Think it's an exaggeration to talk about "McCarthyism" with respect to efforts to shut down criticism of Israel? I give you: HR 6578, intro'd 12/5, a bipartisan bill to create equivalent of the House Un-American Activities Committee - but this time targeting critics of Israel.
This bill would create new Congressional body with broad subpoena authority to force Americans to testify & produce "evidence" related to the committee's mission to "investigate the facts and causes of antisemitism in the present day"
Under this bill, every member of the committee - who serve for the life of the committee - has the authority to do everything the committee is authorized to do.
And note that if called to testify or produce evidence, under this bill you can't plead the 5th. Under this bill you are legally required to self-incriminate.
And for folks who say, "ntisemitism is surging - this is necessary" - I'd note:
(1) the intent behind this bill is EXCLUSIVELY to target criticism of Israel & Zionism. This is clear from the whereas clauses (100% about Oct 7 & its aftermath) and from the press release.
(2) the agenda behind this bill is clear from the fact that nothing like this was introduced during the Trump era or since to deal with surging antisemitism in the form of open activities by white supremacists & literal NAZIS in the US
(3) The Biden Admin has produced a massive initiative to fight antisemitism. The Admin doesn't need advice from a Congressional commission designed to showcase (more) grandstanding, anti-Palestinian & anti-free speech campaigners & to subject US citizens to witch hunts.
This is just a breathtaking piece of legislation.
That the GOP wants to formally open an era of modern McCarthyism, w/ criticism of Israel/fake concern about antisemitism as hooks to target progressive Americans, is no surprise.
That 4 Democrats joined is just mind-boggling.
No surprise AIPAC is backing this bill. But, you guessed it, so is the ADL!
Yes, for the sake of suppressing criticism of Israel the ADL is backing a 2023 version of the McCarthyist witch hunt that destroyed the lives of countless Jewish Americans. Take that in.
Also worth noting: The bill doesn't explicitly mention the IHRA definition of antisemitism, but instead copies-and-pastes the IHRA definition of antisemitism, without listing its examples...
Given that many/most cosponsors are on the record backing the IHRA definition (incl its examples) & given that adoption/enforcement of IHRA (incl examples) is a core AIPAC & the ADL goal, it's fair to read the bill as embracing the IHRA definition, incl its examples.
ADL is all-in supporting/promoting the new witch hunt -- which would seek to destroy the lives of Americans who dare to criticize Israel, including Jewish Americans:
Great thread below from @seth_binder on some of the notable things in the supplemental. For the details-obsessed types, I'm going to add to it here with details of all Israel/Mideast-related funding in the bill.
@seth_binder The bill provides up to $4.4 billion for Israel under DOD 'Operation & Maintenance', 'Procurement', & 'Revolving & Management Funds' for "replacement, through new procurement or repair of existing unserviceable equipment, of defense articles from the stocks of the" DOD...
@seth_binder & "for reimbursement for defense services of the Department of Defense and military education and training, provided to or identified for provision to the government of Israel or to foreign countries that have provided support to Israel at the request of the United States..."
As people contemplate the broader implications of the US/Europe giving israel carte blanche to massacre Palestinian civilians in Gaza, note that Israel’s justification - endorsed fully by the US/Europe - is based on a complete overturning of the most basic law of war.
The US (admin & Congress) & Europe have 100% bought Israel’s argument that Hamas bears full responsibility for every civilian Israel kills/injures, for every bit of civilian infrastructure it destroys.
This logic - that Hamas started it & therefore anything that happens is on them - in effect absolves Israel of both agency & responsibility for ANYTHING it does to Palestinian civilians, including deliberately attacking them.
Looking at the Swiss govt’s just-announced decision to “suspend” funding for Israeli & Palestinian human rights NGOs, the phrase that keeps running through my head is: the cruelty IS the point. An enraged 🧵.
Here's the Swiss announcement:
Earlier today it included a link to the NGOs the Swiss whose funding the Swiss are suspending. That link seems to be gone but here's is a screenshot:…
The Swiss say they're targeting some of the most important human rights defenders on both sides of the Green Line, “In view of the new situation that has prevailed since the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October and the resumption of hostilities in the Middle East”
With a respect to the obscene “but they voted for Hamas” argument being used to dehumanize & justify genocide again Palestinians in Gaza — 3 key points: 🧵
1) most of “them” — the Palestinians being bombed/killed/injured/displaced in Gaza today —
have never voted for Hamas (or anyone). The election that Hamas won took place in 2006 - 17 YRS AGO ago. Most people in Gaza were either small children or not yet born in 2006.
2) In 2006, Hamas didn’t run on a “kill the Jews” platform. It ran as “The party of change & reform” on a platform boiling down to: the other guys are corrupt & for 15 yrs have achieved nothing—time to throw them out. For most voters, a vote for Hamas was a vote against Fatah.
We are watching Israel commit large scale genocide/ethnic cleansing in real time, with the US govt and much of the organized Jewish community justifying it, defending it, materially supporting it, celebrating it and quite literally cheering it on.
In a few generations my people went from surviving genocide to reveling in doing same to Palestinians - in revenge for Hamas’s heinous acts this week, but more fundamentally as revenge for Palestinians daring to exist & not letting us forget what Israel’s done to them for 75 yrs.
You can have compassion for Israelis without dehumanizing Palestinians or ignoring the structural violence and oppression of Israeli occupation and apartheid.
You can support Israelis’ right to not be massacred by Hamas without giving Israel license to commit genocide.
Yesterday the ADL published its "Audit of Antisemitic Incidents 2022."
Some observations re the ADL's continued conflation of criticism of Israel w/ antisemitism & its continued elevating this fake "new antisemitism" over ACTUAL antisemitism.
You can follow along on the report itself, which is here:
First, the ADL continues to adopt the approach that criticism/activism of defining Israel/Zionism as antisemitism if that criticism makes some Jewish supporters of Israel, especially students, unhappy/uncomfortable. This is outreageous.