🚨I don’t know who need to hear this, but we are not existing or suffering for your cause. We are not Palestine and Israel is not Russia in this reality. We are not Vietnam or Iran and America is not Russia. And if after 2 years you still dont understand, then you are problem. 🧵
1. We are not Muslims fighting Jews. We are Muslims, Jews, Christians, atheists, Buddhists, pagans, Hindus all fighting together against genocidal monster. Russia not only wants our land, it wants to erase us and make us Russian. I did whole thread about this here.
2. Tell me, when America forced with gun to head of Iraqis to take American citizenship, make Iraqis all speak English, change their names to English ones, prohibit them to know their own history of culture? Russia do this to us for centuries. That’s why we speak Russian.
3. Tell me when Israel forced impregnated Palestinian women to make them have Jewish babies? When did Israel castrate Palestinian men so they could not have Palestinian babies? Russia do this to us for centuries.
4. Tell me when America removed all Vietnam by force and replace them with Americans and call it America? When did America execute Rumi and pretend he was their beloved writer? Babel, Bulgakov, Akhmatova, Gogol are known as Russian writers. They are not. They are our own.
5. Tell me when America change street and city names into English in Iraq? Tell me when Israel invade another country, hold hostage its women so it’s men are forced to fight in war of conquest? How you think Chechens are in my country fighting for Russia? How you think
6. People from our occupied regions have our own men forced to fight us? You can be for or against Israel or Palestine or for or against America. But you don’t get to use us for your politics and pretend that Israel is Russia or America is just as bad and we are like Palestine
7. We never once in centuries attacked Russia. When we attacked Russian bridge supplying weapons to kill our civilians, same people posting this called us terrorists.
8. When Russia steal 700k of our children, same people criticizing me for not loudly standing with Palestine now, defend Russia. They use argument that we are Nazis, proxies, we threatened Russia by wanting to join defensive alliance
9. They say imagine if Mexico was threatening America with Russian alliance. I say this again, we have never attacked Russia while for centuries Russia eradicate us. Joining defensive alliance is our right. But after Hamas kidnap and murder thousands, same people defend them.
10. And call me hypocrite. I am Ukrainian Jew who stood for Palestine cause until Russia invaded and they cheered. I don’t wish Palestine harm. In fact I say Israel should be bombing Moscow and Tehran and not these poor people with no power. But I can’t support people who side
11. With Russia. I won’t ever support Likud and their corrupted Russian money. I will never forgive South Africa or India for siding with Russia. If Israel or America did not exist, I would never forgive anyone who side with Russia. Because if you support Russia
12. You side with eradication of Muslims, Jews, Christians, Ukrainians, Tatars. Belarusians, Africans, Poles and so many others who have so many different religions and cultures. That you defend one group of Muslims in Palestine but don’t care how many tens of millions Russia
13. Murder is not that you care about Muslims. I care about Muslims from Syria to Africa to Palestine. You only care about one group of Muslims and we all know why. You don’t care about peace. You don’t care about suffering if you stand with Russia. It’s simple. Stop comparing us
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Friends, I truly hate Rogers Waters. I tell you why so you understand what he represents, he is face of Stalinism. You see friends, Nazis are evil and will openly tell you who they are. But Stalinists hide under mask of virtue and compassion, yet they are no different. 🧵
1. That make them more dangerous because they lure good people into their Nazi ideology. I will show this to you.
No matter what #RogerWatersIsNazi says to you about his compassion for suffering of #Palestinians, he actually has zero issue with occupation, genocide and cruelty.
Look everyone, Russian funded propagandists are sad they can’t lie more about Bucha, film Ukrainian children in captivity for Russian propaganda and help cover up Russian war crimes in Syria, Ukraine and all over Africa.
They feel victimized poor darling after launching campaign of calling us Nazis with biolabs who launder money. @MaxBlumenthal @aaronjmate @RealAlexRubi and all of @TheGrayzoneNews are real victims. Not white helmets they help Russia frame for Russian crimes in Syria
Not Ukrainians they blame for maternity hospital bombing. No, their right to sell atrocity propaganda has been violated. Fuck your Nazi bastards.
What kind of people would film Ukrainian children in captivity against all human rights laws?
Moscow must be made into Mariupol. That’s not negotiable. You don’t get to commit genocide and pretend self defense is terrorism. No such thing exist as Ukrainian terrorism. Only Ukrainian justice. Russia forfeit all rights.
Nothing is enough for nation that creates nothing and makes nothing. They only spread, absorb, erase, murder and destroy humans while stealing our achievements and culture. Russia as nation is just sewn together from pieces of victimized nations. For hundreds of years
This beast murders with impunity. No matter how many times it collapses and rearranges itself into new type of government, no matter how many leaders it has, it’s always this failed human experiment. Same people who were killing my great grandmother as Empire, were killing
Dear #Italy and all of Europe. Also #Banksy. I want to tell you little story.
Imagine if during WWII, an artist was hired by Nazis to paint mural in Warsaw ghetto of little Jewish girl who Nazis say Jews had hurt. How would this make you feel?
Well that’s what Italian street artist #Jorit did. He went to #Mariupol, city that was razed, where half million people are missing, where children were stolen and where Russians are moving in over graves, and he painted mural of little Ukrainian girl from Donbas as victim of 🇺🇦
He painted it on building that was destroyed by people who paid him to make that art. But since Russia needed model for their imaginary victim we hurt, Jorit ended up painting daughter of Australian photographer @Drwhittle . That’s right. This victim of Ukrainians
While we were being bombed and while I was stuck in fucking basement, I use this time to write to you just how how much damage Russian infiltration has done to you country dear America. 🧵
1. You see this pacifist who is opposed to war? He could say to us he is against all such weapons used by anyone at anytime. Without more commentary this would be respectable pacifist argument. But it’s not what he say, is it.
Look what he say. He dehumanize 43 million souls,
2. Erase our centuries old fight against being enslaved by calling us proxies. He erase Russian crimes that predate NATO and even America to claim that this war is American empire building. Same time he paint Russia not as genocidal empire, but as federation as though even now
I had tiny nap this early morning for one hour and wake up thinking what wonderful world we could have had if Russians were held accountable for Holodomor. There would have been no WWII. Had they been held accountable for their role in Holocaust, there would not have been
Another 50 years of Soviet genocides and occupation. Had they been held accountable for genocide of Chechnya and Dagestan, there would not have been genocide of Georgia, Syria and Belarus occupation. If they had been held accountable for Crimea and Donbas there would
Be no genocide of Ukraine now. And I just think about 1932-2023. I don’t even count hundreds of years of their crimes and brutality, slavery, genocides, erasing entire nations. I don’t even count their African slave trade now or slow colonization of African continent.