1. Memory is a powerful lens 2. Memory is most usefully thought of 2 interacting components: WM & LTM 3. Our WM has a limited capacity 4. LTM can help us overcome our WM limits 5. Memory is organic, not digital
@DTWillingham These big ideas have provided me with solid foundations upon which to build a more nuanced understanding of learning.
Let me know how your foundations differ.
@DTWillingham PS. Picture of a fiver as promised ⤵️
@DTWillingham PPS. I write a weekly 5-min email for teachers interested in this kind of stuff....
A mega-geeky thread I've been sitting on for 5 years:
Imagine we wanted to create a system for evaluating doctors' effectiveness.
Suppose we designed a rubric outlining all the actions effective doctors typically perform:
→ Prescribe painkillers
→ Refer to specialists
→ Order blood tests
→ Conduct physical exams
→ etc.
Now imagine this system judged doctors solely on how well they fulfilled this rubric, regardless of whether these actions actually improved patient health.