Leon Panetta, CIA chief + Pentagon chief + Obama WH Chief of Staff, has perhaps the #1 NatSec Apex Predator resume in modern history other than Gen. Michael V. Hayden, who is ALSO part of little old Hollywood Rob Reiner’s ‘advisor crew’
Anne Applebaum's credibility should be nuked to zero after she got caught red-handed serving as a secret "Inner Cluster Cell" member of a busted British intelligence operation set up for covert censorship & political warfare operations known as the Integrity Initiative.
These secret "cluster cells" were set up by British intelligence to have "cluster members" spanning all key positions of political influence in a region
The clusters specifically sought as recruits: journalists, politicians, military, academic & business leaders in each country
I didn’t even know this in advance before I said it
You can literally smell it on these people
There’s a CIA-speak: frenzied energy of a man on cocaine, endless & wholly unaccountable bleating about democracy, verbal State Dept print shop services, & a psycho’s lack of remorse
Some of the most perverse censorship industry heavyweights are able to scrub their own bad histories from the Internet by getting excluded from the Wayback Machine.
Moonshot CVE, a close partner of Google Jigsaw & the national security state, has a get-out-of-history free card.
Moonshot CVE and The Redirect Method, a Digital MKULTRA technique to Clockwork Orange you w/ regime propaganda by constantly redirecting traffic toward gatekeeper orgs instead of the content people actually search for: