My dad, who is a moderate Muslim, finally expressed his concern and asked me, 'Why are you supporting this genocide?'
He mentioned that he's stopped looking at his phone because he can no longer bear to watch videos of Palestinian children being bombed by Israel.
I replied, 'I empathize with the suffering, and it's not easy for me either.'
Then I showed him a photo, and we both agreed on the gravity of the situation in Palestine.
I then informed him that the photo was actually of a Yemeni child pulled from the rubble resulting from a Saudi bombing in Yemen.
I pointed out that Israel has allegedly killed 7,000 Palestinians, while the Saudis have killed at least 150,000 Yemeni Muslims. Some estimates suggest upto 300,000.
How can we call the current conflict a 'genocide' when what the Saudis did is hardly even discussed by Muslims? Don’t get me started on 200,000 Muslims killed by Bashar Al Asad in Syria.
He responded that if that's the case, he also disagrees with what the Saudis did. I replied, 'How convenient. Nearly half a MILLION fellow Muslims have been killed by other Muslims, and you didn't even know about it. Yet when Israel retaliates against a terrorist organization that has killed, raped, and maimed 1,500 of its citizens, the whole Muslim world reacts?'
It seems to have less to do with preserving Muslim lives and more to do with a religious fantasy of hostility toward Jews.
Some recent murderous achievements of Muslims towards other Muslims that nobody cares about.
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My question to every woman: Would you marry or sleep with a man who has destroyed everything that was once yours?
You might find it absurd to even ask this. Well, in Islam, billions of Muslims believe it’s not only possible but perfectly normal. Meet Safiyah bint Huyayy.
Safiyah was a Jewish girl and only 18 years old when Muhammad took her from the 'possession' of one of his companions because she was a woman of 'immense beauty'.
Of course, Prophet Muhammad couldn’t let this opportunity of courting a beautiful woman go to waste.
Muslim men saw sex with captive women whose husbands lived as immoral—a bro code across faiths. Luckily, Allah (Muhammad’s fake ID) revealed a verse letting them rape married captives.
Is gang rape an Islamic problem, a Pakistani problem, or a far-right conspiracy?
For it to be an Islamic problem, we’d need to see other Muslims committing gang rapes of non-Muslim women in other parts of the world as well. So, what do the numbers say? Let’s take a look.
Thanks to @elonmusk for highlighting the fact that, in Britain, most gang rapes are committed by a specific community—Pakistanis. Maybe it's just a Pakistani problem, as other Muslims don’t seem to engage in this behaviour—or do they?
In Germany, Syrians and Afghans make up less than 2% of the population yet account for 34% of gang rapes.
Everyone has an opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but I'm afraid not everyone knows the historical context. Here I'll try to explain the unbiased historical context as explained by professor Martin Bunton in his book "The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict" 1/12
In 1897, Theodore Herzl convened a meeting under "World's Zionist Organisation" and put forward the idea of a Jewish land after witnessing continued oppression of Jews in Russia, France and other parts of Europe? 2/12
Herzl was so keen that he even considered a Jewish state in East Africa, supported by the British but the idea never sat well with the majority of Jews as they wanted it to be in Palestine, their ancestral promised land. The idea died with him in 1904. 3/12