For those who don’t get the upshot here. Vivek is pointing out that China manipulates the USA, and finds it particularly easy to do with white liberals at the helm. They have a specific contemptuous term for these white liberals. We should know that. I guarantee you no one called Trump baizuo.
1/McDonald’s has had an interesting trajectory. If you watch a film from ca 1980, there are scenes of trim privileged white kids hanging out there (Ordinary People). Kids of doctors and lawyers. Well into the 90s it was still a place that middle class kids held a birthday party.
2/Somewhere around 2000, the marketing shifted to blacks. They showed teens on stoops in Brooklyn calling it ‘Mickey Ds.’ This coincided with the total disappearance of the white middle class birthday party - and the set aside party room.
3/Some time later, the marketing didn’t seem targeted at any group at all. It just focused on tasty food that was almost certainly very bad for you. The market was lower class people who were overweight.
The unipolar moment resulted in nearly all American foreign policy officials believing they can just go around the world and do anything they want. They were not challenged in this thinking, and now they mostly are incapable of thinking in a new multipolar world. They've become mediocrities trapped in groupthink, despite all the obvious failures.
Something similar seems to have happened in the political parties. An America on top of the world produced the same kind of politician in both parties who thinks we can just borrow $$ endlessly, bully the entire world endlessly, that the debt doesn't matter. And all the real disputes have centered on fairly trivial social issues. Boys in the girls bathroom is important, but not as important as $35 trillion in debt.
On the GOP side, Trump upended this trajectory. He points out things aren't looking so good at home, that the old way of thinking isn't working. He took out the Bush dynasty. And now you have all kinds of people from JD Vance to DeSantis who are new, more effective kinds of figures.
Something for the Nixon fans. Back in 1974 Jack Margolis, after listening to the Watergate tapes, compiled a slender pamphlet titled "The Poetry of Richard Milhous Nixon." He presented Nixon's remarks as though they were profound ruminations on the issues of the day. Very funny. I will excerpt a few below.
This one deals with the complexity of the times, called "Mixed Emotions"
This one called "One Million Dollars" was Nixon pondering inflation
Being a night owl isn’t about staying up late for whatever reason, to drink or party. It’s about feeling a release of tension, an ease in the dark, that lets you do the work and study that makes you happy. Something about broad daylight creates a pressure to be involved with things, move with the hustle and bustle of people in the streets, when really you need solitude and silence.
I’ve spent my entire life trying to be an early bird, even following Kant’s schedule of waking each day at 5am. But it never took. I still try for pragmatic reasons and have to do it for work etc. But in the middle of the night - that’s when I’m really awake.
Benjamin Franklin was also famous for getting up early, to be productive. But when you read about his life, particularly in later years, this was more an aspiration than a reality. I suspect he was a night owl who fought hard against it. I throw this in given July 4 just passed.
There is this debate about obesity. People trying to pinpoint the cause. Seed oils. Chemicals. But really it’s just obvious massive overeating, over consumption. People who are very bored, who have little to live for, and seek distraction. Obesity is a disease of abundance.
I think this is obvious, and that the search for conspiratorial causes (which are not always without merit) is also a sign of a lazy society where everyone has what s/he needs and simply doesn’t care very much. It’s a society without any deeper meaning.
Trying to pin 500 lb women on seed oils or plastics or lack of nutrients that can be cured by supplements - this is a grift of course. But it’s also an effort to look away, and to not recognize that we have a fat, lazy society because we have solved so many primal problems.