I am to remove my mask in order to appear “normal,” so that I can get sick 2-3 times per year, which…is not normal.
Then, if I die or become disabled, it must be because I am somehow “defective” and disposable. /1
I am supposed to risk a 1:10 chance per Covid infection of long term symptoms, many of which can be disabling, and I am also supposed to apply for and be denied disability at least 3 times before I receive far less than I need to meet basic living expenses. All totally normal /2
I am also supposed to risk my child’s health, whether or not she is immunocompromised, and disallow her from masking so that people can see her smile. /3
If I cannot take off a mask to fit the social norm, I’m supposed to stay home, because if you need to go out in a mask (or a wheelchair, or with an assistance dog), you’re far too sick to exist outside of your home. /4
Oh, but if I stay home, getting sick will also be my fault because of the TotallyReal™️ phenomenon of “immune debt.” Fascinating. /5
I’m supposed to exercise my freedom and personal responsibility, but only at the time and manner of your choosing. Cool cool.
I’m personally responsible for an immune compromised child who deserves to freely exist in the world just like yours.
So we don’t love it, but we mask.
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My presidential candidate platform partial wishlist:
1. Stand behind a renewed VRA. Hand marked paper ballots for all federal elections with money to states to support the same at the local level. No excuse needed vote by mail. Support for disabled voters. 🧵
2. Support small businesses by allowing their employees more affordable, portable healthcare options, including the choice to buy into Medicare early.
I still support Medicare for All, but giving people a full range of choices that includes early Medicare is the minimum. /2
3. Commit to halving class sizes in public schools and improving the quality of virtual education. We need to build more pandemic resistant education infrastructure, and that also includes clean air and universal ventilation standards. /3
In the early 80’s, AIDS patients were afraid to be public about the cause of their various pneumonias, fungal infections, and cancers. When they succumbed to the virus, their families often cited one of these other causes, or declined to give information. /🧵
In most places in the US, media and the rumor mill, aided by initial terrible public health communication, led people to believe that it was only a “gay” disease, or one that heavy drug users got and somehow deserved. (Unequivocally: no one deserves it.) /2
The thing was…I was sick a lot. Constant strep, bronchitis, the works. But I was a kid. I was a kid in the time when kids didn’t get AIDS for reasons people felt were obvious
You would have been called all the names people have called me recently for suggesting the possibility
“You do you,” may sound like freedom, but it is ultimately control through chaos.
In messaging the removal of the inhibiting precept of social responsibility, the ultra wealthy profit by pitting us against ourselves. 🧵
If you can be convinced that unfettered access to weapons of war is a necessary precondition of freedom, you can also be convinced that those who think differently do not value freedom
You can be convinced that violence is just the cost of doing business while gunmakers profit/2
They are profiting from the conflict they created.
“You do you,” helps the manufacturers resist social responsibility that could be imposed by duly elected leaders. There is profit there, too.
But as long as you think someone else is the enemy, the charade works. /3
Sometimes I think about the fact that the passengers on the Titanic knew about how many people there were on board, and had opportunity to take stock of how many life boats there were in the days prior to the iceberg. 🧵
There were observable facts that should have caused them to demand every lifeboat was as full as possible before it was lowered, but the propaganda was that the ship was unsinkable. /2
As the first lifeboats were lowered, survivors reported no signs of panic. That is largely due to the crew insisting that another ship would be by presently, and the fact that the band played on.
Nothing to see here. Everything is urgently normal. /3
So, adventures in airborne pathogens. We’re at @childrensatl for an infusion. This is a story about why we need to #KeepMasksInHealthcare @SecBecerra @HHSGov 🧵
Our first stop was the check-in desk, where we were greeted by an unmasked woman who said “Hello,” looked at our whole ass respirators and said, “You *know* masks are no longer *required.*”
Lady, I don’t know how to tell you this but if people are wearing N95s, they NEED them /2
Here’s why approaching people like that is wrong and unethical @childrensatl:
In medicine, there is an inherent power imbalance. People are sick and seeking care. Choosing - unprompted - to let me know that masks are not required feels very much like pressure to unmask. /3
The anonymous author (protected for security reasons) mentions quite successful temporary lockdowns in other parts of China. This is the way forward, should we finally decide to choose a different path. Here’s an outline…/2
Logistically, zero-Covid is a nightmare in a large country like the US. However, it’s achievable if you begin with small *willing* localities/regions and expand from there - allowing for a brief time only travel within the cleared region, and support area businesses. /3