🇪🇺Bombshell Conference on vaccines.
Marcel de GRAAFF and other MEPs: "Shocking facts from EMA" [Nov. 21, 2023].
Explosive revelations during yesterday's press conference at the European Parliament.
Full press conference:
Dutch MEP Marcel de Graaff, German MEP Joachim Kuhs, activist Willem Engel, and medical advisor Vibeke Manniche discuss the shocking revelations contained in the letter from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) dated October 18, 2023, a letter in response to the request
for suspension of marketing authorizations for Covid-19 vaccines submitted by M. de Graaff and J. Kuhs themselves.
It appears from the EMA letter that the use of Covid vaccines had been allowed for individual immunization, not to control infection and absolutely not to prevent
or reduce infection.
No one under the age of 60 was at risk of serious complications, so except in special cases, no one should have been vaccinated. Massive government campaigns to vaccinate to protect loved ones were not only unauthorized but completely senseless.
Full sports arenas were in blatant contrast to the use for which the vaccine had been authorized by the EMA.
Even the method of reporting adverse effects chosen by government policies has not followed Ema's guidance,making surveillance ineffective and informed consent impossible.
Any innovation derived from the use of genetic engineering techniques is to be considered the same as a GMO and subject to specific regulations.
The mRNA is not human and is part of GMOs but they have not been complied with.
The EMA had been informed that some batches,
termed "blue," were creating far more numerous and serious side effects, yet no one intervened. M. de Graaff stated:
"Governments should be held accountable for their lies and deception."
Data updates for EudraVigilance
Data status 11/20/2023
- Update of the EMA data (cf. data as at 13.11.2023):
→ 2,266,087 cases (+682)
→ 28,452 deaths (+18)
→ 658,340 serious side effects (+83)
- Children affected:
→ 43,581 cases (-11)
→ 272 deaths (+0)
→ 16,096 serious side effects (-20)
EudraVigilance tables Covid vaccination:
Please bare with me… I just read an article about it, and I will share with u guys. And I must say: it is a very interesting hypothesis and a real possibility (since we can’t really investigate what has happened).
So here we go👇🏻
“At some point last year, JJ started talking about infectious clones as a hypothesis that COVID-19 was at least partially the result of the release of a particular form of genetically engineered virions called "clones". It took me some time to understand what he tried to explain
to me over the phone, but fortunately it turns out that my wife makes clones for research in her lab. I learned a fair bit about the topic from the two of them. In order to best understand the topic, I'm going to briefly explain (to the best of my ability) the difference between
New study suggest that airborne transmission of antibodies may occur between vaxxed with COVID-19 unvaxxed:the propensity for this transmission is directly related to the amount of nasal/oral antibodies found in those who have been vaxxed.
📍 Evidence for Aerosol Transfer of SARS-CoV-2–Specific Humoral Immunity
This type of shedding is called "passive immunization," where antibodies — primarily IgA — are actually exchanged between individuals via respiratory droplets, Brian Hooker, chief scientist at Children's Health Defense, who has a doctorate in biochemical engineering, wrote in
🇪🇺🦗Will Food Containing Insects Be Clearly Labelled In The EU?
The fine print requires that the cricket powder be clearly labelled. The packaging must also state that the "ingredient may cause allergic reactions to consumers with known allergies to crustaceans, molluscs,
This statement "shall appear in close proximity to the list of ingredients" - so you'll be able to tell if insect powder has been added to your favourite biscuits or cereal.
A European Commission spokesperson confirmed this via email to Euronews saying:
"Mandatory food information must be available for both prepacked and non-prepacked foods. The indication of allergens is mandatory and must be provided to consumers where foods are offered for sale prepacked or without pre-packaging."
Without Warning: mRNA Could Be in the Food Supply Before We Know It - Dr. Peter McCullough
Messenger RNA has shown to be transmissible through the GI tract, reported Dr. McCullough.
"The Cattlemen's Association has come out with a statement saying they oppose
transparency legislation [HB 1169] and that currently, there's no mRNA in the food supply in beef. However, the USDA on their website has active projects using messenger RNA for the bovine respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) — active RNA vaccination programs right now that are in
testing. So before we know it, messenger RNA could be in the food supply."
Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, epidemiologist, cardiologist, and our Chief Scientific Officer at The Wellness Company.
Upside Foods opened the largest synthetic meat factory in the world. It's designed to grow thousands of pounds of chicken, beef and pork. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…