1/10 I arrived at Kyiv on Friday afternoon to participate at the ceremonies of the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor, the man-made famine that claimed the lives of millions of Ukrainians in 1932-33.
2/10 I started the day with a bilateral meeting with the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Mr Stefanchuk. The Finnish Ambassador was also present.
3/10 The topics discussed included the aid to Ukraine, the EU and Nato integration, the Global South, and the Russian hybrid operation on the Finnish border.
4/10 I had the pleasure to hand to Mr Stefanchuk a joint declaration of the leaders of our parliamentary groups and the majority of our MPs, in which the Holodomor is recognized as a genocide against the Ukrainian nation.
5/10 Mr Stefanchuk was grateful for the gesture and asked to pass his greetings to the leaders and the parliamentary friendship group on whose initiative the statement was prepared.
6/10 Courtesy of the Ambassador, I visited the Finnish embassy in which I worked 25 years ago and heard touching accounts from the local employees, many of whom the war had personally touched in one way or another.
Two of them were my old colleagues!
7/10 At night, Russia launched a massive drone attack against Kyiv. 71 out of 75 drones were shot down. There were some injuries from debris. I and advisor Saarinen sat in the bomb shelter from 2am to 9am, listening to explosions and anti-aircraft fire.
8/10 In the morning I placed a candle on the Holodomor memorial together with my fellow Speakers from Belgium, Czech Republic, Ireland and Poland.
9/10 After that, we had a warm talk with President Zelensky and took a group photo.
10/10 Finally, I had the great honor to address the Plenary of the Verkhovna Rada. In my speech I said the events of the February 24 last year stirred in us painful memories of our own historical experiences.
Taltiointi löytyy täältä, alkaa ajassa 00.38.20.
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1/15 My address to the diplomatic corps at the Helsinki Cathedral on the 3rd anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine:
2/15 Few of us could have anticipated three years ago that we would still be here in February 2025. Mr Putin expected to take Kyiv in three days and install a puppet government, and – in all honesty – much of the West shared this expectation. It did not materialize.
3/15 The Russian tyrant had overestimated the capabilities of his corrupt military and underestimated the willingness of the Ukrainians to defend their country.
1/12 My congratulations to @realDonaldTrump and @JDVance on winning the presidency of the oldest continuous democracy in the world!
Some quick thoughts on the situation:
2/12 During the campaign, the media and the liberals have repeatedly called Mr Trump a clown, a conman, a fascist, a felon, incompetent, and whatnot.
Yet, he won the election. What does that say about the rival and their agenda? They lost the election to Mr Trump.
3/12 This reminds me of Ewan McGregor's rant about being Scottish in 'Trainspotting':
- Some people hate the English, I don't! They're just wankers! We, on the other hand, are colonised by wankers! Can't even find a decent culture to be colonised by!
1/5 Integrating Ukraine to the West is as important to the West as it is to Ukraine. The membership process in itself gives Ukraine a strong incentive to introduce and implement reforms that the country needs in order to be a stronger country.
2/5 Ukraine needs to be an internally strong country, because an internally weak Ukraine was and will be an attractive target for Russian hybrid and conventional aggressions. A weak Ukraine would be a constant problem for Europe.
3/5 The membership process must be based on mutual trust: if progress is made by Ukraine, the process WILL go forward; and the process goes forward ONLY if progress is made.
1/17 Pieni osa suomalaisista poliitikoista, suuri osa mediasta ja valtaosa "ihmisoikeusprofessoreista" on sitä mieltä, että turvapaikanhakijat eivät ole uhka ja että kaikki Venäjän rajalle kuskaamat afgaanit, jemeniläiset ja somalit tulee ottaa sisään, koska he ovat hädänalaisia.
2/17 Somaliasta, Afganistanista ja Jemenistä on hyvin pitkä matka Suomeen. Rajalle tulevat henkilöt eivät ole tuhansien kilometrien matkaa rämpineitä, sotaa pakenevia ihmisiä. He ovat oleskelleet Venäjällä syystä tai toisesta ja statuksella tai toisella.
3/17 He eivät ilmesty rajalle siksi, että heistä olisi juuri nyt tullut Venäjällä hädänalaisia, vaan siksi, että Venäjä syystä tai toisesta haluaa heidän tulevan Suomeen juuri nyt. Venäjä kuljettaa heitä busseilla rajalle, ja Venäjä on varustanut heidät matkaa varten.
1/7 90 years ago a man-made famine claimed the lives of millions of Ukrainians in then-Soviet Ukraine and adjacent regions of Russia, Moldova and Kazakhstan. The tragedy is widely known by its Ukrainian name, holodomor.
2/7 25 states and the European Parliament have recognized holodomor as a genocide against the Ukrainian nation and part of the Soviet effort to crush Ukraine as a cultural and ethnic entity.
3/7 The question of recognition by the Finnish parliament has been raised several times by our Ukrainian friends, most recently at my meetings with the Ukrainian ambassador @OlgaDibrova1 and the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada @r_stefanchuk.
1/3 Artikkelin mukaan sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö sekä opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö ovat myöntäneet kyseiselle "SS-miesten yhdistykselle" yhteensä 223 000 euron avustukset.
2/3 Tukipäätöksiä ovat siis kaiketi tehneet vasemmistoliiton ministerit Aino-Kaisa Pekonen, Hanna Sarkkinen ja Li Andersson.
3/3 Ymmärränkö oikein, että on oikein antaa "SS-miesten yhdistykselle" 223 000 euroa valtion tukea mutta väärin vaatia tuen kasvattamista 45 000 eurolla?