1) Many have misconstrued this tweet as an apology for Hamas. It isn't; the tweet immediately follows one in which I highlight the fact that Hamas burned families alive. I recently wrote a piece expressing my moral revulsion at leftwing apologias for Hamas nymag.com/intelligencer/…
2) For weeks, I have argued that the fixation of some leftists on whether Hamas cut off the heads of infants was bizarre, since it isn’t any less morally hideous to shoot or burn an infant to death than to cut off their heads. Here is an excerpt from one such exchange:
3) Nevertheless, the question of whether Hamas beheaded infants has been a subject of controversy. Last night, I suggested that the recently published forensic pathologists’ report indicated that Hamas had cut off infants’ heads...
4) But the report actually explicitly stated that the pathologists could not determine whether this happened. Rather, they said that it was possible that the infants had been mutilated by an RPG explosion...
5) Thus, I felt an obligation as a journalist to correct that small point of fact. I felt this obligation partly because I did not want to give ammunition to those who wish to belittle the October 7th attacks...
6) ..who could use my error to promote the idea that journalists were lying about the severity of the attack. I really did not want to give them that opportunity precisely because the undisputed facts of what happened that day are every bit as horrific as the beheading allegation
7) It is not better to burn a baby alive than to behead one. What matters is that irreplaceable lives were destroyed, each death opening a hole in the worlds of all who loved them.
8) So, please understand that my insistence on precision about what exactly befell these murdered innocents is rooted in a mere concern for accurately representing the findings of the forensic pathologists' report.
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Last night, I asserted that this report indicated that babies were beheaded. This was an overstatement. I should have said that the report established that babies were found headless, a fact that lends plausibility to claims of beheading, but which does not prove them.
(The verb behead has multiple definitions, and is sometimes used to mean decapitate; the report indicates that Hamas did behead babies in that sense. But the term can also connote a form of execution using a knife, and we do not have confirmation of beheading in this sense)
1) I sympathize with @gabrielwinant's concerns here. But my position is not that leftists should prioritize public grieving above politics, but rather that they should prioritize both morality and politics above the performance of iconoclasm. dissentmagazine.org/online_article…
2) Gabe’s view is that leftists expressing public grief and outrage at the slaughter of 1,000 Israeli Jews is politically counterproductive, as it helps Israel rationalize its war effort. After all, Jewish grief is the lifeblood of militant Zionism.
3) My view is that when leftists pointedly refuse to condemn the mass murder of Israeli Jews, they undermine their credibility on Israel-Palestine (and on other issues besides), in the eyes of the unconverted.
The far right gloating over the murder of a progressive young man on his way home from a wedding is among the most morally abominable things I've ever seen on this website.
...It should perhaps go without saying, but the "point" they think they are making is idiotic. No set of criminal justice policies could ever fully eliminate random homicides, and the right is committed to making it easy for criminals to access handguns.
A person is more likely to be murdered in West Virginia than New York City. We would not all be safe from the threat of dying in a freak homicidal incident, if only the progressive movement did not exist
College-educated voters now express more liberal views than working-class voters on economics (I.e. on questions of taxation, social insurance, redistribution and government intervention in the economy)
I suspect that the causal chain here is: socially conservative working-class voters become Republicans as culture war issues gain salience —> they adjust their economic views to match their partisanship (while socially liberal college grads took the opposite journey)
College attainment is a highly imperfect proxy for socioeconomic status. But some take the point too far. Among white voters, Republicans do much better with those who earn less than 40k than they do with those who earn more than 100k.
Wrote about why I think prisons and policing need to be radically reformed, but not abolished. TLDR on the latter point: nymag.com/intelligencer/…
I think prison abolitionists get a lot of things right. For one, retribution is not a legitimate function for a carceral system. We should punish people to prevent them from reoffending, or deter other offenders, not to make them suffer for its own sake nymag.com/intelligencer/…
2) Abolitionists are also right that America's norms for criminal sentencing are likely harsher than necessary for the sake of deterring crime or incapacitating the violent nymag.com/intelligencer/…
@BenBurgis@ethicsenjoyer I agree that 1) is counterintuitive, but don't see how that is in tension with what I asserted. But I don't see how 2) is counterintuitive; I think it's potentially mistaken but quite intuitive that people do not have moral responsibility for their actions...
@BenBurgis@ethicsenjoyer ...if those actions were determined by forces external to themselves; this is what the insanity plea rests on. Determinism arguably implies that there is no categorical distinction between the insane killer and sane one at the level of metaphysics...
@BenBurgis@ethicsenjoyer ...we simply have an easier time identifying the external force(s) that determined the former's action than we do with identifying those that determined the latter's...