🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨 Christian Dominionist #NAR Apostle Abby Abildness "In our CAPITOL we have APOSTOLIC HUB, we're praying w/legislators & giving real time RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BILLS..amazing power of influence"
⚠️Appears to be Rep Zimmerman & Sen Dush in Pic
#Harrisburg #PAGOV
🧵2/ #Pennsylvania ‼️Myself & researchers get called out by Christian Dominionist #NAR Apostle Abby Abildness "We are being tracked for this New Apostolic Restoration movement Right wing watchers 👀 trying to figure out why..church is having so much impact "
#Harrisburg #PAGOV
🧵3/ #Pennsylvania ⚠️ #NAR Apostle Abby Abildness continues to call us out "They wrote article in @MotherJones ..Don't read it..Cindy Jacobs says 'Who reads that?' It says 'Shes prophet. She's theocrat. She's most powerful lobbyist you've never heard of"
🚨 Apostles cheer
@MotherJones 🧵4/ #Pennsylvania 🚨 #NAR Apostle Abby Abildness pulls up her new William Penn documentary "This is a 🌱 SEED of the STRATEGY..They know when I'm at Capitol. They come chasing me w/cameras..👀 I think we're getting that billion soul harvest as they're studying this"
@MotherJones 🧵5/ #Pennsylvania 🚨 #NAR Apostle Abby Abildness RE right wing watchers "The enemy might think hes stopping it but i just love that hes watching 👀 trying to figure it out & i pray he finds the Lord in the process"
@MotherJones 🧵6/ #Pennsylvania 🚨 #NAR Apostle Abby Abildness "Before they knew about 7️⃣ Mountains, they had 4️⃣ & the 4️⃣ are in our Capitol Rotunda...they're from themes of art, justice, religion & science. They saw them as forces of civilization that influence RIGHTEOUS REIGN" #Harrisburg
🧵7/ #Pennsylvania 🚨 #NAR Apostle Abby Abildness "Each 1️⃣ is standing on 🦂 or 🐍..to trample out evil. We do want to DOMINATE those. We want to have DOMINION...Thats how the Lord does it but its for that Righteous Reign" #Harrisburg #PAGOV
🧵8/ #Pennsylvania ‼️ #NAR Apostle Abby Abildness "I was asked to speak at New York UN next week..Opportunity to share this message is coming w/ leaders. Govt leaders who have gotten the Spirit" RE presenting William Penn documentary to United Nations
9/🧵🚨 Christian Dominionist #NAR Apostle Abby Abildness who is the Global &postlic Prayer Network Director has connections w/ United Nations ⚠️ Here is her article for the UN magazine on the William Penn prophecy which is her Dominionist utopian vision
🧵 #America 🚨 "Men whether they are more competent or intelligent. Doesn't matter. Men are charged w/ responsibility of being primary initiator w/in Family. Women are designed to be supporters of man fulfilling that role"
-Christian Dominionist #NAR Apostle Lance Wallnau
2🧵 #America 🚨 "Rather than woman pushing guy aside & taking over leadership role, she should be challenging man into maturity stopping into what he's called to do...It reflects order of Spiritual Design"
-Christian Dominionist #NAR Apostle Lance Wallnau
3🧵 #America 🚨 "If you're single mother, smartest thing to do is find church where there are men that can be involved w/youth...If they don't have that, you've deprived them of one domesticating influence that takes beast in men & tames them"
-#NAR Apostle Lance Wallnau
🧵#Pennsylvania🚨 #NAR Apostle & Christian Dominionist Lance Wallnau Courage Tour coming to PA 9/27-9/28
🚨 Part of AFPI Project 19 🎯 key counties for Tr*mp 2024 election
📣 Spread the word to counter & educate ⬇️ Tickets here
🧵 #Pennsylvania🚨"All of these campuses & so called education systems We have to review their certifications. Thank God for Nov where new President will come."
👂#NAR Christian Dominionists cheer
-ArchBishop Melchisedek at #NAR Life Center & Mastriano We Stand w/ Israel
2🧵 #Pennsylvania 👀 "Its demonic. Antisemitism is from the pit of Hell"
-Christian Dominionist & Zionist Mastriano who was connected w/ antisemitic G*b during his governor campaign
⬇️ NAR Life Center We Stand w/ Israel event at #Harrisburg Capitol
3🧵 #Pennsylvania 👀 "I call upon Gov Shapiro & PA legislature to formally declare that Israel & Jewish people have right to exist"
- Christian Dominionist #NAR Apostle Charles Stock
⬇️ NAR Life Center & Mastriano We Stand w/ Israel event at #Harrisburg Capitol
🧵 #America 👀 Back in 2018 when Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in, #NAR Apostle Dutch Sheets was also in Capitol Hill w/ Billye Brim & "2 highly connected people in DC"
⬇️ Read my next post
2🧵 #America 🚨 "Our special passes were issued by high-ranking Senators. Two of them, whose names are most-associated with these proceedings...One of them said, "Ask that the Lord’s will be done.”
-Charismatic Pastor Billye Brim at Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh 2018
3🧵 #America 👀 150 believers were praying in Senator Chuck Grassley office including a woman whose words were of "Authority, Power & DOMINION"
-Charismatic Pastor Billye Brim at Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh 2018 proceedings
🧵 #America 🚨 Theonomy Seeking CityElders founder is networking at #Milwaukee #Wisconsin Liberty Pastors Conference talking RE pastors engaging in government sector
⬇️ Specifically mentions Values Advocacy Council
👉 Read my🧵
2🧵 #America 🚨 Theonomy Seeking CityElders speaking w/Values Advocacy Council whose mission statement is that people who believe in God's moral laws should be making nations decisions
3🧵 #America 🚨 Theonomy Seeking CityElders founder is networking at #Milwaukee #Wisconsin Liberty Pastors Conference
⬇️ Rodgers has spoken at Liberty Pastors before …ertypastors.fairviewbaptistedmond.org/presentations/
🧵#America 🚨"Dr Lance, we are with you ARMY OF GOD is rising
We say this time we will not let this Battleground be lost..
We will not 🛑w/just having man in White House
Apostle Wallnau prayed over for Courage Tour
2/🧵 #America 🆘️ "Back again in office will be righteous leaders.
My Prophets & Apostles shall begin to flow in & out of the WHITE HOUSE.
And many Governors will be put jn place over coming decade that will open up their Capitols"
-#NAR Apostle Lance Wallnau being prayed over
3/🧵 #America 🆘️ "To rally to overturn Baal in these 7️⃣ 🔑 Battleground places...This will not be like 2020...These cities will no longer be Battlegrounds. They'll be Victory grounds. We call forth people of influence in Govt"
-#NAR Apostle Lance Wallnau being prayed over