. @TeckResources proposed sale of its Elk Valley coal mines to @Glencore, a massive global mining company with a poor environmental and human rights record is concerning for the water pollution crises in the Elk and Kootenay Rivers 🧵
For decades now, mountaintop removal coal mining in the Elk has leached selenium, nitrates, sulphites and other pollutants into the Elk-Kootenay river system. Teck’s operations have damaged the environment and impacted sensitive animals like the westslope cutthroat trout.
@Glencore , a Swiss mining company, comes to the table with an even worse track record. The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre said in a 2022 report that Glencore “has the worst human rights record among miners of metals used in renewable energy.”
In 2022, @Glencore pleaded guilty to foreign bribery and corruption charges in the US, the UK, and Brazil. They paid more than $1.1 billion in a settlement to resolve the situation. justice.gov/opa/pr/glencor…
“I hope to see the federal regulatory bodies take a very serious look at this and determine what the benefits and downsides are from a Canadian perspective,” our Elk Valley Conservation Specialist @RandalMacnair
The federal and provincial governments must carefully assess the potential deal with a lens towards the health of the Elk and Kootenai watershed and the rights of Indigenous peoples. bnnbloomberg.ca/canada-to-care…