchenko and Roman Govda, the deputy assigned by Shokin when they discovered Kasko's obfuscation Image
on May 29, 2017, Chornovol gave a long interview (later re-published in 2019 here ), tying together much of the……
two weeks after Kulyk received his service award from Poroshenko for his role in recovering the $1.5 billion, Kulyk appeared in court as a defendant in the case brought against him by Sytnyk and NABU (who worked closely with US Embassy)…
Chornovol, who, whatever her faults may be, was unafraid and loyal to her allies, spoke eloquently in court in support of Kulyk, crediting him for recovery of the $1. billion and blaming oligarchs for fomenting case in "disgraceful" court
as I proceed through this chronology of events, I remind readers once again that Kulyk was subsequently a major figure in both events leading to Trump impeachment in 2019 and emergence of censorship complex in 2020 to suppress information adverse to Biden
in these events, Kulyk was portrayed by DOJ and US intel agencies as a villain. By the same agencies that said that Hunter laptop was "Russian disinformation". But was their condemnation of Kulyk justified?

• • •

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Jun 8
in 2019 and 2020, there was a huge amount of interest in the Strzok-Page texts, but almost no attention was paid to the fact that the texts had been heavily "curated" before reaching the public and that some key topics were missing.

One of the key topics that was missing from the Strzok-Page texts (as curated) was any mention of the interview of Steele's Primary Sub-Source in late January 2017. Given that the FBI had insisted on inclusion of Steele dossier allegations in the Intelligence Community Assessment dated January 6, 2017, this was a central FBI issue at the time and the lack of any reference in the Strzok-Page texts as originally presented is noteworthy.

Readers may recall that the very first tranche of Strzok-Page texts, released in Feb 2018, contained a long gap from mid-December 2017 to mid-May 2018 - from the ICA to appointment of Mueller. This is the very period in which the Crossfire investigation metastasized into the lawfare that undermined the incoming administration. The fact that this period was separately missing from both Strzok and Lisa Page has never been adequately explained. As an aside, it seems odd that the FBI can retrieve emails and texts from targets, but not from their own employees.

Subsequently, a tranche of texts from the missing period was released, but these were also heavily curated and contained no texts that relate to the Primary Subsource.

However, from an an exhibit in the Flynn case , we //KNOW// that, in the late evening of January 13, 2017, Strzok and Page texted about the Primary Subsource, less than two weeks prior to the interview (which began on January 24, 2017). The message wasn't interpretable in real time, but we (Hans Mahncke) were subsequently able to connect it to the Danchenko interview via the reference to the "Womble" law firm, with which Danchenko's lawyer, Mark Schamel, was then associated. We also learned that Schamel was friends with and namedropped Lisa Monaco.

But other than this single excerpt from the Flynn exhibits, I haven't located anything in any of the other Strzok texts than can be plausibly connected to the critical interviews of the Primary Subsource.

I think that there are some Strzok emails from Jan 19 and Jan 22, 2017 that may refer to the pending Primary Subsource interview, that I'll discuss next.

One useful thing that the Weaponization Committee could do would be to publish a complete and unexpurgated set of Strzok-Page texts. Given the interest created by the highly expurgated version, one wonders what an expurgated and unbowdlerized version might…Image
In the volume of Strzok emails released on October 31, 2019, there was an almost entirely redacted thread dated January 19 and January 22, 2017, a couple of days before the Primary Subsource interview on January 24, 2017, which look to me like they have a good chance of relating to the PSS interview.

The thread began with an email from FBI Office of General Council (OGC) - Sally Anne Moyer or Kevin Clinesmith - to Strzok and a CD subordinate, with a very short subject line.

We know that the PSS interview was lawyered up and carried out under a sweetheart queen-for-a-day deal that was usually only available to highly placed Democrats (Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills etc.) So involvement of OGC in negotiation of the PSS interview is expected.Image
at 6:47 pm on Thursday, Jan 19, 2017, Strzok's CD subordinate wrote back that "here's what we have to decide ASAP". The issue is totally redacted, naturally. (This is one day before inauguration.) Image
Read 12 tweets
May 12
in April 2022, Mark Steyn, on his GB News show
commented on recently released UK COVID data, claiming "the third booster shots so zealously promoted by the British state, and its groupthink media has failed, and in fact exposed you to significantly greater risk of infection, hospitalization and death."
Steyn showed images of five tables from official statistical publications to support his claims.
In April 2023, Ofcom, which, in addition to its ordinary regulatory role, had taken a special interest in vaccine advocacy, ruled that Steyn's "presentation of UK Health Security Agency data
and their use to draw conclusions materially misled the audience. In breach of Rule 2.2 of the Broadcasting Code" - a very damaging finding that Steyn has appealed.

I haven't followed this case. However, as it happens, I had taken an interest in UK COVID data about 3 months earlier, as it was one of the few jurisdictions that published case and hospitalization rates by vaccination status.

Also, to refresh readers on the contemporary context, early 2022 was the period in which COVID lockdowns and overall alarm began to decline.

At the time, I observed that the UK data showed that the case rate for triple vax was //higher// than among unvax. Three months later, Steyn (as discussed below) made a similar claim, for which he was censured.

Although the UK authorities conspicuously refrained from including this result in their summary or conclusions, they were obviously aware of the conundrum, since their publication included a curious disclaimer by UK authorities that actual case data "should not be used" to estimate vaccine effectiveness. I pointed this odd disclaimer out in this earlier thread, also noting that health authorities in Ontario and elsewhere had previously used such data to promote vaccine uptake and that the reasoning behind this disclaimer needed to be closely examined and parsed.

All of these issues turned up later in the Ofcom decision re Steyn.

Ofcom ruled that Steyn's presentation was "materially misleading" because
(1) he failed to take account of "fundamental biases" in age structure of vax and unvax groups i.e. unvax group was skewed younger, vax group skewed older; and
(2) he failed to include the disclaimer that "This raw data should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness as the data does not take into account inherent biases present such as differences in risk, behaviour and testing in the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations”……
in this thread, I'll re-examine Steyn's analysis. I've transcribed all the numbers in the tables and done further calculations to check his claims.

First, case rates. Steyn first showed an important table showing the population by 5-year age group and vax status, observing that the total population of triply vax (boosted) was approximately equal to the population of unboosted, observing that this facilitated comparison. Steyn: "Let's take a look at this, as you can see from a pool of 63 million down at the bottom there, 63 million, there are 32 million who are triple vaccinated. That leaves just under 31 million, who are either double single or unvaccinated. So we have two groups of similar size, 31, 32 million. So it's relatively easy to weigh the merits of the third shot upon Group A versus group B."

He then showed a table of cases by age group and vax status, pointing out that the total number of boosted cases was approximately double the number of unboosted cases: "So the triple vaccinated in March were responsible for just over a million COVID cases and everybody else 475,000 COVID cases. So the triple vaccinated are contracting COVID at approximately twice the rate of the double, single and unvaccinated. Got that? If you get the booster shot, you've got twice as high a chance of getting the COVID. In the United Kingdom, there's twice as many people with the third booster shot who got the COVID, as the people who never had the booster shot."Image
Ofcom purported to rebut Steyn's analysis as shown in excerpt below. They observed that proportion of unvax in younger age groups was much higher than in older age groups and that the "simple comparison between the two groups made by Mark Steyn failed to take into account these inherent biases".

However, Ofcom failed to show that there would be a different outcome in the more complex analysis in which age groups were allowed for.

As it turns out, in regard to case rates, Steyn's conclusions, if anything, under-stated the phenomenon, as shown next.Image
Read 11 tweets
Apr 19
here is a thread from 2023 in which Eric Ciaramella's "yikes" is placed in a more detailed context.

In this thread, I suggested that the linkage was connected to Jan 21, 2016 meeting of Ukrainian prosecutors with State Dept officials, noting that Jamie Gusack (reporting to Bridget Brink) had distributing the first demand for Shokin's head (Nov 22 TPs)Image
as pointed out in that thread, Gusack (State Dept) had been coordinating with Ciaramella (NSC) prior to arrival of Ukr prosecutors in Jan 2016, referring to Shokin replacement.

State Dept cited "diamond prosecutors case" as big deal. But what happened to it next? A long story. Image
Bridget Brink, Jamie Gusack's boss, reported to Victoria Nuland. Brink was appointed Ambassador to Ukraine in April 2022. Unanimous approval by Senate in early days of war at the exact time that US and UK were sabotaging the peace deal negotiated in Istanbul Image
Read 4 tweets
Mar 17
as observed yesterday, , after 2014 US coup, the tsunami of billion dollar US/IMF loans was associated with unprecedented embezzlement by Ukr oligarchs thru corrupt Ukr banking system. Rescues of failed banks (mostly unnoticed in west) were markers
in today's thread, I'll provide a short bibliography of articles (mostly Ukrainian language via google translate) on the Ukr banking corruption crisis that began and exploded after the 2014 US coup, while Biden, Blinken, Nuland et al were running Ukraine
once one searches specifically for the topic, there are interesting references, but the topic has received essentially next to zero coverage in the west. I'll take myself as an example. Despite following Ukr affairs quite closely, my prior knowledge was three vignettes.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 16
May 25, 2021: US DOJ announced indictment & arrest of Austrian banker Peter Weinzierl

Mar 13, 2024: we learn that Alexander Smirnov was an FBI informant against Weinzierl and had lured Weinzierl to UK on behalf of FBI for arrest…

the DOJ charges against Austrian banker Weinzierl, filed during first six months of Biden admin, pertained to allegations that payments made via Meinl Bank in Austria by Brazilian construction company Odebrecht were connected to evasion of taxes in Brazil. Image
if the concern of US DOJ and FBI with administration of Brazilian tax collection seems somewhat quirky, there may be an ulterior motive: Meinl Bank had a central role in the looting of Ukrainian banks during the 2014-2016 Biden administration of Ukraine. Image
Read 11 tweets
Mar 3
Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, named by NYT as architect of 2014 post-Maidan takeover of Ukrainian intelligence by CIA, is former head of Ukrainian SBU. His comments on Biden corruption deserve attention, but have been
on October 10, 2019, early in the Trump impeachment saga, Nalyvaichenko published an op ed in Wall St Journal saying "alliance with US depends on answering questions about Bidens and election interference" [by Ukraine]
in that editorial, Naluvaichenko, the former SBU hear, stated that Ukraine had responsibility to investigate allegations that Ukraine interfered in 2016 election (a separate issue from Russian interference) and whether Burisma hired Hunter Biden for "cynical purposes". Image
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