This week, Scorsese releases his film Killers of the Flower Moon: the true story of the mass murder of the Osage and the theft of their oil wealth. But the story doesn’t end when the credits roll. For 27 years, I've been investigating what happened next... 🧵
Over the past century, the #Osage Nation has continued to suffer massive oil thievery, poisoning, and impoverishment on their Oklahoma reservation.
“It’s not over,” Osage principal chief, Geoffrey Standing Bear, tells me. “It’s still happening.”…
At the heart of it is legal control of Osage native land by the US Bureau of Indian Affairs, an entity the Osage call the Ma-he-tah, or the Long Knife. Standing Bear, a lawyer himself, likens the arrangement to a military occupation.
The Osage’s current misfortunes began in 1894 with, ironically, the discovery of a gigantic oil reservoir under their Oklahoma land. Suddenly, desperately poor Osage became the richest people on Earth.
But for the US government, that was too much oil and too much money under the control of a people who were not at that time recognised as US citizens.
In 1906, the US Congress passed the Burke Act, named after congressman Charles Burke. Burke would head the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which determined that Osage were not sufficiently competent to handle their new wealth. It assigned each full-blood Osage a white “guardian”.
These guardians wrote themselves into Osage wills and insurance policies, then systematically murdered their wards and took their oil rights. That’s where Killers of the Flower Moon ends, in the 1920s.
But the predation continued. The US government barred the tribe from developing their own oil and instead auctioned off the Osage’s drilling rights. The giant reserves were then exploited by the behemoths we now know as Getty Oil, ConocoPhillips, Sinclair and Exxon.
The Osage were left with small “stripper” wells producing too little oil to send out through pipelines. Beginning in the 1960s, a small operator out of Wichita, Kansas, Koch Industries, agreed to send out small tanker trucks to take the Osage crude.
Except that Koch truckers would take 30 barrels and write down 20. In 1996, I was brought in as a forensic expert on energy frauds. I calculated they had skimmed off $2.4bn (£2bn) – about $6bn in today’s money.
It’s said that behind every great fortune is a great crime. It was this Osage oil that created one of America’s greatest fortunes: the Koch family, whose wealth is calculated at over $120bn.
The Kochs have used this wealth to build a fearsome ultra-rightwing force that can create and destroy political careers. Lisa Graves of True North, calculates that Koch interests have spent no less than $200m on campaigns to attack climate change science.
To the Osage, it’s still raw...
Only months ago, Everett Waller, Osage’s resource chair, confronted the Bureau of Indian Affairs at a tense hearing. “When you get a quote from Koch Oil that said they deserve a barrel for every two they had to pay for, you should have hung the bastards.”…
Right now, Chief Standing Bear is at war with the system that engendered the Koch heist, the 1920s Reign of Terror and continuing cruelties.
The US government still claims ultimate power over Osage money and lands, simply changing the murderous “guardianship” scheme to the “trusteeship” of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.…
The chief explains: “This is our land, and we bought this land with our own money. But the federal government says: ‘The ownership title may belong to you, but the day-to-day control and operation belongs to the federal government.’ And who do they get to help manage? Koch oil!”
For the chief, it’s also personal. The US government to this day lists Chief Standing Bear as “incompetent”, despite his national recognition as one of America’s top trial attorneys.
The chief took me to the Bureau of Indian Affairs office, where, in a leatherbound book, he and others in his family are listed as incompetent. It’s more than an insult. It is part of the legal structure that allows the government to remain as sovereign over reservation affairs.
Today, Koch’s trucks are gone, but Koch’s campaign to deny climate science and stop the government taking action on greenhouse gas emissions has undermined Osage demands for funds to seal up the thousands of methane-spewing, poisonous wells abandoned by corporate drillers.
While the Osage are appreciative of Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio bringing the 1920s Terror to the screen, they want the world to know that their story doesn’t end when the movie credits roll.…
Former chief Jim Roan Gray, whose great-grandfather’s murder is at the centre of Killers, says the Osage want to be seen as more than victims: they are warriors confronting their US rulers for control of their own land and lives.
We need your help, so these revelations can see the light of day.
We need your support to complete our film, Long Knife, about the Kochs and the Osage’s unending fight for control of their own lands and lives.
In the 1920s, after discovery of the massive oil field on the #Osage Reservation, the US government took away the Osage’s right to their wealth, instead appointing a white Guardian for each Osage to “protect” their money.…
Here’s how their guardians protected them: Anna Brown was shot in the head, her mother Lizzie poisoned, and her sister Rita was burnt to death when her home was dynamited.
Sixty—and likely many more—Osage were assassinated.
Their murderers inherited their oil rights.
That story, of the murder-for-oil Reign of Terror, is movingly portrayed in the film, #KillersOfTheFlowerMoon, starring @LeoDiCaprio, to be released next month.
On June 25th, 2013 the US Supreme Court gutted the #VotingRightsAct, when they ruled 5 to 4 that Section 4 was unconstitutional. The case, Shelby v. Holder, was financed in part by multi-billionaire hedge fund manager Paul “The Vulture” Singer.
Earlier this week, @ProPublica revealed that #PaulSinger flew #JusticeAlito on his private jet to Alaska for a luxury fishing vacation in early 2008 (a gift which Alito failed to disclose).…
@propublica #PaulSinger subsequently had multiple cases before Alito and the Supreme Court — including a 15-year long dispute with the nation of Argentina. #SCOTUS #JusticeAlito…
Yesterday @ProPublica revealed that #PaulSinger flew #JusticeAlito on a private jet to Alaska for a luxury (undisclosed) fishing vacation. Singer subsequently had multiple cases before SCOTUS — including his vulture attack on Argentina, which forced the nation into default.
I’ve been hunting #PaulSinger The Vulture for BBC TV since 2007, when he pocketed the money meant to aid those affected by the cholera epidemic in the Republic of Congo.
My 2012 cover story for @TheNation, “Mitt Romney’s Bailout Bonanza”, revealed how #PaulSinger secretly set up Romney to make $100 million off Obama’s auto bailout.…
On March 9, US District Court Judge Steve C. Jones ordered True the Vote — the right wing "election integrity" organization that attempted to overturn the 2020 and 2022 elections with mass voter challenges — to stand trial in Atlanta…
In 2021, the Palast Investigative Team confronted a self-appointed vigilante challenger who based her attempt to block 32,000 citizens from voting based on a hit list passed to her by True the Vote. [Here is our report for @BrianRoss.]
On March 9, US District Court Judge Steve C. Jones ordered True the Vote — the right wing "election integrity" organization that attempted to overturn the 2020 and 2022 elections with mass voter challenges — to stand trial in Atlanta.…
In Judge Jones’ summary judgment he noted that True the Vote’s expert, Gregg Phillips “candidly admits that there will be voters on the challenge list that are eligible to vote.”
Fair Fight Action’s data expert Dr. Kenneth Meyer of the University of Wisconsin-Madison found “True the Vote’s challenges were skewed toward counties with higher percentages of Black voters.”…
Now we have proof of the #OctoberSurprise. The NY Times got the story from former Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Ben Barnes. But they never asked why he's been silent for decades. It might have to do with a payment of $23 million...…
In 1999 I uncovered a DOJ doc saying that Barnes was the fixer who arranged for George W. Bush to avoid the Vietnam draft by joining the elite Texas Air Guard as a fighter pilot, the only person to have been allowed that post without flying experience.…
Barnes’ personal knowledge of W’s draft-dodging, had the political career of then Gov. George W. Bush by the cojones.