The burn right legislation does not work.Neighbours to wood burners are being poisoned in their homes & their health&life destroyed. The government, health organisations &local councils are ignoring this issue, because it is a lack of care for others on this issue, and it is not
their health & their household’s health that is being damaged. There needs to be a no burn legislation - ban fire-pits, fireplaces & backyard burning. Community education on the health dangers of burning. We have the opportunity to do these things now, if we do not,
anyone can burn next door, and there will be no law to protect
anyone in the community now and the next generation.
PM2.5 from smoke is a carcinogen, and causes lung cancer. Everyone has the right to clean air & cancer prevention. Wood burning needs to be banned.
Wood smoke is as bad as second hand cigarette smoke. While the government, health organisations & local councils in Australia do nothing, the community suffers. Community health is being damaged, & they are at risk of preventable diseases from wood smoke such as lung cancer,
other cancers,cardiopulmonary,
neurological diseases&many other diseases which destroys quality of life & causes premature death.Lung cancer is a heinous disease with high mortality. Wood burning causes lung cancer & other diseases yet nothing is being done to stop wood burning
Eco wood stoves (still has high PM2.5) & burn right legislation still exposes neighbours to carcinogenic smoke. There is no safe level of PM2.5 and toxins in wood smoke. #stopburning
The Australian government, health organisations & local councils would have been held accountable if they ignored the science on the health damage of cigarette smoking, and did not legislate policies on protecting public health from cigarette smoking. They are now accountable
for ignoring the science on the health dangers of residential burning , not legislating a no burn policy, not promoting a national campaign to educate the community on the dangers of wood smoke, and the people with poor quality of life, health damage, and shortened life span due
Wood burning can cause cancer, esp lung cancer, respiratory disease, heart disease, dementia, premature death, & other health issues which are devastating. Wood burning emits more CO2 than gas. Inaction and silence on this affects everyone.
No laws to stop residential burning (fireplaces, fire pits, backyard burning, planned burns), & no public campaign on the dangers of residential burning means anyone can burn and emit smoke into your home. No action now, leaves you, the next generation, & environment unprotected