jack 🇬🇧 Profile picture
Nov 18, 2023 35 tweets 7 min read Read on X
I’m going to post then delete this thread. I’m not here for long so I have last things to say. And one of them is this: I am genuinely and increasingly of the view Jews are just simply better people than almost all other cultures.
I don’t mean this is a race supremacist sense (after all, Jews are NOT a race), nor in the biblical sense of a ‘chosen people’ (a misunderstanding of the Torah and something Christians can themselves claim via the New Testament anyway).
I mean in the sense that Jews are, in the best and most apt sense, a large family. That’s what they are. You can get Chinese Jews. Indian Jews. African Jews. A large family that like many other families can many races within it.

I spent a whole year studying this at an academic level. One thing I wanted to show you was this ceremony Orthodox Jews do. I have photographs but out of respect, I won’t post them. It’s a ceremony they do with Jewish toddlers when they’re first taught Hebrew.
A rabbi comes round and he sits next to the little Jewish kid and shows them the Torah. And next to them they have two bowls. One of bread, and one of honey. And they dip the bread in the honey when the kid learns the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
And when the little Jewish child says that word, Aleph, the rabbi places a piece of honey-soaked bread in their mouth. So they will literally taste the sweetness of the first letter of the Jewish language. A 3,000 year old language. One of the oldest on earth.
And this isn’t all Jews do when it comes to family and children. They have Sabbaths, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Purim, Hanukkah. Many others. All revolving around the story of the Jews. How much persecution they have overcome. How much their children mean to them.
Jews have spent more than 2,000 years being persecuted. Enslaved. Massacred. For what? Fucking nothing. The most harm you can say Jews ever committed against others are millennia old biblical claims about ‘Canaanites’ we know aren’t true anyway.
Literally NOTHING. Believe me, I have spent over a decade indulging neo-Nazis online. I let them speak freely and tell me what their issue with Jews is. And not one thing, NOT ONE, has any basis in fact or reality. I gave them a chance. Fucking nothing.
Instead, I have a whole YEAR of academic, verifiable texts I can refer to. Facts that Jews were inexplicably persecuted by Crusaders (seriously, nobody knows why lmao), driven out of this, massacred by that, enslaved there. Endless. 2,000 fucking years of this shit, man.
Then the Holocaust happens. People love to excuse themselves. “Oh, the Nazis were evil”. “The Nazis were awful!”. “So bad!”. “Such fascists!”. “We could just never be like them!”. Delusional. Pure delusion and cope.
The Nazis didn’t come out nowhere. They didn’t arise out a vacuum. The Nazis weren’t a blip. The Nazis were the CULMINATION of CENTURIES of petty, everyday little Jew-hatreds. A lie here. A gossipy little rumour there. The steady chipping away of the idea Jews were human at all.
And we spend 80 odd years fooling ourselves we got this. We eradicated the Nazis so Jews are all good now. After all, we’re all anti-racist and shit and hella progressive. We got internet and plasma TVs and some billionaire is building rockets to go to Mars. What Nazis?
And then 7 October, 2023 happens. Approximately 78 years since the last gas chamber of Auschwitz shuts down. And here we are again. Jews massacred. Jews shoved into rooms and murdered by fire and grenades. Jewish children tortured in front of their Mothers. What Nazis amirite.
And through this all I’m watching.
I’m watching and seeing humble Jewish homes. Not rich people. Farmers. Labourers. Small, neat little houses. No wealth. Worn out sofas. Tidy and small bedrooms with comfortable bed linen. The homes of ordinary, hardworking people. Before the Nazis came for them again.
And I watch and see these people not call for blood or vengeance. Neo-Nazis love to claim Jews have so much ‘power’. They ‘control’ everything. Where? I watch and see the likes of the antisemite BBC and others falsely accuse Jews of atrocities without a shred of proof.
I watch @elonmusk, the richest man on earth who owns this platform, just casually offer free internet to the Nazis who tortured Jewish children by cutting off their limbs and leaving them to bleed to death in front of their raped and brutalised and kidnapped Mothers.
I watch that great epicentre of ‘Jewish control’, Hollywood, do fucking nothing. Their actresses, who’ve made careers out of playing worthless scum, cape and jape for the Nazis of 7 October. Desperately splaying themselves for even a moment of Nazi approval. Slobbering.
I watch and I see Jews. Desperate to have their hostages back. I watch them put up posters of kidnapped babies only to have them torn down. I watch as they plead with the fucking UN. I watch as they beg for help. From governments. NGOs. The press. Feminists. Anyone. And nothing.
Nobody. Nobody comes to the aid of Jews. And suddenly I realise what it must have felt like to be a decent guy in 11th century England. Or 15th century Venice. Or 20th century France. And it just hits man. Nothing has changed. Here we are again. Again. Jews massacred. For NOTHING
And they just aren’t like us.
If what had happened to Jews on the 7th October had happened to ANY other country or culture on earth, we would’ve opened the gates of hell. We would not give a fuck about them, their kids, nothing. Look what we did at Jerusalem. Dresden. Pragas. Cyprus. Constantinople.
Thousands of years of bloodletting. Not one fuck given. Imagine if some foreign force came into the UK and massacred 1,400 British civilians and raped and burned alive British mothers and children. Do you think we would give one solitary fuck in retaliation? No lol.
And yet Jews don’t. It’s not just that they are held to a higher standard by every other fucker (the very definition of antisemitism), they themselves DON’T want to. They’ve spent 3,000 fucking years losing their beloved family members. They don’t want any of this shit.
They warn and send texts and answer to fucking Biden and Macron and whatever clown is currently (temporarily) occupying the British Premiership. The same old, same old imperialists who so indifferently held Jewish lives in their hands for so many centuries. All over again. AGAIN.
And I watch and I see IDF soldiers forlornly play violins on tanks. Help evacuating Palestinians. Bring incubators for babies. Painstakingly give daily briefings. Smile. And be brave. And dance and sing with each other. And sit down for Shabbat meals in candlelight.
And I think to myself: “these people, these Jews, they are not like us”. They are better. They just want to live. To have homes. To have their beloved children. Safe. Somewhere far away from EVERY OTHER COUNTRY on earth that has persecuted them. Always defending. Never attacking.
Jews are not like us. They’re not sprawling individualists, or pathologically insane societal cultists. Jews are a family. They’ve spent 3,000 years honing and refining everything a family is. Every generation of Jew that has ever lived has lost someone in their family.
No other other culture gets how vital family is. From filling a baby’s mouth with honey, to turning out in thousands to mourn a fallen IDF soldier they never even knew. From fussing Jewish mothers at Shabbat dinners, to Jewish fathers desperately looking for their shot daughter.
So, yes. Jews are better than us. Imagine if humanity stopped thinking of itself as races or nations or fealties or ideologies. Imagine if we just thought of ourselves as one big family. And that is the lesson of our great Jewish Family brethren. We must protect them at all costs
And yes, I went on but this is likely the last time I’ll do a long thread so just deal. I do mean this, though. We are living in a new age of pogroms against Jews that haven’t been since the dark ages. You MUST defend and protect them. Protect your soul. Do not surrender to evil.
Thank you for so many kind and thoughtful replies. I will not be deleting. To our Jewish friends especially, I want to make sure you know this: you are NOT alone. Your fight is OUR fight, and just as Israel will win, TOGETHER so will we. Take heart. God loves you. We love you.
Please follow Campaign Against Antisemitism @antisemitism who are organising what will hopefully be the largest national rally against antisemitism in UK history. Next Sunday, 26 November. Follow. Boost. Tell everyone you know. Let’s do this.

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Oct 18, 2023
I’ve been meaning to do a thread on this. Just a little slice of history on Jewish people because a lot of people think antisemitism arose with the Nazis when, in fact, they were a symptom of its festering in Europe for centuries. This history also proves why Israel is necessary.
I’m not doing academic language or bothering with dates other than broadly. This is a rough outline of something that actually occurred. If you are interested in it or reading further, I recommend literally anything by Norman Solomon, formerly of the University of Manchester.
So, Jews have been in Venice from about the 12th century. They were isolated to an island off Venice and refused permission onto Venice itself. By the 14th century, they were allowed onto Venice for limited periods to work in especially finance and general trade.
Read 14 tweets
Aug 20, 2023
For the avoidance of any doubt, I’ve set out the actionable statements of @PeterTatchell against @Glinner in @Roolockwood’s ambush, & attached relevant defences in DA 2013. Accusing someone, without evidence, of the crime of (aggravated) incitement to commit crime is 💯% libel.

There’s a lot of confusion on English defamation where people think if they say things vaguely enough, it can’t be actionable. Incorrect. What matters is the imputation of your words - what you INTENDED people understand when you say or convey them.
This is why the Act is very clear the words complained of can be specific, or GENERAL. This was all helpfully elucidated on in Koutsogiannis, 2019 where the court said:

“iii) The ultimate question is how the word would strike the ordinary reasonable reader”.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 28, 2023
INTERNET STORY TIME: Imma just post about this because all the hysteria around @ValidLs reminds me of it. This is genuinely the funniest happening on the internet of all time. And I want to share with you what that was: the great 4chan raid on Tumblr 2014. Gather round, children.
So, the beginnings of this are still a little murky to me but effectively, someone posted on 4chan’s /pol/ board that Tumblr was angry with 4chan and intended to raid them. This means they were basically going to fuck up the board with Tumblr shit. This was the night before.
Now. I’m just going to preface ALL of this by saying that most of what you see now of the whole trans ideology shit did actually originate on Tumblr. They were doing this shit over 10 years ago. A giant hugbox of cope and burbling bullshit at each other.
Read 23 tweets
Apr 28, 2023
They’ve put me on some drug to reduce this thing preliminary to surgery and one of its most bizarre side-effects is my alcohol tolerance is completely shot. One drink and I’m on my face. Kinda upsetting me. Although I’m not supposed to be drinking at all lmao
I really need to grow up. Seriously. I never realised before what I horribly negative and self-involved person I am. All my life I thought that was the best way to deal with traumatic situations but the exact opposite is true; it makes you weak and pathetic and it’s just useless.
I’d see films or listen to stories from cancer patients and think all the positivity was just coping. It really isn’t. If you don’t have the right attitude, and you don’t separate the fear from your day to day life & just stay positive but determined you are fucked. Just fucked.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 28, 2023
Just seen this email now. Apparently reporting Tweets now gets you bricked. I’ve also never “over-reported” anything, @ellagirwin. Very occasionally, a tweet might be both slurring, etc. AND threatening violence so yes, I’ll hit it twice. But that’s a your system problem, not me. Image
Going to use this thread as a record of what I do report so that when they nuke my account, it’ll be abundantly obvious it’s because Irwin has a personal issue with me.

First report made today. Seems obviously against TOS. But then who knows any more. Image
And this is my inbox for the 7 days up until receiving the threatening email in OP. You’ll note I made a total of two reports over that period; one of which was for the obvious death threat on the right that @TwitterSupport & @ellagirwin are punishing me for reporting. ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Apr 26, 2023
I used to be such a cynic about the NHS but man, the treatment I’ve received over the past 8 weeks or so has been so extraordinary it’s hard to articulate. There were times when I just wanted to give up but it’s like this relentless behemoth underneath you that just won’t stop.
The specialists, the oncology nurses, the MRI and CAT teams, the anaesthesiologists, the day care teams, the biopsy advisors, the radiologists, the barrage of emails adding me to endless researchers. It’s been so overwhelming & I’m out the other side and honestly I’m just in awe.
Your life may mean nothing to you, but they just don’t care. For the first time in my life, I realised my life actually matters. They just wouldn’t stop & they didn’t give a fuck what I thought. My life truly mattered to them and I’m just speechless at how profound that is.
Read 10 tweets

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