Reisman notes many on the left misunderstand Trump's appeal. Many of Trump's supporters do not think he's a GOOD GUY. They know he DOES BAD THINGS but root for him anyway.
This is a dynamic that was created by modern wrestling culture. The most popular wrestlers are "bad guys"
4. Reisman notes that an entire generation of Millenial men grew up rooting for Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and Triple H. Characters who were beloved by the crowd, despite their evil acts.
5. If you are wondering why Trump's supporters aren't abandoning him after he was charged with 91 felonies, including "conspiracy to defraud the government," it's because many of them like Trump BECAUSE of his transgressions.
6. Note that it is not simply hard-core Trump supporters sticking with Trump. He's polling at 45% or so in an anticipated matchup with Biden. That means many self-described moderates and independents still support Trump.
7. Much more in my interview with Abraham Josephine Riesman, author of Ringmaster: Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America:…
8. In a lot of ways Elon Musk operates like Trump and McMahon.
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3. In other words, Republicans are willing to invalidate the votes of MORE THAN 1 MILLION WISCONSIN VOTERS in order to protect maps that illegally dilute the voting power of millions of Wisconsin voters.
@Hillsdale 3. The curriculum developed by Adams requires teachers to incorporate numerous lessons from @Hillsdale's curriculum
One required lesson emphasizes the Founding Fathers, including Madison and Washington, "expressed regret and fear of divine retribution for slavery in America"
1. In March, @RonDeSantis signed a massive expansion of the state's school voucher program, including $8,000 vouchers for thousands of homeschoolers
Now, parents are exploiting the program, using taxpayer dollars for Disney World passes, PS5s, & 55" TVs
We have reciepts 🧾🧾🧾
2. In one exchange posted in a private Facebook group last month, a parent inquires about getting passes to Disney World approved through the program. Another parent responds that she was able to get passes for Disney World and Universal Studios paid for with taxpayer funds.
3. Previously, the voucher program was restricted mostly to low-income families. The cash could only be used for private school tuition or transportation to a public school
Now homeschoolers are getting 8K vouchers for any approved "educational expense"
1. North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Anita Earls, the only Black woman on the court, is being threatened with sanctions —including REMOVAL FROM THE BENCH — for TALKING about RACIAL AND GENDER DISCRIMINATION.
2. In June, during an interview, Earls was asked about a study that found "attorneys who argue before the state Supreme Court are 90% white & 70% male."
Earls explained that female and non-white attorneys are often treated rudely by members of the court
3. Earls explained that "when the culture is that male advocates and advocates who reflect the majority of the court, white advocates, when they get more respect, when they are treated better — I think it filters into people's calculations about who should argue."
3. In April 2023, Popular Information broke the news that Sexton secretly purchased a $600,000 home in Nashville. Our reporting forced Sexton to admit that his family lives in Nashville and not the district he represents two hours away.
1. For months Florida schools have been purging books w/LGBTQ characters & themes
In response to a lawsuit, the state said this was not required by the "Don't Say Gay" law
But an investigation by Popular Information reveals schools are CONTINUING TO BAN THE BOOKS ANYWAY
2. In June, the authors of the children's book "And Tango Makes Three" sued the Lake County School Board, saying that banning a book about two male penguins raising a chick in the Central Park Zoo was unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination