Yesterday one of the mummies (Clara) was scanned live (CT and XR) in front of three new independent doctors and an auditor.
Dr. Ruben Linage - orthopedic surgeon
Dr. Armando Ballesteros - radiologist
Dr. Jasner Casa - Director of the hospital which run the analysis
Dr. Linage Analysis (part 1)
- There are no signs of fabrication of the body, this would be seen in the shoulder joints and skull
- No deviations in the spine, which seems to indicate that the being did not walk upright
- Passage of medullary canal visible through the spine
Dr. Linage Analysis (part 2)
- Bones and joints of shoulders are very similar to those of humans
- Bones show wear like in elderly humans
- Small rib cage, does not allow much expansion for breathing
- Metallic implant would not be used to unite parts of the skeleton
Dr. Linage Analysis (part 3)
- There are clear differences in density in the tibias, other types of exams are necessary
- Wrist, hip, knee and ankle joints would not provide mobility
Dr. Ballesteros Analysis (part 1)
- Real skeleton, doesn't look manufactured
- Logically ordered circular ribs
- There are no signs that the body was assembled, but asymmetries and differences in density are noted
Dr. Ballesteros Analysis (part 2)
- One of the ribs has trauma
- Some bones with animal characteristics and others with human characteristics
- No union of the lower extremity with the acetabulum or any joint in the hip that could provide movement is seen
Dr. Jasner Casa said he was there only to give credibility to the analysis since he is the Director of the hopital, which has state of art equipments available like the Toshiba Aquillion CT scanner used there.
Another people present:
- Carlos Mesa - Auditor. He was there to certify that the analysis was really being made live using the equipments of the hospital
- Jose Benitez, Physician, Lieutenant Comander of Mexico Navy, and Forensics Specialist - original analist of the mummy
The entire video with English subtitles can be seen here. Not 100% accurate automatic translation but a good start.
A proposed framework for the nNHI*-human consciousness exploitation
*nNHI = negative Non Human Intelligence
nNHI can appear in the form of a craft with beautiful lights or a strange being with irresistible eyes so it will be inevitable to look at it 🧵
When you look at it, the nNHI will induce a state of hypnosis so the person will feel paralyzed and see whatever it wants you to see making the individual a passive passenger of their illusions
A permanent link with the individual consciousness is established so the nNHI will start to play games with the person's mind and use the person's body to perform physical manifestations
Journalist Margarida Hallacoc, who covered the Varginha Incident, revealed for the first time what her best friend, a Major in the Brazilian Army who served in 1996 at the military base where the beings were taken, said. 🧵
Colonel: - It wasn't an ET. Maybe some hybrid creatures, created by the ETs, in their megalaboratories.
Hallacoc: - From human and animal materials, collected on Earth?
Colonel: - Yes. Their technology is light years ahead of ours.
Colonel: - To be among us, they send their messengers. Those strange little creatures that embarrass ufologists... and certain journalists. They produce hybrid creatures in series. Like on an assembly line. Sometimes an abduction to extract more genetic material. From people.
🚨Alleged crash retrieval operation of mysterious drones in New Jersey - Mega Thread
📸by @El_Griego007 at Round Valley Reservoir
6:00pm ET
Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion departs from McGuire AFB to Barren Pines Forest. This bird is ideal for Heavy Cargo Transport both internally and externally via sling loads.
6:10pm ET
USMC Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion start to search for something at Barren Pines Forest close to Pasadena Road coming from Route 539. Possibly retrieved something because touched the ground many times.
O Inspetor Geral do Pentágono acaba de tornar pública a versão não sigilosa de sua investigação sobre a forma com que o Departamento de Defesa dos EUA trata o assunto OVNI e as notícias não são nada boas para o Pentágono. Segue o fio 🧵
A versão sigilosa do relatório já estava disponível desde 15 de agosto de 2023, mas foi decidido liberar agora uma versão não sigilosa devido ao grande interesse do público sobre como o Pentágono trata o assunto OVNI.
O relatório começa falando que a Força Aérea e a Marinha dos EUA lideraram o desenvolvimento de políticas, procedimentos e mecanismos de reporte de OVNIs. E que o Pentágono usa isso para obter informações de OVNIs desde 1940.
Novos documentos do Governo revelam detalhes sobre investigações de OVNIs e seres em aldeias indígenas dos estados do Acre e do Amazonas entre os anos de 2014 e 2023. Segue o fio 🧵
Um relatório com data de 29/09/2014 emitido pela Polícia Federal à Justiça, mostra a visão do órgão sobre as visitas de estranhos veículos e seres na Aldeia Apiwtxa, tribo Kampa do Amônia no Acre, onde a PF afirma que não é de sua competência tratar esse tipo de caso.
O documento inicia dizendo que os OVNIs tem aparência de disco. Mas o inquérito da PF anteriormente liberado pelo MP em 2020, mostra que os depoimentos dos indígenas e pesquisadores na aldeia dão conta de objetos esféricos ou cilíndricos.