Mainly positive. Some head-scratchers but no major stuff-ups.
Some things bode well for 2024, but research funding remains shockingly low – cue the "waiting for the Universities Accord" mantra.
But first, an “ARC Year in Review”🧵👇
Overall, we’ve moved from Ministers & an ARC that didn’t seem to see researchers or hear anything they said, to a Minister & ARC who's seen the mounting problems, listened to advice, and started to act.
It’s worth reading that again. Not bad.
Not finished, but a welcome change.
The ARC improved many “little” things for researchers this year – things within their power.
For the first time, they advertised when we can expect outcomes for all schemes, allowing proper planning etc.
There was an official announcement, with a video, very shortly after the same people told Senate Estimates they were still working on the process & couldn’t possibly give further details⤵️
(I actually think was a low point for ARC this year.)
I think there’s a good chance this 2-stage process will save most researchers & reviewers substantial time.
There’s obvious potential for problems but – given how catastrophically low DP funding is now – a simpler, more straight-forward “entry point” is worth trying.
Taken together, all these improvements really make for a markedly better ARC system.
Worth saying thanks to the ARC @arc_gov_au for implementing all this within a year.
I hope that momentum can be maintained, especially while searching for a new CEO.
But what’s that about “catastrophically low DP funding”? Yeah, it’s the worst it’s ever been ⤵️
Without *at least* doubling ARC’s budget, Australia’s basic research capacity – where big things start small – will die completely.
The way the ARC announce grant outcomes is still totally bonkers.
ARC tinkered this year with tweeting when RMS has new outcomes (ahem), then heads-up tweets when outcomes were imminent (but not when available). Plus an outright stuff-up or two, e.g.⤵️
It’s fantastic to finally be changing the actual legislation, not just adjusting “little” things – changing how the ARC *can* work, not just how it does some things.
@MargaretSheil et al.’s work went public in April⤵️
Thanks to a Senate Order from the Coalition (!), we also saw the ARC’s commissioned review into their handling of grant processes, & it hits the mark in many ways⤵️
Hopefully this leads to further improvements in 2024 – a mandate for the new CEO.
BUT, what the ARC really needs is much more money.
The Unis Accord report is on the Minister’s desk. Does it recommend the massive funding increases needed? Will Government make good on its constant promise to more-than-double R&D spending?
Oh, and #RaiseTheStipend!
I hope the Universities Accord strongly recommends a huge increase to the minimum government PhD stipend. Any hints, @JasonClareMP?
Many PhD students live below the poverty line. That’s simply disgraceful.
#DECRA #DE25 applications were opened yesterday by ARC.
As with the Laureates & Futures, the DECRA app form has been significantly reduced in length & complexity.
IMO, this is a Very Good Thing, *especially* for an early-career researcher scheme.
Short 🧵 on the changes👇
Firstly, like any change in ARC land, it’s not perfect, & will be annoying for re-submitters.
My advice: Don’t try to just squeeze old stuff into the new form. Re-assess what’s really most important for the assessors to see, esp. what differentiates you from other applicants.
There’s a very welcome shift in relative weights of the selection criteria:
Investigator weight went down from 50 to 35%, & Project went up from 20 to 35%
(how was Project only 20%?!?!).
Feasibility & Benefit are both now 15% each (were 10).
The National Interest Test (NIT) was introduced by the previous Coalition Government.
It's a smoke screen for idealogical vetoing of humanities grants they want to parade in front of their supporters and ridicule, e.g.⤵️…
It's an easy, lazy sell.
As "wise" former Minister @DanTehanWannon said, as he introduced it,
"NIT will give Minister of the day confidence to look Australian voter in the eye & say, ‘your money is being spent wisely’" ▶️…
ARC's Linkage Program – 40% of its budget – is being moved more & more towards manufacturing & commercialisation. Minister's recent edict demands 70% go to these ends: ▶️…
If there's new $ for commercialisation, stop using ARC's budget for the same thing.
I promised a thread to explain the huge ARC eligibility issue that's affected #FutureFellowships & #DECRA so far, and will enormously impact #DiscoveryProjects as well.
Honestly, it's possibly @arc_gov_au's lowest point yet.
What's happened? Brace yourself.
The @arc_gov_au has ruled *dozens* of fellowship grants ineligible because the applications cited "preprints".
Not just in the applicants' publication list, but *anywhere* in the app.
Not just those co-authored by the applicant, but *any* "preprint".
Now more than 20 researchers have publicly stated or DMed that they've been ruled ineligible 'coz they've cited a "preprint". There'll be many more, of course.