1/ Been hearing of some push back by school districts over fears that fan motors on CR-Boxes may overheat and be a fire hazard. This thread addresses those concerns.
2a/ Resistance on the fan motor was considered in design of the original CR-Box. Clearly, resistance is greater if just one filter is duct-taped to a fan, and I wanted to get away from that simpler concept, even though such a design can be quite effective in right-sized spaces.
2b. Note that the 1-filter on fan design should be worst-case scenario for resistance (assuming similar filters as used in a 4 or 5-filter CR Box), yet Underwriters Lab (UL) tested this design and concluded that under normal and blockage conditions ...
2c. "Overall, all measured temperatures of the fans under the conditions described in this study were lower than the maximum allowable temperatures in UL 507, the safety standard for electric fans. Full report here: chemicalinsights.org/wp-content/upl…
2d. They did indicate that more tests might be completed under extreme temperature conditions, e.g., 40 oC indoor temperature for this worst-case single filter on fan scenario.
3/ With each successive parallel MERV-13 filter, the resistance on the motor decreases, flow rate through the fan increases, and thus effectiveness of the system in terms of clean air delivery rate (CADR) also increases.
4/ With a 4 or 5 filter design the resistance is so low that the flow rate through the fan is VERY close to the flow rate for a box fan with no filters attached. I have done testing of pressure drop across filters for about a dozen CR Boxes (20” x 20” x 2” MERV-13 filters).
5/ For the 4-filter CR-Box the pressure drops ranges from only 4 to 8 Pa (highly consistent results across different 4-filter CR-Boxes) for low flow to high flow settings. These are extremely low pressure drops, folks.
6/ The key to these very low pressure drops (and low resistance on the fan motor) is that incoming air flow is spread across 4 filters in parallel & the filters are pleated leading to a very high surface area. This yields a very low air speed normal to filter surface.
7/ Much lower air speed = much lower pressure drop. In fact, trying to measure the incident air speed on the inlet of the filters is difficult, even with a good hot wire anemometer. It's easy to measure or feel the very high air speeds exiting the CR-Box, but not entering!
8/ That very fact was built into the conceptual design of the CR-Box to maximize flow, effectiveness (as CADR), and minimize resistance on the fan motor.
9/ We have also tested a CR Box after 15 months of operation (over 3,300 hours of actual operation) with little change in the pressure drop or effectiveness of the system.
10/ Now, back to resistance on the fan motor when it is hot inside. As stated above, resistance on the motor was included in the original CR-Box design and is one reason that multiple parallel filters were selected.
11/ People do use fans during heat waves to stay cool and the CR Box with a 4 or 5-filter design exerts a very small additional resistance on the fan motor.
12/ So, I don’t see it being all that different than someone just using a fan to keep cool, which I don’t think we would want to discourage.
13/ Further, people have been using CR Boxes in hot climates, particularly from India to the Philippines and Mexico for the past three years with no fire-related incidents that I am aware.
14/ Having said that, it is important to use new/newer fans when building CR-Boxes. Avoid the old one found in your parent's or grandparent's garage, e.g., those over 10 years old.
15/ I think it's also important that we test and report results for extreme conditions to provide greater confidence and acceptance of the CR-Box. So, hoping others will test in environmental chambers to 35-40 oC (heat wave conditions with power outage).
16/ Measurement motor temperature & we will do the same. Report!
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1/ College students returning to dorms across North America.
Just a reminder that a "classic" 4-5 MERV-13 filter #CorsiRosenthalBox in a 220 sq. ft x 9 ft can add between 15 to 27 ADDITIONAL equivalent ACH to the space (depending on flow setting, fan, etc.).
2/ That's more than what isolation rooms in hospitals are typically designed to achieve. If the starting point before CR Box is 2 ACH, the reduction in respiratory aerosol particles will be approx 90%. If the starting point is 1 ACH then CR-Box yields approx 95% reduction.
3/ It's not unreasonable to expect CO2 concentrations in a dorm room with 3 sleeping students & windows closed to exceed 5,000 ppm (>13% rebreathed fraction). Been measured. A CR-Box can reduce probability of infection during these & other prolonged exposure periods.
1/ In 2020 I worked w/ @Wymelenberg & @HoomanParhizkar to develop an educational tool to help schools see the benefits of various measures for reducing COVID-19 infections in classrooms. The model, named SafeAirSpaces is found at the link below.
2/ The model was amended pivoted around a dose-response sub-model with the expert assistance of @ProfCharlesHaas. The complete model & comparison with actual outbreak scenarios is described in this paper.
3/ A unique feature of t model is use of “inhaled & deposited dose” in the respiratory system of receptors linked to a dose–response curve for human coronavirus HCoV-229E. We used the model to estimate a dose of 11 PFUs for the observed 45% attack rate in Restaurant X in China.
1/ Thanks for the excellent reporting, @apoorva_nyc. It is so disappointing that so much of the available funds have been wasted on relatively ineffective technologies or not used at all.
2/ As stated in the article, it is possible to address airborne infectious agents, e.g., that cause COVID-19 and influenza, as well as other pollutants that improve student and teacher health, productivity, and (thus) effective education for students.
3/ In the article my good friend Mark Hernandez states that we can improve indoor air quality for approximately $65/student/per year. That cost would be top end, presumably major renovations to HVAC systems, large increases in fresh air exchange & associated energy costs, etc.
1/ Beware - A lot of uneducated and misinformed (at best) garbage being disseminated by those who do not want others to wear masks to reduce their inhalation exposure to virus-laden respiratory aerosol particles.
2/ Masks do not act like sieves with openings too big to capture some particles or small enough to capture others. Filtration mechanisms are more complex than this and have been well defined on this medium many, many times in the past by those educated on the topic.
3/ This is a good not-too-technical summary for those inclined to want to understand the filtration mechanisms of gravitational settling, impaction, interception, Brownian motion (sometimes referred to as diffusion), and electrostatic attraction. airpophealth.com/blogs/air-reso…
1/ Done looking at data for last few days and on-off experiments for today. Effectiveness = fractional reduction of PM2.5 with CR-Box on vs. before switched on (no control). With CR-Box on highest flow the effectiveness is greater than 0.98 (PM2.5 drops to < 2% of initial).
2/ In terms of background aerosol concentrations in shared air, that's like wearing an N95 mask.
On lowest flow the effectiveness is 0.79 (PM2.5 concentration drops to 21% of pre-control level. Still not bad!
3/ We normally keep the system on mid-flow (experimental design) and it activates at 8 a.m. and switches off at 5 p.m. each day. Looking back at the past few days it appears that on mid-flow we push or exceed a 90% reduction.
We are doing long-term measurements of CR Box performance in a number of real occupied environments @ucdavis, with intermittent (every 2 months) take-down and detailed lab analysis. Here are results for one office suite.
2/ The CR box is programmed to switch on at medium setting at 8 a.m. each morning and switch back off at 5 p.m. On occasion it gets switched off and back on during the occupied day to ascertain response. The plot above shows 10-min averaged PM2.5 concentrations.
3/ 1 = previous occupied day end and response when CR Box switches off; 2 = CR box activation at 8 a.m. on July 20th; 3 = CR box intentionally switched off at approx 2 p.m.; 4 =CR box switched back on at high flow setting at approx 4 p.m.; 5 = CR Box switched off at 5 p.m.