"We CAN’T take responsibility for the constant, unmitigated infection of the population w/ a vascular-damaging, neurotropic virus like SARS-CoV-2, in which a previous infection provides no long-term protection vs future infection.” t-online.de/gesundheit/kra…
They call the handling and management of the pandemic “absolutely appaling”. They state that in Europe alone 36 million people have become chronically ill as a result of Covid infections.
“COVID-19 is not a cold. It is not influenza. It is a systemic, vascular-damaging disease that only spreads via the respiratory route, via aerosols.
COVID-19 is neither over, nor is it a harmless infection without consequences.”
“We the medical community need to play an exemplary role and take measures to protect everyone and NOT continue to bow to social, media and political pressure."
They suggest preventive measures:
-Use of CO2 measuring devices indoors
-Good ventilation using ventilation systems or open windows
-Air purification w/ HEPA filters (in winter or where ventilation is only possible to a limited extent)
-Testing & isolation in case of symptoms
-Keep Covid as reportable disease & provide insight into the vigilance system (e.g. wastewater data, hospitalizations, deaths)
-FFP2 masks
-Reserve blocked time slots on defined days for vulnerable people
- Ramp up vaccinations and boosters over the holidays
- Avoid large indoor gatherings
- Ramp up indoor masking with FFP2 (N95)
- Ramp up self testing
Omicron could lead to “explosive spread” that poses “high risk” to critical infrastructure in Germany (hospitals, police, EMS, telecoms, water, electricity) requiring immediate action now.
Also: No indication that Omicron is milder than Delta.
🇩🇪🦠 Wow. In a frank & at times emotional presentation, the head of Germany’s CDC, Lothar Wieler, urges politicians to get real amid the country’s Covid surge. Excerpts:
“We are heading for a serious emergency situation. If we don’t act now, we will have a horrible Christmas.”
“We have too many people who are not vaccinated.”
“We should not allow people who do not want to get vaccinated the opportunity to forego getting vaccinated, for example through testing.”
Re elder care homes: “It is naive to think that these people can be protected amid high incidence rates. That is not possible. Please forget this naive thought.”