I don't care if you think it's allergies.
I don't care if you think it's flu.
I don't care if you tested positive for strep.
I don't care if you tested positive for flu.
I don't care if you think it's RSV.
I don't care if you think it's pneumonia.*
You can have all of this and still have COVID at the same time.
You might be okay.
Your partner might be okay.
Your kids might be okay.
Even your parents and grandparents might be okay.
Who else will get this when you don't stop transmission?
Who else will die when you don't stop transmission?
Who else will develop long COVID and lose everything they've known?
Your best friend?
Your daughter?
Your neighbor?
Your spouse?
Your grandmother?
The stranger who won't even know where they caught it?
There truly are no risk factors when it comes to COVID.
I've seen healthy triathletes taken down.
I've seen healthy children taken down.
I've seen military service members taken down.
I've seen people who have ideal diets taken down.
I've seen people with no medical history whatsoever taken down.
I've seen them die.
I've seen them develop long COVID.
I've seen them die from long COVID.
And odds are unfortunately good that if you don't take precautions, especially going into the holidays, I'll see you go through this, too.
I don't want that for you. I wish people understood this.
I hope they never understand this.
Please, test.
Please, mask.**
Please, don't be around others when you have symptoms.
If you need a good mask:
If you need tests:
Four from the US gov:
If you have insurance, 8 RATs and 2 PCRs:
Until we put public health first, we will never have personal health.
*Tuberculosis, RSV, avian flu, strep: all things going around right now.
**Masks matter. Most transmission happens before symptoms are present.
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In front of friends at a party. It stung, but I tried to move past it.
"You're weird," he kept telling me.
At home, in front of friends, in front of family.
At one point, I replied, "It hurts when you say that."
"Oh, you know I'm just kidding," as he tried to brush it off.
"No, I don't. I don't know you're kidding. I don't think you are."
I eventually ended up leaving him. I left him not because of the petty jabs but because he never understood me, because I launched
into a new life with him, excited about possibilities, and after a while, I looked up -- and he was nowhere to be found. I'm not sure he ever left the starting blocks.
He's not the first person to call me weird, but every person who has is not currently in my sphere of comfort.
I took an Uber yesterday wearing my @flo_mask, as usual. The driver and I chatted about the gig economy at first. He asked me what another local service was like, one that I use to get to work. I shared my experiences.
He went on to tell me he was going to a training program out of town soon. We inevitably (and thankfully) broached the subject of COVID. He said he had been having strange new symptoms for about a year. I listened, and then told him my experiences, & why I stopped driving.
He was shocked. He had never heard anything about long COVID, other than thinking it was from the vaccines. I explained to him how a third of the people in my support group were sick in March 2020 -- a year before they were available.
This @USSupremeCourt dealt devastating blows to the country today, seizing power with privilege granted through shady back room deals and bribes. Lives are on the line, including mine.
Two years ago, they made me unsafe by stripping my right to an abortion. I'm 47. I'm done. But in Missouri, if I'm raped, which happens when you're homeless, it could kill me. My state has some of the more draconian enforcement measures.
Today, they also stripped the executive branch of much of its power, seizing it for themselves in the Chevron case.
Hi. My name is Amanda Finley, and I live in Kansas City. This is not the first time youβve heard from me. It wonβt be the last, either. I got sick with COVID the first time on March 6, 2020. I never got better.
I got worse.
And things got worse. I lost my home when my lease wasnβt renewed in July 2020. After bouncing between friends who gave me COVID again, I wound up in a tent at Weston Bend State Park.
I got back into housing two years later, but was sick too often at work and lost that home in April 2024.
And Iβm speaking to you now from my tent in the woods.
For Women's Day, I don't want to slight anyone by omission, so let's take a look back at easily one of the most amazing women in history: Hildegard von Bingen.
Born 1098 in Bemershein vor der Hohe, Germany, in an upper class family. Visions and headaches started at age 3 1/
By age 7, her parents sent her to live in a convent, where she was placed in the care of Jutta von Sponheim, who was her elder by 6 years. She was taught to read, write, play psaltery, and joined the order at the age 14. 2/
Jutta passed away in 1136 and was replaced by Hildegard. Several years after becoming abbess, she began receiving more vivid visions, so frequent that she was often bedridden. 3/
Four years ago today, I left work early. I wasn't feeling well and knew something was not right. It was wildly out of character for me to go home on a busy weekend night, but something was just really off.
I had no idea that I would wind up splashed all over the news, 1/9
that I wouldn't be alone, that I would lose so many people I love, that so few people simply wouldn't care.
The things "friends" say to those with long COVID:
"Call me when you're fun again."
"Isn't it just being tired? I'm tired, too"
"You just need to exercise." 2/9
"Have you tried essential oils?"
"You know it's just a flu, right?"
"Why are you wearing a mask? Are you sick?"
"Did you get the vaccine?"
"You need to get over it already."
They don't ask about the 16 friends I've lost to COVID and long COIVD. They don't ask about 3/9