1. Charles Koch recently transferred more than $5 billion to two secretive organizations
The donations are structured to allow Koch to avoid BILLIONS in taxes but the money can still be used directly in political campaigns
It's an audacious scheme
Here is how it works
2. Koch donated $4.3 billion to Believe In People, a newly formed 501(c)4 non-profit run by three of his closest associates. He also donated $975 million to CCKc4, which is controlled by his son, Chase Koch.
In a recent IRS filing, CCKc4 listed its mission as "N/A."
3. But while little is known about the current activities of Believe in People or CCKc4, as 501(c)4 organizations, a large percentage of their assets — in this case, billions of dollars — can be spent directly on political campaigns.
4. By exploiting a loophole, Koch was able to make this money available for political spending without paying a dime in taxes.
It's not surprising that Koch is familiar with the loophole — he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying to create it.
5. Large donations to charitable causes are not subject to gift taxes. But, after Citizens United, 501(c)4 orgs began to engage directly in political campaigns, which are not charities. So, in 2015, the IRS began considering imposing the gift tax on these kinds of donations.
6. Koch made his donations to the new 501(c)4 orgs in the form of stock. Koch could have given the stock to a 527 political org, which are exempt from gift taxes. But, a gift of stock to a political organization is considered a sale. That means Koch would pay capital gains tax.
7. In 2015, former Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL) proposed the "Fair Treatment for All Gifts Act," to specifically exempt contributions to 501(c)4 from the gift tax. Politico described it as a "tax exemption for megadonors."
8. Charles Koch, through Koch Industries, hired a lobbying firm, Siff & Associates, PLLC, to advocate for Roskam's bill and related issues. In 2015 and 2016, Koch paid Siff & Associates $180,000 to push for the new gift tax exemption.
9. One of the political organizations Koch created and funds, Americans for Prosperity, also advocated for Roskam's gift tax exemption.
10. Ultimately, Koch's lobbying efforts paid off. Roskam's legislation was quietly included in a must-pass omnibus spending bill in December 2015. Now, Charles Koch is taking full advantage of the loophole he helped create.
@Walmart 3. The new CA law would require any company w/$1 billion+ in revenue to comprehensively report its carbon footprint to the state on an annual basis
This will give consumers the ability to see which companies are TALKING about climate change & which are DOING SOMETHING
1. Last week, @Target announced it was closing 9 stores due to theft, generating an avalanche of credulous coverage from nearly every major media outlet
One thing that was missing from all these stories: DATA
So Popular Information tracked it down
2. Target is closing the store at 517 East 117th Street in Harlem. But according to NYPD data, there were fewer incidents of shoplifting this year at the Harlem store than other nearby stores that will remain open.
3. Target is also closing its location on Folsom Street in San Fransisco. But according to SFDP data, there were fewer incidents of shoplifting in and around that store than other nearby stores that will remain open.
1. Last week, I reported schools in Charlotte County, FL were purging books w/LGBTQ character from libraries
It was confirmed by @AP, @TDOnline, and others.
But @ABC7SWFL and @NBC2, owned by @Hearst, ran stories claiming they confirmed my report was "grossly inaccurate"
2. I couldn't get in touch with the reporter, @samantha_serbin. So I contacted the news director at @ABC7SWFL and @NBC2, @TimKlutsarits
I let him know that my report was based on public records provided by the school district and statements defending the policy
@samantha_serbin @ABC7SWFL @NBC2 @TimKlutsarits 3. @TimKlutsarits responded by saying "in our editorial discretion we have taken the story down." He made no effort to defend his stations' reporting. Both Serbin's story and her video report are no longer available online.
@NoLabelsOrg 3. No Labels wrote to the Arizona Secretary of State and asked them to kick these folks off the ballot because they weren't approved by party leadership and No Labels is only interested in nominating someone for president.
1. Buried in North Carolina's 600+ page budget is a little-noticed provision that creates a secret police force, controlled by Republicans, with extraordinary powers
2. The budget grants the Gov Ops Committee the right to seize “any document or system of record” from anyone who works in or w/state & local government
This includes contractors or any entity that directly or indirectly receives state funds, including charities and colleges
3. It gets worse. Gov Ops staff will be authorized to enter “any building or facility” owned or leased by a state or non-state entity without a judicial warrant.
This includes private homes, if it includes a home office of a contractor