SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to catastrophic confusion in cellular communication 🧵
We’re talking about significant surges in antibodies against critical G-protein coupled receptors.
And it’s affecting young adults recovering from COVID.
The presence of elevated antibodies against G-protein coupled receptors—key molecular switches that orchestrate a multitude of physiological processes including cardiac function, neurotransmission, and vascular regulation—poses a serious threat.
These antibodies can mistakenly activate or block these receptors, causing a systemic disarray in the body's signaling pathways.
The result is a cascade of malfunctions.
The heart may beat erratically, blood pressure can fluctuate wildly, and other essential bodily functions may go awry.
This biological turmoil can translate into chronic conditions, severely diminishing quality of life and posing a long-term burden on health systems.
In controlled laboratory environments, SARS-CoV-2 demonstrates relentless genomic plasticity.
It’s accruing mutations with a propensity for enhancing viral fitness.
These genetic shifts (some ephemeral, others stabilizing in) suggest a non-random evolutionary trajectory.
Kinda optimizing the virus for increased transmissibility and evasion of host immune mechanisms.
It’s not just adapting.
In this study, researchers took nine strains, some labeled as significant threats, and let them multiply in a controlled setting, observing them for up to 100 generations.
The eyes of Long COVID patients show significant nerve damage.
They display notable nerve degradation.
Their corneal nerve fibers are sparser, branching is stunted, and the nerve lengths are curtailed.
The complex network of corneal nerves in the human eye is like a spiderweb.
Within the elegant structure of this web, each silken thread represents a delicate neural pathway, connected to maintain stability and harmony.
This web is specifically designed to optimize its function – catching insects – just as the corneal nerves are designed to relay sensory information efficiently.
Long covid is a wildfire scorching healthcare funds 🔥🧵
In a healthcare landscape already marred by pandemics and chronic diseases, LC is the cataclysmic firestorm that makes everything else look like a campfire.
SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a fire that emergency services can contain.
It’s a blazing inferno that devours everything in its path.
From 2020 to 2023, LC’s spread led to a relentless increase in healthcare use across all categories: